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"They're calling for everyone of you by the meeting room." Jay's announcement interrupted the group's conversation.

"Right now? They told it's by 10." Jungkook spoke up as he stared at his watch.

"I don't get a say about any of this can't I?" Jay intercepts. Sighing, he continued "Anyways, let's go. I have a ton of papers to look at after this." Without complains they followed pursuit, going back to the same topic they had a while ago.

"So? it shouldn't be an exception for bald people to wear hairnets while working. It's mandatory." Lia, who was by Jay's side spoke up hence earning the attention of the person beside him. Jay instantly turned his head to her, raised both his eyebrows and tried not to look as taken back as he already is; striving to prevent his mouth to fall and his nose to scrunch.

"They are literally bald, why would they need it? Like ain't no hair is going to fall on the costumers' food." Lisa retorts as she shrugs her shoulders.

Jay whips his head around to look for Sunghoon who was casually listening to his friends banter. They met eyes and he signals his hand for the latter to go beside him. Sunghoon broke out of the circle and walked by his bestfriend. "What?" He asks, after keeping up with the other.

"What- what are you talking about? Bald people?" Jay stutters, completely weirded out about the group's conversation. He once caught them talking about how birds pee and what noises do they think the dinosaurs made.

"Yeah, honestly I don't even know how the conversation about it started. I just listened." Jay shakes his head and proceeds to knock on the large gray door of the meeting room. He heard a faint voice saying 'come in' and so they did. He left them to have a talk with the higher-ups for the project and the do's and don'ts.

Sunghoon took the time to intake the room, they were asked to sit down by the long table with the said higher-ups. There he also saw the same director and the same guy who what seemed like making a threat to the director a while ago about some folder. From the other side of the table, he could see the guy mumble something to which the director just replied with silence; exhaustion and anger both evident on his face.

For once their gaze met each other's and Sunghoon instantly knew that he was having a hard time sitting with the guy. He looked around to see whether the other higher-ups were even giving a fuck about the clear case of abusing one's power over someone who has a lower level of position. There was no one. All of them were busy about the project that he didn't managed to catch on because of how focused he was about the director in front of him.

Throughout the whole meeting which he didn't even cooperated nor listened to, only nodded and took a few short glances of the person in front of him. Finally, the one hour meeting was done and he got to stand up; his bottoms felt numb from sitting for too long. Sunghoon groaned and made his way to the door without the intention of hearing what the guy and the director were talking about; but heard everything, clearly.

"They approved the folder, surely I'd be getting a promotion anytime. But they were asking for another report for this project from the other department. You know what to do, send it to me by the end of the day. Good luck, do it or you wouldn't like the consequences." The guy squeezed the director's arms making him whimper and sigh right after before leaving.

Now that the two of them were the only ones left right by the door after letting the others pass through first, Sunghoon took the opportunity to talk to him. He wasn't sure of what to say so he started it with a faked cough. Reaching his hand out for a supposed handshake, he said; "Hey-"

"Shut the fuck up." The director decided to cut him off and refuse to take his hand for what was the latter expecting; his voice was full of fury and his stare spoke wrath. Immediately, Sunghoon retracted his hand and pursed his lips out of embarrassment. The latter thought that staring at the floor would be the best option to avoid the director's stare until he cools down or leave.

Sunghoon sighed in relief after hearing the leaving footsteps coming from the director, he raised his head straight back up and caught a glimpse of Jay snorting and approaching him. "You done messed up, Hoon." Jay said with a simper. "Third one." He added, holding up three fingers from his right hand.

"I was just trying to introduce myself and he suddenly cursed at me. What did I even do?"

"Jake's probably full of problems lately. He isn't eating with us anymore says he's too busy and would come join us after but he never did." Jay told him while they walked down to the cafeteria and get lunch.

"Probably because he's doing shit that isn't even his." Sunghoon whispers.


"Nothing." The latter answers pretending like he heard nothing just moments before.

Sunghoon chewed on his soft pancakes while staring upfront. Together with his co-workers, they checked out the equipment they'd be using for their trainings further in the future. Lunch time has ended but the latter felt like his lunch wasn't enough so he bought the pancakes with sweet syrup and butter on top. Sure, it's better served as breakfast but food is food, you can eat anything anytime.

He was the only one eating amongst the others but they didn't mind. Soon enough they were joined by two more people, Heeseung and the angry director. Heeseung stood on the other side to talk with other workers while the director stood by Sunghoon watching and listening to the presentation.

Just like what Jay said, the director didn't join them for lunch and maybe if the latter offered food to him, that might help him cool down and at least have something inside his stomach. "Want some?" He offered putting the Styrofoam closer to the director. If he only knew that the director was taking everything seriously and wouldn't be accepting pancakes from someone he bumped into twice, he wouldn't be offering the pancakes to him.

"Seriously, Mr. Park? Eating while on duty? The lunch break's over yet why are you still eating?" The director growls.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Sunghoon insists and goes on to close the container with the still warm fluffy pancakes.

"Who even eats while on duty and look like he isn't taking shit seriously?" He heard the director mumble and click his tongue.

This is awkward. Everything is awkward. He didn't want to be in this predicament. Shit's about to go down if he continued to work here. Should he resign? What was he even doing here? Why did he want be here in the first place? What even is Sunghoon's motivation with the director for him to insist on getting close to him?

(A/N: On the serious note, If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet? ANYWAYS, don't forget to have your breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. You deserve to eat three times a day, alright?)

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