Sister's Birthday

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*Noah's pov*
Everything was done and people had been coming for Stacy's birthday party. She made me shocked by inviting Lucas. I didn't thought she would ever invite him, but look he is going to be here.

-What made you invite him?
-You know his your best friend and I like his company he is funny, sweet and his drumming talent is so cool!
Stacy said and I looked at her suspicious.
-You like him?
-W-What!? What gave you that idea!?- Yeah, I do.
-Jesus Christ, poor Lucas someone like you has a crush on man.
-What I start supposed to mean, brother?
-You know what that means.
I laughed and she hit me again. Some people had came up to us and wished Stacy birthday wishes, and again another girl had been looking at me, for too long. Then Lucas came up to us and wished Stacy wishes and gave her a gift, then he looked at me.
-Best frieeeend~
He put his arm around me.
-So, a drink?
-I'm driving.
-Than I'll have with Mikey later, but with you I can at least smoke.
-I'm okay with that. We'll be back Stacy.
We walked outside meanwhile I put on my jacket.

When we were there Lucas offered me with a cigarette and I took one. He light it up and his and we smoke talking about stuff like university, after all we were going to the same, we just had different classes.

*Stacy's pov*
When Noah and Lucas left I heard my friends talking.
-What are you guys talking about?
-Who were they Stacy?
-Oh the guy that looks like me is my older brother Noah, and the other one is Lucas they're friends.
-Woah, they're kinda...
-Oh, Noah is g-
I wanted to tell them about Noah's sexuality, but I wanted them to see for themselves after a prank they done to me. It's not like I'm mad at them, but I just wanted to see their reactions on the look of my brother dating my boy best friend.
-He's a really good brother.
-Oh, I'll try to ask him out later.
One of my friends said and I wanted to laugh, but I tried my best not to.
-They're both kinda attractive. Well Noah is kinda more, but Lucas looks so cute.
The other said. I got a bit jealous. I can't believe that I actually like him if I don't even know much about him.
-So they smoke?
One of them asked me and I looked at them.
-Yeah, Noah does that much that I'm kinda worried he'll get lungs cancer before his 30.
-Damn, that's kinda hot.
-What do you find hot in it? I just said that I'm worried that my only brother might die of a cancer.
-I-I mean that him smoking is kinda hot.
I stood there not knowing how to answer and just looking weirdly at her weird answer.

After a while of standing there in a silence I felt someone poking my hips. I screamed shortly and looked behind me. Everyone were looking at us. Me and Michael.
-Stacy, what is he-
I screamed happily and jumped at Michael hugging him tightly.
-I thought you wouldn't come!
-Sorry, therapist made a longer visit, but for you I could come even at the end. And happy birthday, Stacy.
He smiled lightly and hand me a gift and I took it.
-Aww, Mikey you didn't had to, you coming here is such a gift.
-Than I can take it back and I'll just return it.
-Are you fucking stupid? I won't let you take that, mostly when it's from you. It's mine now.
Michael smiled lightly and chuckled. I smiled.
-Seems like you're slowly getting better.
-For real?
-Yeah, you're socializing more and getting more confident. We're just talking here and everybody is looking at us.
Michael got a little uncomfortable after I told him that. Then one of my friends interupptef us.
-Wait, you're going to therapist?
She asked Michael.
-Yeah... For quiet lots of time now.
-Oh, boy... we all are judging you for what you've done to your younger brother, but seems like you're actually in lots of pain.
Michael got a little sadder, but I knew he was relieved by someone noticing he is in so much pain.
-Actually it wasn't him, but one of his stupid ex-friends, he didn't wanted to do that.
-That must cost lots of energy if you're going to therapist.
-Yeah, It does, A lot. But not only just because of my brother.
-Hey, let's stop talking about it and have some fun time.
I said and girls agreed going their way.
-Hey, don't think about it and try to have some nice time. How about we'll get a drink?
-You do remember I'm on rehab?
-Sorry, I forgot, please forgive me.
-That's okay.
-If you want Noah, he is outside with Lucas.
-Nah, I want to see if he'll notice that I came.
-Bad boy.
Me and Mike went to dance a while and have some fun since we don't have as much time as before to spend it together.

About 20 minutes have passed and Noah and Lucas still haven't came back, I started to get a little worried, after all that's my brother and I knew he could do anything. But maybe they're just smoking that long?
I've been thinking while I've been with my friends from class and one of them got curious about Michael's life. My poor man I know he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it.
-Stacy your brother and his friend still haven't came back.
-Yeah, I'm starting to get a little worried.
Then I saw Lucas coming in and he noticed Mike. He placed his finger on his lips to not say anything and Lucas did that thing with his fingers that he's zipping his mouth and went to toilet. After a while I looked at Mike and noticed he was slowly getting an
anxiety attack seeing how shaking he was. I came closer to window that views a porch on the other side of restaurant. Noah was there smoking. I knocked on the window and Noah looked, then he throw the cigarette on the ground and step on it.

*Michael's pov*
-What was your relationship with your father?
-Oh! What about your mother?
-Which sibling you liked the most?
-How hurtful were all of their deaths?
I felt like I wanted to burst out crying as she kept going with these questions. I was looking down at the table and noticed I was shaking, my breath become shorter and my heart was pounding so fast. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down, but it didn't worked, because she was going on with those questions. Seems like she didn't noticed. Then I felt hand writing around me and pulled me into a hug. At least she stopped asking about my family. The person kissed my head and started to gently brush my hair, like they know what calms me down.
-Calm down, Michael, it's okay I'm here.
I understood it was Noah, that's why he known how to calm me down a little bit. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes letting him to calm me.
-What have you asked him?
-Is he okay? I was just asking about his family.
-Are you fucking dumb!? He doesn't like talking about this!
-I-I'm sorry I didn't know.
-You should have got an idea! How would you react if someone had been asking you about your dead family?!
-Noah, please stop.
I said feeling my eyes getting watery.

*Stacy's pov*
-Why did he acted like that?
My friend asked me.
-Well you might know or not Michael's family is dead and he just gets extra sensitive at this topic and just gets anexity and panic attacks whenever someone ask him about that.
-Oh, poor guy, I hope he'll get better.
-He is slowly getting better with a help of therapist.
-Oh, shit, he is going to therapist? It's that bad?
-I wish I could help him sosomehow
I noticed our other friend had been looking at my brother and Mike weirdly.
-Are you okay, Samantha?
-Had Noah's and Mike been that close before?
-Oh, of course after all Mike's brother had been Noah's best friend.
-Why are you asking?
-O-Oh, I'm just curious.
Yeah "curious" more like jealous.

*Noah's pov*
-Are you feeling better, Mike?
I looked at him and he looked at me back.
-You have so pretty eyes.
-We have the same eye colour, dumbass.
-But your are brighter than mine.
-I know.
-Stacy told me to not fuck with you here today, but your perfection makes it hard...
Mike chuckled at my comment and took my hand and stroke it.
-I love you, you know?
-I hope so Noah.
- Of course I do.
He kissed my hand and I felt my heart pound faster. I've been looking at Mike for a while and he looked at me confused.
-Oi, you okay?
I stayed silent and kept looking at him.
He poked me and I blushed a little.
-What's up with you?
-I want to kiss you so bad.
-Than why don't you do it?
-I don't know.
-Do you want to?
-Than do it.
I kissed Michael and he did back. After some seconds we pulled away because Stacy invited us for a cake.

After some more hours I drove lucas home and Michael after. Then I drove to apartment myself. I'm so curious what parents will say about Stacy's move to me.

Michael Afton x Noah MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now