A Shocking Proposition

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*Noah's pov*

It was next day around 10 am. Michael was sleeping and I was doing my morning routine brushing my teeth, shaving etc. After around 20 minutes I heard a knock on the door, so I went to open. As I opened the door I saw her, Rylie. "What are you doing here?" I asked "Good morning honey!" She said and hung on my neck and I pushed her away "I told you I don't like physical tounch and sweet names" Yeah physical touch and cute names... Like nothing happened yesterday between me and Mike. "Can I come in?" She asked and I got annoyed, but I let her in. "What do you want?" I asked looking down on the floor "Well I need an advice" she said pulling out a magazine of her purse. A wedding cakes magazine. "Which one?" She said with her excited voice "Why now? It's still lots of time till wedding", "But I want to have everything planned to last minute, it's going to be the happiest day of my life!", "Don't ask me about something like this I'm a guy and women are mostly known of having a good style, ask your friends" I said and she started to think about something. "Maybe you're right, well I'll show you which one wedding cake we choose next time" she said and finally got out. I locked the door and saw Mike standing in the hallway "Morning sweety", "Morning, why was Rylie here and what wedding cake was she talking about?" Mike said and I went silent for a couple for seconds "Rylie is getting married, but in some years, she's just weird and planning everything now" I said and went to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat, Miki?" I asked and Mike looked at me "Maybe sausages with toast" I smiled at him "Whatever you want" I said and started to take everything out to prepare breakfast for us "I'm going to the toilet", "Alright" Mike when to the bathroom and I started to make our food. After 6 minutes I was cooking when suddenly I felt my stomach being wrapped by hands and a hug from behind and a kiss being placed on my jawline. I looked at Mike who was looking at me with the most gorgeous smile and I smiled "What's up?" I asked and he blushed a little "I'm so happy that I remember from yesterday" he put his head on my shoulder. I took his hand and kissed it while I heard him giggling "Ahh, the food smells so good" Mike said putting his jaw on my shoulder again "I know, go sit down it's almost ready", "Okay" Mike let go off me and sat down on the table while I took two plates and put the food on them, taking them both and putting one in front of Mike. I sat down in front of Mike and we started talking. In middle of our conversation I took Mike's hand and started to play with it while I listened to his stories. I wish it would be him not her all the time for the rest of my life. Chosen, not forced. How could I be with him for the rest of my life? I had to figure out to replace her. After we finished our food, we cleaned and went to watch some TV. After about 20 minutes I asked Mike
-"How about we'll hung out?" -"Where?"
-"I don't know, where would you like to?"
-"How about going to lake in the evening?"
-"I guess we can, let's go at 6"
-"Then we have a date"
I chuckled and kept watching TV while Mike took a book from coffee table and started to read it. It was 04:41pm and I decided to start packing for picnic. Mike like a prince went to get himself done. After 15 minutes I was done and went to get myself done too. After  about 20 minutes everything was done, we went to my car and started going to the lake. After 40 minutes we finally arrived. I parked the car and took the picnic basket and we started to go to look for a place. Like I expected there weren't any people expect us. I put down the basket, took blanket and laid it down and we both sit down on it. We've been talking about our lives for a while.
-Next Monday I start summer job at the local music store with Lucas
I said as I took strawberry and ate it Mike looked at me and smiled
-You want to get away from Edward as soon as possible?
I laid down and he stroke my hair
-Yeah, just after I graduate I want to get away from him. I don't want him or mother to get into my life and tell me what to do, I'm an adult. I can let that medical school be, but I don't want him to tell me who to be friends with or love, I want to be with you and you know he is homophobic.
I breathed out and Mike was looking at me
-You know, I have an idea.
I said looking at Mike
-What is it?
-Maybe let's run away after all of this
Michael looked surprised at my proposition and went silent for some time
-Are you sure? You know I have grandpa and uncle.
-I know and we still can be in contact with them, we could visit them.
Mike looked at me a bit confused with all of this
-I don't know. It's a big change and you know we will be just in our early 20's.
-Then think about it, we still have lots of time.
-Yeah, I'll think, but what about house, job an-
As Mike wanted to finish his sentence he noticed I got up and started to undress
-What are you doing?
-You don't want to go into the water?
-But it's probably cold
-So? If you'll get sick your future doctor will take good care of you. I smiled and winked at him and he couldn't help, but laugh at my goofiness. I went into the water. Mike got up and started to undress then he walked into water after me.

*Mike's pov*

The cold water sent divers down my spine and I said hunging on Noah's neck
-You know it's almost 10pm and it's too cold to swim.
-Shh, babe, it'll be okay.
He said putting his hands on my waist and I smiled. For once in these terrible years I was truly happy. I wish these moments never end. I've hugged into Noah and we stayed silent for a while.
-I know it's not the right time, but have you thought about going to psychologist?
Noah said and I looked at him
-I don't mean to make you mad or sad, it's just that I'm worried, a lot had happened in these last years and I noticed you've lost some weight.
I looked at my torso and Noah was right, I've lost weight, but I don't work out or anything, so how could I?
-I actually was thinking about it. I just don't know anyone.
-Maybe Henry or Olivier know someone.
-Yeah, I should ask them, but definitely not today.
He chuckled
-Definitely, after all it's only less them 2 hours for this day to end

oah played with my hair
-Have I ever told you how much I love you?
I smiled at his response
-I thought you've noticed with all the acts that happens between us. I'm more type of showing my love.
-Oh, I didn't know that.
Noah pull me in to a kiss which was slow and passionate. After a couple of seconds we pulled away and Noah took my hand and went deeper to swim.

After some time it was 00:34 and we were on our way back.

Michael Afton x Noah MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now