Heart Problems

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*Noah's pov*

It had been some weeks since I started my university and usually Mike drove me there and picked me up after his practices with Henry. Today he drove me at 7:20 like usually and we got there at 7:42 am. I gave make a quick goodbye kiss and walked into building. I walked to cafeteria and got myself an iced coffee. Joseph walked up to me and greeted me then we walked to our first period. When we got there I saw Natalie at the seat next to mine.
-You okay Noah?-
-Natalie I sitting next to me again, but I don't want to-
-Then sit with me-
We walked to seats and talked while waiting for class to start.

*Mike's pov*

I had practiced with uncle and he told me to replace music box in one of the animatornics as he watched me to not make any mistake. I was done and uncle looked at it, he patted my head.
-Good job kid, you're getting better in it. Maybe someday you'll be running your own place with animatronics-
-I could take the restraunt after dad, but somebody didn't let me-
-You know what happened there and I don't want anything to happen to you too, after all you almost got killed on one night shift-
-Uncle it was about 2 months ago-
-So? It almost happened. Let's not fight and continue-
I decided not to answer and just do my work. Only 3 hours and I'll have to go for Noah. After about who knows 30 minutes I had a lunch break. I was talking to one of my uncles workers.
-You know you're such a nice and cute guy-
He said and I looked at him a bit disappointed in myself and him.
-Damn, thanks, I guess-
He probably wanted to hold my hand because he started to get his closer to me, but I put my hand on my thigh.
-Well, I think it's time for me to go-
-Bye, Mikey-
Shit, I don't like when people that I don't know and don't like call me that, but I had to slide it off and didn't answered. It was finally 2:53 pm and I was down with my shift. I took my things and said goodbye to my uncle and went to my car. I put my bag and blouse in the back and sat down in the front starting the car and driving off to Noah's university. After about 15 minutes I arrived and noticed storm girl was talking to Noah. I stopped the car at the parking lot and watched. Noah noticed me and rushed into the car, sat down on the passagers seat and grabbed my face to kiss me. I could feel eyes on us, but I tried to ignore it. After we pulled away I looked in front of us and saw that girl, she must had been looking at us. She has crush on Noah or something? If she even did then Noah's gay and he's mine. I started the car and drove off.
-So who was that girl?-
-Why? Are jealous or something?-
-No, I know you're gay mostly for me-
-It was Natalie a girl from class some time ago she talked to me between lessons and just like that started to talk to me, even if I don't want to, well I don't want her to talk to me at all-
Noah took out a cigarette and light it up.
-My grandpa said I could move to him-
-Yeah, my room is done and I can move to him. One things that I don't like is that my old classmate lives across the street-
-I wouldn't want you to move out, but if you want to-
-I wouldn't want to too, but grandpa invested many cash on the renovation and I would like to spend more time with him and help him with everyday things. You know he has his years-
-I know... -
-And you could come visit me at his house. Grandpa sometimes isn't home, because he is at his friend, so we would have the house for ourselves-
-Whatever makes you happy is making me happy too-
I smiled and kept my attention on the road.
-Maybe I could help you with your stuff?-
-Sure, that would be great. Can we do it tomorrow?-
How sad Noah sounded made my heart break a little, but my grandpa lived only 20 minutes away with car.
-Noah, don't be sad, I'll be just 20 minutes away from you and I'll still be coming to take you from university-
-I'm not sad-
-I can legitly hear the saddnes in your voice-
-I am not sad-
I stopped the car at traffic lights and looked at Noah. Then I pulled him in for a quick kiss.
-I'll let you think that-
He looked at me with a slight smile and I started to drive to Noah's apartment.

Michael Afton x Noah MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now