Some facts

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Hi, like I said it's my "first" story, but after some time after writing my first ever story that I deleted.
Also English is not my first language so I may or may not make some mistakes.
I think it's going to be more of Miki's and Noah's life together from their teenage years to after they meet again after years.
In my au Noah is 2 years older than Michael. I'd like you to meet my boys'families. Please keep in mind everything in this story is my au (alternative universe), so please don't correct me about anything. Thank you.

Afton family

-Oliver Afton
Father of Silly Willy, they have a good relationship, like with his grandchildren and daughter-in-law,
died at the age of 77 of natural causes in 1995

-William Afton
Boss of SL (sister location), cares a lot and loves his family, whenever he can he spends time with them, died at the age of 41 of springlocks in 1986

-Clara/Mrs. Afton
Dance teacher, loves her family and has a really good realtionship with her father-in-law, died at the age of 40 of car crash in 1985

-Terrence Afton
The oldest child, likes to spend time with his younger siblings and elders, Loves playing on piano, guitar and singing, has a band with his friends (totally not like Arctic Monkeys), is the same age as Noah and they're friends, has ADHD after his father, but Willy doesn't have that hard (like all the Afton kids, but he has more noticeable or smth like that), died at the age of 17 of bullies (not suicide, they beat up Terry and in ambulance he died after one of his broken ribs ruffed his lung) in 1986

-Michael Afton
Second child, knows how to play piano and guitar cuz Terry had been teaching him, can also sing, likes to spend time with his family, died (or became a zombie) at the age of 26 after being scooped in 1997

-Chris Afton
The 3rd child, shy around others, likes his siblings, but sometimes can get into fight with Liz about something stupid, died at the age of 9 of the accident in 1983

-Elizabeth Afton
The youngest child, loves everyone in her family, loves spending time with them, mostly tea parties with Chris and Silly Willy, died at the age of 5 of Circus Baby in 1983

McCarter family

-Edward McCarter
Father of the family, works as technician in SL, after finding out about Noah's sexuality he started to stop caring about him, but try to "perfect" him, died at the age of 48 of suicide in 1991

-Maria McCarter
Mother of the family, works as actress, loves her family, but can't actually stand Noah being gay, died at the age 46 of her husband in 1991

-Noah McCarter
First child of Edward and Maria, plays on guitar and is a guitarist in band with terrence and their friends also sing sometimes, loves his sister and mother, before he started to feel that his mother might be homophobic, died at the age of 23 of Ennard in 1992

-Stacy McCarter
Second child of Edward and Maria, is the same age as Michael, had been going to the same class with him and they're friends, even had a crush on him, but after she found out that her brother like Mike she started to ship them a lot, lover her brother a lot and they spend lots of time together, died at the age of 20 of her father in 1991

-Gabriella Omilio
Friend of Terry and Noah, bassist in their band, died at the age of 17 of suicide due the stress and depression after Terry's death

-Lucas Luave
Friends with Terry, Noah and Gabriella, drummer in their band, really cares about his friends, dead at the age of 23 of murder in the music store he worked at in 1992

- Henry Emily
Cousin of Clara/Mrs. Afton, uncle of Afton kids and best friend of Willy, died at the age of 60 of suicide

-Charlie Emily
Cousin of Afton kids, niece of William and Clara Afton, died at the age of 8 of murder

Hope you enjoy my story

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