Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Dana's POV:

What do I do? Where do I start? What do I ask?

"Dana, Dana. Dana!" Someone snaps me back to reality. I blink.

"Yes, what?" I ask. Alexia looks at me as if I've lost my mind.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Um, no. What you asked was completely and utterly insane. " I say it slowly.

"Well, I guess I am insane. Start looking for his social media, his professors, whoever you think might have connections with this guy besides us." She demands.

"I-I don't feel c-comfortable with this." I said. She looks me dead in the face.

"I don't remember asking if you were comfortable. Did I ask?" She questioned. I blink again. Is this really happening?

"No, ma'am." I respond. She nods.

"So, start." She demands. This is crazy. This is absolutely crazy.

I went back to her desk and freeze.

"What was his name again?" I ask.

"Lucas Alaister." She replies. I'm tapping away, scrolling through his social media. His smiling face makes me want to vomit. "Remember, anything goes."

"I found a picture of his "degree." Along with two other girls." I turn the screen towards her.

"Print it. We can use it." She says. I do what I'm told. "What's the date on it?"

"Not sure yet." I reply. She hums.

"This is going to be good." She smirks.

A/N: Short chapter for my return! This story is turning in a different direction than what I expected. Do you guys like this?

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