Episode Twenty: SHARK!

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(Start in the lobby of SquidForce Tower. SPIDER, INKURA, HIRO, and SHUMI are sitting on the floor together. BRIDGETT stands at the battle pot.)

Hiro-Ink battles can get really stressful, so I wear these headphones and play some lo-fi music while I battle. I've gotten so used to it that if you take them off, I might start shaking.

Bridgett-Hiro, what's a rank-up battle?

Hiro-A rank-up battle? Already?

(He gets up and walks over to her.)

Hiro-If you're close to going up a rank, they'll make you do a rank-up battle. It's like a series, but instead of five wins, you only need three.

Bridgett-I didn't need to when I got to B+.

Hiro-B+ to A is a much bigger jump than B to B+. If you wanna battle in A rank, you gotta prove you can battle in A rank.

Bridgett-I wanna battle in A rank!

Hiro-Then let's rank up! (to SPIDER and INKURA) Hey, you two. You ready to rank up?


(Cut to MakoMart. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-There's a Splat Zones battle happening at MakoMart, and we're gonna have fun!

Big Man-Team colors pink and teal are.

(BRIDGETT is pink. She has the Dualie Squelchers. SPIDER and INKURA are teal.)

Bridgett-Um...Spider? Inkura?


Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT fires to the right and swims forward.)

Frye-Remember, this is Bridgett, Spider, and Inkura's third battle in their rank-up series. Despite being on separate teams, they all have two wins on their rank-up journeys.

(BRIDGETT jumps to the landing below.)

Frye-Now that they're against each other, only one--or two--can graduate to A rank.

Big Man-Teal first the zone to has made it.

(BRIDGETT swims to the middle. She starts firing on the zone. The pink kid next to her fires their Tenta Missiles.)

Frye-Well, teal didn't expect the other team to have a REEF-LUX.

Big Man-Teal control has.

Frye-(booth) I stand corrected.

(A teal suction bomb lands next to BRIDGETT. Two teal kids start firing at her. She dodge-rolls away.)

Bridgett-Oh, crab!

Frye-Teal has lost control.

(BRIDGETT's special finishes charging. She drops her Wave Breaker in the alley.)

Big Man-When you panic, you weird things do, I guess.

Frye-Big Man, be a little sensitive. Remember what Shiver told us--

Big Man-Teal control has.

(BRIDGETT swims back to the zone. She fires at a teal girl with a Splattershot Pro.)

Frye-(booth) She wouldn't want us saying it on air, anyway. Kinda personal stuff.

(Another girl with a Nozzlenose starts firing at her. BRIDGETT dodge-rolls away. The REEF-LUX kid gets out their Tenta Missiles and immediately gets splatted.)

Frye-Okay, that's bad.

(BRIDGETT swims up onto a block.)

Frye-(booth) If you can't REEF-LUX missile spam, what can you do?

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