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They snuggle together on Jake's couch. Sunghoon wraps his arms around his boyfriend, burying his head on Jake's neck. The clock read 8 pm but both of them didn't want to let go. The final training has been finished and they were set to conduct the mission tomorrow.

Preparations were done and checked, a final one shall commence tomorrow and take-off shall follow next. They were both part of the mission, yet they didn't seemed to care. Especially Sunghoon, astronauts are advised not to drink or smoke and to sleep at a right amount of time two days before they take-off.

Jake insisted that they sleep an hour ago, but knowing how persistent Sunghoon could be, he's well aware they're breaking the rules. A small growl emerges from a corner, it was the puppy. "You better take good care of him, Jake. I should go back to Earth with a round dog." Sunghoon mumbles.

Staring at the puppy as it plays around, Jake states a prayer in his mind. Praying that everything will go as planned and the event shall run smoothly. It's his first, it would certainly haunt him forever if he messes even a single thing up.

"Don't worry about it too much. You got this." Sunghoon looks at him with a sly smile. How could this man read everything he's thinking of?

"I'm the one who shouldn't be worrying, you should be. You're about to be led by a Flight Director who has zero experience."

"You know, I'm not the only who thinks highly of you. My friends do too, they notice how hard you work and make things right. In fact, we had a conversation a while ago and all of us agreed you'd probably be the best to lead us. Mind you, they have went to two or more expeditions and met a lot of people in your position." Sunghoon comforts him, he knows what and what not to tell his boyfriend when he worries.

It's an instant click. If he senses Jake's anxiousness, he just becomes this person he wouldn't expect he'd be. A person who provides comfort and offers love. Everything just happened in a fast blur he wouldn't expect to occur.

They stayed there for hours until Sunghoon hears soft snores. By the time Jake has slept it was only 3 hours before he leaved. Sunghoon brings him closer to his chest. He can't sleep, he didn't want to. Like he just has this feeling that he needs to stay beside Jake until he comes back again.

The puppy approaches them at the couch, Sunghoon reaches out to pat his head careful not to wake Jake up. "You better take care of him, Cosmo."

. . .

Jake breaths out heavily, he stands at the center of the Mission Control. He watched as everyone got in their own positions and activate their controls. It's been 5 hours and they are about to starts the lift off.

The past 2 hours was Jake and the higher-ups' meeting as the remaining 3 hours were spent for the astronauts to be on their suits and carried to the space shuttle 'Aurora'. Important preparations were also made to ensure a safe and proper lift off.

Being the Flight Director, Jake is beyond nervous right now. Beads of sweat start to form on his forehead. Heeseung comes up behind him, pats him on the back as he also goes to his position.

Before he entered the Mission Control, Jake have looked outside. The once serene and empty field surrounding the center is now filled with people with their cameras- some were from the city while some have even went from other states just to see the take-off.

In front of them is a large clock indicating the hours, minutes and seconds before the shuttle lifts off. 00:10:46.

Two Mission Control commentators enter the room and check on their respective controls. Soon enough, everyone have made their way in the room and settled on their seats. 00:05:58.

The room went silent expect for the controls. "You got this." Jake tells himself. A couple of minutes have passed. The astronauts updating their state inside the shuttle and staff inside the Mission Control update theirs.


"A minute and thirty seconds." One of the commentators speaks through the microphone. The thrusters emits smoke, signaling that it's ready.

"Sound suppression water system now being armed for release confirmation we have three main engines ready for ignition." The second one says."

"One minute." The clock ticks, the seconds goes by.

The commentators tells about the liquid and nitrogen tanks filling, drain valves closing, records activating and the shuttle's internal power.

"And ladies and gentleman, we are near launch time here at Phoenix in Arizona."

"The firing chain is armed and ready to begin."

"Mission Control firing chain has begun." Jake hears Sunghoon mutter inside the shuttle through the speakers inside Mission Control.

"We are now going for main engine start." The first commentator replies.

Again, Sunghoon is on the speakers. "Mission Control, we have main engine start." The thrusters now begin to spark and more smoke comes out.

Then, here comes the countdown. Everybody's waiting on it, Jake can feel the excitement both in the room and outside. Despite his nervousness, he knows something inside lights up the it.

"The countdown has begun. 10, 9, 8, 7..."

"All three engines up and burning."

"3, 2, 1... and we have a lift-off!"

"We have lift-off, Mission Control." Jake sees Sunghoon's face projected on the screen. Knowing who's looking, he smiles and winks. It doesn't bother everyone else back at the Mission Control, but it surely does Jake. Unknowingly, he smiles and gives himself an imaginary pat on the back.

Commentator One speaks. "This is the start of the Space Shuttle 'Aurora's' final journey into space."

"Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen. History is being made today with the final flight of 'Aurora'." The second one replies. More sequence of processes have been said through the shared screen. Jake noted the bright fire coming out of those thrusters as it helps the shuttle make it up to the sky.

The rocker boosters were dropped 2 minutes in. Finally, it is Jake's turn to speak.

"Aurora, go with throttle up."

"Copy, go." Sunghoon replies back on the other side.

Jake smiles. "The throttle up call acknowledged by Commander Sunghoon Park joined on the flight deck by Pilot Yeonjun Choi and Jisu Choi, Flight Engineer Jackson Wang and Jeon Jungkook. Seated down on the mid deck are Nayeon Im, Lee Minhyuk, and Joohyun Bae. A Mission Specialist, Lalisa Manobal." Upon calling out their names, each one nods their head to the camera.

A minute and 30 seconds have passed since the take-off. After draining its fuel, it is now the external tank's turn to be dropped.

"'Aurora' is of the tank. We are now flying solo, Mission Control." Sunghoon says.

Jake keeps track of what is on everyone's screen. Coordinates, data and monitoring of all that has satellites. He remains observant of any inaccuracy or indications of failure both in their part and the astronauts'.

Every once in a while, he checks the camera. To see the shuttle's condition, the astronauts and most of all, the commander.

Adrenaline rushes through every vein he has on his body. It's still a shock that Jake has successfully directed a take off. Every word the commentators has said was from Jake's instructions. Every order said by the staff to the astronauts were all in his demand. Every thing that has happened were commanded by him.

After hearing the scope of the shuttle from Jay, Jake gestures for the commentators to tell the astronauts.

"Space Shuttle 'Aurora' you are now on a direct course to International Space Station Columbia. Well Done."

Jake beholds upon the shuttle travelling through the sound barrier at a high rate of speed, hastening through the black abyss.

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