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"Hey, how are you doing?" Sunghoon opens the door to Jakes office, holding a white plastic bag with food inside.

Jake looks up and follows his gaze to the other seating down in front of him. His eyes are red and puffy compared to Sunghoons healthy but worried ones. "I bought pancakes, to at least make you feel good in some way."

Jake nods tiredly, losing more energy as the time passes. He just visited his unconscious favorite lady in the hospital last week and for the past few days, the only thing he focused on was to concentrate and take on the role of a director.

Its hard, of course; trying to do your work without fearing someone out there would make up a story about you and get you stripped off your title. Morris. Jake has been receiving emails from the guy about threats of him losing his job.

To make things worse, the company is starting to notice him slacking and for some reason word of his landlord being in the hospital is starting to spread. Thats why aside from the threats, the poor directors also reading mocks about Ms. Gonzales passing away.

Sunghoon nor anyone knows about these, because if he discovers- both of them might just lose their jobs. "You should eat now, the pancakes would get cold, that wouldnt be nice for breakfast." Sunghoon enlightens, doing his best to make the mood better by croaking a smile.

His phone rings, a call from corporate. Jake weakly picks it up as he slowly answered and spoke on the call. "Ill eat after I talk with the corporate." He stands up and leaves the office. Sunghoon exhales, he feels really bad for the other, if he could just hug him tight right there and then, he would have done it.

He decides to stay there for a while, he and the crew didnt have any scheduled training so all of them are not in the building. Except for Sunghoon, as he wanted to aid Jake and make sure he eats properly.

The door creaks open, Sunoo silently entered thinking Jake is in there. "Oh, hey there." Sunghoon says. Sunoo tilts his head and stares at the empty seat. "Wheres Jake hyung?"

"Got called by corporate." Sunghoon shrugs, not leaving his eyes off the phone he has been holding.

"Oh.", was the only word Sunoo muttered. He dropped papers on Jakes desk, proofreading every page once again before being satisfied and finally leaving the room. Then, it opens again. "By the way, Jake hyungs birthday is coming." Sunoo states out of nowhere, making Sunghoon frown.


"You did not know?"

"I mean, I never really asked him about that." Sunoo nods to Sunghoons answer. "Touché."

"14th November. Remember that." Sunoo reminds, somehow reading Sunghoons thoughts about the others special day.

"Alright, thanks." Sunghoon replies, spinning on the chair he is sitting on.

"No prob." Sunoo replies back with a wink.

As Sunghoon scrolled through his social media feed, he comes across a poster inviting anyone who sees it to a meteor shower event. The details of the event are included on the poster. Oracle State Park, exactly on November 14 at 10 in the evening. The latter lights up with what he read.

Right at the day of Jakes birthday? A meteor shower sighting? Now, he certainly knew what to do in Jakes birthday. A large grin creeps up on Sunghoons lips. He spins on the chair multiple times, his excitement over the top. They both share a liking on astronomical objects and stuff so the event would be a perfect gift for the other to receive.

Jakes computer lights up; the screen shows the emails the director has been receiving from various people. Out of curiosity, Sunghoon transfers seats and looks through them. Until, a certain email caught his attention.

From: Morris, David

To: Sim, Jaehyun

Heard your precious little grandma is in a coma. HAHAHA. You deserved it anyways. What would Jakey do? Huh? Wouldnt you want to just resign and take care of that Gonzales lady? Well, I could do it for you, u know? I could easily overthrow your pathetic position of a Flight Director. Im one of the higher-ups after all. I can make you kneel and beg me to spear you. Ill make you resign, watch me.

P.S Hope that old lady dies.


Fuck You

Upon reading that, the latter knew the reason. Because of what happened back in the anniversary party, the paper Jake apparently failed to do for Morris made the executive go one position lower from his current one. Basically a promotion backwards?

Sunghoon is infuriated. His anger level is higher than the excitement he felt just a minute ago. His head is clouded with rage he does not even realize that hes walking out of Jakes office, proceeding to the fuckers office who wrote that email to his friend. His ears are turning red, his steps are heavy and his hands are curled up into tight fists, ready to punch the hell out of Morris.

He is not going down without a fight, especially with someone who disrespected two people at once. Jake and Ms. Gonzales. Sunghoon loves to tease and joke around at times but never will he tolerate people like the executive.

He turns the door knob so tight, its about to loosen. Opening the door, he saw the annoying shit sitting and smiling at what he just sent to Jake. Morris looks up. "Hey, wha-"

"You jerk!" Sunghoon exclaims, jumping onto Morris and not letting him finish his sentence. Fists punching straight to the executives face until his knuckles turn red. "You do not speak bad of someone; you understand?!"

Morris manages to fight back, pushing Sunghoon of off him. "And you are not to punch someone higher than you." Morris spits back, lands a punch on Sunghoons face in return.

Soon enough, things get heated as the confrontation clearly turns to a brawl. The shouts and chaos earn the attention of everyone near the office. Employees started piling on the door as they watched both guys exchange punches, nobody willing to stop them.

"Do you think being part of the corporate gives you the right to belittle someone and wish death upon an already suffering person?!" Sunghoon points out, kicking Morris on his crouch releasing a loud shriek from the kicks victim.

It soon stopped when someone responsible enough called for security and both Sunghoon and Morris were called by the corporate to discuss the matter. They explained their sides, of course Morris denying the claim Sunghoon is insisting. Eventually, they were let out, the higher-ups being kind enough to leave without any punishments simply because Morris is amongst them and Sunghoon has always been a well-respected astronaut.

Morris left the quarters with a black left eye and a split lip as he limped, not yet recovering from the kick.

Meanwhile, Sunghoon exited with a deep scowl. Only receiving a purple bruise on the cheek.

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