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"So like what do you do as the flight director?" Sunghoon asks bugging the already busy Jake.

The latter had been trying to keep up with him and all of his questions to the point that it was starting to exhaust him not only mentally but also physically.

"Mr. Park, I'm trying to do something here can't you see?" He states, raising his head from the computer to answer the talkative astronaut. Sunghoon stops midway of his theory of what the other actually does, his hands also freezing. "Yeah, I can tell. It's just that I'm getting really bored with all this waiting."

"Please, just wait a little longer and I will discuss everything to you, understand? All I have to do is type a few words and I promise I'd be right at it. Just be patient." Jake masks his annoyance with his remaining tolerance for the other.

He hears no reply and assumes that Sunghoon would finally shut up only to break his expectations after a minute, because his back at talking; this time he starts making jokes to try and convince Jake to a conversation.

"Oh, have you heard about the claustrophobic astronaut?"


"Turns out, he just needed some space." Sunghoon started laughing hysterically, repeatedly slaps his thigh as he burst out loud. On the other hand, Jake does nothing but focus on what he's working; not giving a fuck about who is Infront of him.

He was used to it. It has been going around for whole week now. All his jokes and rants about things, every single thing that Jake had to endure listening to. It's either he listens or the motherfucker would sulk and not cooperate with him, just like what happened three days ago. He had to go and tell Jay, Sunghoon's apparent bestfriend, that he apologize and for him to go back because the meeting would not start until he joins.

Now, in his office, the field or anywhere that he goes to with Sunghoon and the rest of the crew, Jake has to restrain himself from shutting the latter off.

"What do you get when you combine a rhetorical question and a joke?" Sunghoon asks Jake again after calming down from his previous joke that he himself found funny.

"What is it?" Jake answers and brings his eyes back up to look because the other isn't answering. When he sees what Sunghoon is doing, Jake can't help but stare longer. The other kept his mouth shut and was trying not to laugh as Jake sends him a confusing look.

He must admit, Sunghoon has the visuals and the humor. Probably why the same three days ago, he started calling for Sunghoon in his office to be the one to relay his message to the whole team. Jake just can't resist hearing every word he says, like something's captivating him to do so and if he doesn't follow- he might just lose his mind. 'He is a brat', that's what Jake thinks of Sunghoon.

But lately, Sunghoon's rants and jokes were the only things that is keeping him sane because he is starting to realize that he wouldn't survive the loads of work he has when Jake doesn't have someone to talk or listen to. Jake didn't want to be alone anymore and he thought that it would be a valid reason for him to keep calling Sunghoon in, so he won't feel isolated.

"Did you get it?" Sunghoon's answer breaks his gaze from him.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I understood it."

"I'm glad you did." Sunghoon's smiles suddenly fades. "It's bad isn't it?" He asks, like Jake hadn't been reacting the same with his past jokes.

"No! Just keep it going. I'm really listening."

"Ok last one, How do you make holy water?"


Sunghoon couldn't contain it so he started laughing without saying his joke first. "You... You boil the hell out of it." He answers, laughs in between gaps. He was proud because he got to see the other laugh. Jake did laugh.

Finally, after a lot of attempts, he was able to at least make him smile. The only reason why Sunghoon started telling jokes anyway. He saw from first glance that Jake would need someone to cheer him up, because of the things he heard and the look of exhaustion on the other's eyes.

He figured that since they'll be working together anyway, he might as well try and get close to him and to be his motivator. That is what he's good at anyways, to make people around him happy. "You like that?" He asks.

"I did, that was actually funny." Jake answers with a smile on his face.

"Then I'll make more of those then. What do you want me to do now?" Sunghoon queries, realizing what he is actually here for.

"Oh, yes. So here's the printed schedule for your training. I would like you to give this to the other crew members so you can start your training by tomorrow. Thank you." Jake hands out printed papers to Sunghoon who gladly accepts them before taking his leave.

Funny enough, Jake thought he'd be hating this person for his whole life because of the coffee but why is it that he's starting to grow fondness for him?

"Hey, Ni-ki?"

"Yes hyung?" Jake heard Ni-ki's voice from the other line.

"Can you check up on Sunoo? I can't seem to reach him."

"Oh okay, I'll check up on him."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Ni-ki dropped the phone after that and went on to look for the other's room office. He opened the door to the sight of everyone on their computers working and delving on their own commissions.

Ni-ki looked for Sunoo and stood right beside him. "Hyung." He said startling Sunoo who had no idea someone was beside him until the latter spoke.

"Ni-ki! Yes?" Sunoo composes himself after almost falling off the chair. The other offered a hand but he refused.

"Jake-hyung called me and he told me to check up on you. He can't reach out and call you." Upon hearing him, Sunoo immediately checked for his cellphone, digging into his pockets and even on his bag. "Gosh, where is it?"

"Do you need help? Where was the last time you placed it?" Ni-ki wondered, also looking for the other's phone, below his table and even the other workers' desks. "Should I ask them about it?"


"Hey! Do any of you knows where Sunoo's phone is? He said he lost it!" Ni-ki shouts, ignoring Sunoo's answer and making him cover his own face out of embarrassment. Everyone was now staring at them, not because they too were concerned but because Ni-ki interrupted them.

"If you have nothing to do but to distract the rest of the group, might as well just go back to your own work room, Nishimura!" The person beside Sunoo answers back. "We're trying to make a living here." He continued.

"Yoshi-hyung, shut up just continue." Sunoo answers back.

"Make him quiet then."

"Yes, I will." Sunoo averts his gaze back to Ni-ki who had a bitter expression on his face. "Didn't know your co-workers are dicks. They're really rude."

"I found my phone, can you just help me with this so I can finalize the photos?"

"Sure." Ni-ki doesn't hesitate and brings his head closer to Sunoo, so close that the other can fell his warm breathe and his hand is on top of his, guiding the mouse to where it's supposed to be going.

It made Sunoo's cheeks stain pink. Too bad, Ni-ki has a girlfriend.

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