Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Justin's POV:

The sun was beating down against my black suit jacket. I could feel the sweat coming from my forehead. I regret wearing a suit in this 95° weather. Why is it so hot in New York in the middle of March? One could ask that question a million times and I could never satisfactorily answer that question.

People were walking a city walk in front and behind me. I couldn't take two steps before bumping into someone. It felt like I was packed in a package of sardines.

"Excuse me!" I yelled out. Two women moved enough to give me enough room for me to move through to get to my building.

"What is going on?" I quietly whisper to the receptionist at the front. The building was busy but quiet. No one was speaking to each other but all looked at me as if I had three heads. My palms started to sweat.

"There's a protest about women's rights." She whispered back. Her brown hair was against my suit. I stood up straight and took the elevator to my office. It was on the third floor up.

My office had no trash on the floor and always smelled like a fresh rose on a hot summer day. I dropped my briefcase and flopped into my seat. It was only 9:00 a.m and I was done emotionally for the day.

"Hi Justin," Dana yelled through the office. It was loud enough for the whole office to hear. I quickly came out of my office. She was walking down the hallway; her heels were clicking away against the marble floor. Her red lipstick contrasted with her pearly whites.

"Hi, Dana. I know it's your first week on the job but try to tone down the enthusiasm. The light in your eyes should've gone away in law school." I joke. She chuckled at my lame law school joke. It was a classic among my classmates when I went.

"No, but give it a month. I'm sure it'll go away by then." She responds. I lead her to my office. I promised her I would introduce her to the higher-ups in the firm. They and I have a meeting in twenty minutes.

"Wow! You have your own bathroom!" She said, in awe. First-year associates don't get their bathrooms in the office. They have to use a public restroom used by everyone that isn't a part of the firm officially.

"Are you excited to have your first big girl job?" I ask. She nods excitedly. It was almost like how a kindergartener would act.

"Don't seem too excited. You wouldn't want people not to take you seriously." I say. She listens intently to my every word, as she should. I got her this job. Then, I heard the high-ups walking down the hall.

"Don't forget to smile. They love smiling." I whisper as they walk in the door. Dana squeezes my hand. That let's me know she's nervous. I squeeze back twice. That let's her know that I got her.

A/N: That's the first chapter! Let me know what y'all think. Voting and commenting is the best way for me to know what you think.

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