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The higher-ups office is full of shouts from Morris. He was insisting about him deserving a place with them and how the department will lose a worthy employee who works dutifully. Employees tried not to eavesdrop but the scene was too precious to let it waste.

So, some of them gathered around the office, the transparent walls making it easier for them to view. One of them being Sunghoon. He is smiling, holding out a laughter even; Either way, he found it very funny for Morris to be babbling about things that aren't even true.

Like how he told them that the anniversary was his plan when in fact it was Heeseung's. Also when he insisted that it the sudden resignation of employees wasn't his fault. And when he said that Jake is not his current victim of the malicious bullying.

Morris is an asshole. Well, what Sunghoon thinks he is. Surely everyone in the building would agree with him. Sunghoon just got fed up with Morris' shit so what's happening right now may or may not be his fault. Oops...

Also, it's his boyfriend this little fuck is messing with.

The shouts went on for another hour. Until, the one higher-up who was silent for the entire time stood up from her chair- purposefully pushing it back violently to make it screech. She walks slowly to Morris and stops to look at him.

Shockingly, he went quiet. The murmuring crowd also fell silent. Sunghoon squinted his eyes to the lady. Long black hair tied behind and fiery eyes digging holes through Morris' own, now scared, ones.

Sunghoon anticipated what is about to go happen next. Is she gonna scream? Or kiss him?

A loud sound of a rough hand hitting someone's skin is heard even outside the office. You heard that right. She slapped him. Slap.

Gasps and stifled laughs emerged instantly. Now that is a power move. Kudos to her. Sunghoon saw Morris' ears turn red, even a darker shade than the slap mark on his left cheek. Sunghoon wouldn't loudly say he deserved it but if he can he definitely will.

"Leave." That one word from the lady is enough to make Morris turn to his heels and exit the office. He was greeted by employees muttering insults toward him as he walked pass them away. Morris pushed his away out until he reached the end of the crowd.

There, Sunghoon is waiting. Smiling as he crossed his arms, he greeted Morris. "You caused quite a ruckus there." Morris removed his hand covering his face hearing Sunghoon's mocking voice. He pointed at him and his face turned sour.

"It was you!"

"Me? What did I do?" Sunghoon derides.

"You're the reason I got fired. You were the one who sent the files." Morris tried to attack him but the security were called and restrained him just in time. Morris is escorted out of the building, ultimately having his role stripped off and becoming jobless.

. . .

"He deserved it." Sunghoon finally says. After narrating the whole scene to his friend, he has the opportunity to eventually say it.

"Wow, I should have stayed a while longer." Ni-ki comments.

"Yeah, I heard my colleagues talking about it. It surprised me I honestly didn't know Morris would ever be fired from our department." Jay adds, sipping his bottle of corn juice.

Heeseung arrives, they were waiting for him because only he knows the answer to the same question that has been circling in their heads. "Hey, kids." Heeseung mutters, dropping his bag on the floor.

"Who is the lady?" Jungwon asks him, looking at the Heeseung's bag for a pack of chips.


"You know, the one who slapped Morris?" Sunghoon speaks.

"Oh, she's one of the higher-ups isn't she?"

"Oh my gosh. Is she ever related to Morris?" Sunoo chimes in, whom just like the others, is desperate to know.

"Ahh. Her name is Audrey Rodgers. She earned her position for her hard work and great determination. But before being a higher up, she was just an employee on the lower ranks and Morris being higher that her at the time, was tormenting her everyday. It was honestly the worst bullying Morris has ever done. Eventually she got the position and Morris being the little snake he is, changed his attitude towards her, focusing on another employee." Heeseung recounts, being the one who joined the company first therefore knowing those details about his co-workers.

"Curse words can't even match up to him. He's on another level."

Then, Jake came rushing to the group. "Sunghoon. What happened?" Is the question he immediately asks. Meanwhile, Sunghoon proudly stood up and approached Jake.

"I got Morris fired, Babe." He tells Jake, bringing him to his arms as he kissed his forehead.

"But why?" Jake removes himself from the hug.

Sunghoon turning confused, scratched his head. "What do you mean? Isn't that something you have always wanted to happen?"

"No! I mean yes, but..." Jake trails off, like he's thinking of something deep; which is not a plausible sign of happiness about having someone making their life miserable get fired.

"What's wrong?" Sunghoon lifts Jake's chin up, concern laced on his voice and reflected on his eyes.

Jake looks up to his boyfriend. Fear is traced on his own. "What if Morris does something bad? I mean getting him off his job doesn't always mean we're entirely free from him doesn't it?"

"Don't worry, you have me. I'll protect you." Sunghoon comforts. "Besides what can he even do. It's not like he's gonna plan to murder any of us because of that."

Jake nods and the fear on his face slowly dies down. Then he smiled, staring at Sunghoon. "Okay." Maybe it's not that bad. As long as they stay out of Morris, everything should be alright.

Well, everything seems to be going well actually. Now that Jake has got himself out of his main problem at work, he can finally breathe and escape from the pestering of Morris.

Life seems to finally be on the same track as Jake.

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