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"Mr. Park?" Jake calls out, poking his head from the slight opening of the door.

Sunghoon raises his head and answers, "Yes?" The others just stared and listened.

"Can I call on you for a sec? I just have to tell you something important." The director says as he taps his fingers on the wooden door creating a sound as a form of impatience.

"Uh, yeah sure." Sunghoon instantly stands up and leaves his friends for the mean time to go and talk to the director.

He followed Jake out until they got to his office, closed the door and sat by the usual chair he sits one everytime he gets called for. "I still don't understand why you don't call other people than me. Even when I'm doing something, you're always willing to wait. Like, the others aren't busy why not call for them?" Sunghoon queries right after he settles himself on the chair.

"Shut up." Jake, as usual, uses his position to avoid questions such as that from the latter. "So in regards our project, since you haven't started training yet I was wondering when would you all want to start, either this week or next week?"

"I have to ask them first for that don't I?"

"Can't you answer for them instead?"

"I can but I won't. I would want to hear their opinions first before I decide." Sunghoon insists frustrating the already problematic Jake.

"Okay, ask them that. I would also want you to rely this to them again." Jake hands him another set of papers. "It's the form for their consent of the training we would want you to undergo."

Sunghoon reads a bit of the consent form and eventually nods his head. "Is there any more you would like to say?"

"Yeah actually. So the center scheduled a tour of the field for the eight of you later at exactly 1 pm. See you later." Jake dismisses him and waits for the other to leave so he can continue the paperworks Alec gave him.

"You're right on time, Mr. Park." Jake commends Sunghoon while looking at his wrist watch, holding a folder on the other hand. "How about the others where are they?"

"Ohhh, um. I think they're be running late. The queue at the restaurant they were eating on is a bit long." Sunghoon hesitates to answer but does it eventually, awkwardly looking at the director's reaction. He heard him sigh.

"Please tell them next time that I am a bit strict about time management. And one thing I hate is people not following the time given to them."

Sunghoon did not answer as he slowly brough out the remarkable container of pancakes from a paper bag. Having a second thought of offering some of them to the director, but he may receive the same reaction again and he wasn't looking on experiencing through the awkward moment especially without anyone present but the two of them.

Still being the mischievous person he is, Sunghoon took upon the courage to offer the director some of his hot fluffy pancakes while they wait for the others to arrive and do the tour. "Have you eaten lunch already? I have pancakes, again." The latter was expecting an angry remark from the director but instead received a sigh and a rather delightful answer.

"Sure, I was craving for this." Jake didn't falter and grabbed the fork to have a bite of the pancakes. "I wasn't able to buy them before going here, I was too scared that I'd be late."

"Oh, okay have some then. Perhaps you haven't ate anything yet during lunch." Sunghoon answers and waits for the fork that he could use to get him a bite of the warm food. He was glad deep inside that maybe he and the director could form a strong bond of friendship together.

It took at least 15 minutes for both of them to finish eating the pancakes, still no one have arrived from their lunch breaks. Though the director seemed to cool down and is more patient about the other astronauts for their tour, Sunghoon tried to strike up a conversation. "Sooo, for how long have you been working for the center?"

Jake raised his eyebrows and sat beside him, under the scorching sun. "As a director or-"

"I mean from your starting position until now, how long?"

"Hmm, 3 years. Actually, I just got promoted as the flight director and this is my first project."

"Really?" Sunghoon dramatically looked over his shoulder, examining the other's facial features. "Doesn't seem like it."


"Those bugs below your eyes, are you sure it's your first?"

"Why? These bugs could have been because of my past positions before getting promoted. Every position in this center is hard okay? Most likely because of the higher-ups" Jake mumbles his last sentence, hoping the other didn't hear that.

"Makes sense." Sunghoon shrugs, attempting to think of another topic to continue their conversation. "What do you think of-" He was cut short, the others have arrived.

"We're really sorry for being late. Jackson and Jungkook were busy bickering about who would pay when we kept on insisting to pay our own meals." Lia says between deep breathes after rushing towards the field.

"It's alright. Should we start the tour?" Jake asks and everyone nods still breathing heavily, except for Sunghoon.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of the director guiding and teaching them the space crafts on the field all the while answering questions from the astronauts. Despite the intense heat of the sun, they were determined to study every single thing and be fascinated by facts told by Jake and seeing how the crafts are build and constructed.

Sunghoon on the other hand, kept on listening to Jake still not believing that it's his first time being the flight director because of how good he keeps everything together like he's already a pro at it. The latter just suddenly had the urge to learn more about the flight director.

"Park!" He immediately turned his head to the source and walked over to Jake who was checking the contents of the folder he was holding earlier. "I've showed this to the others already, now I only need your opinion about this."

Sunghoon moved closer and tried to focus on the paper but got distracted, weirdly, by the other's hair. He thought of how good it smells, lavender. Yes, the flight director's hair smells like Lavender.

"Hey, are you listening?" Sunghoon looked down once again and is met by Jake's eyes. They were beady and somewhat enchanting, like he could see the whole cosmos in it. A cosmos full of wonders waiting for them to be discovered, a cosmos full of bright stars and-.

"I'm asking you, Mr. Park, are you listening?"

"Uh yeah, yes I am listening." Sunghoon composes himself, nodding even when he heard completely nothing from the director.

"Do you agree?"

"Absolutely. Yes, I agree." The latter concludes, acting confident with his answer and even crossing his arms.

"Okay, that's the only thing I needed. Thank you for today and get ready for tomorrow is the start of your training. See you tomorrow." Jake smiles brightly at him, waves him goodbye and disappears out of Sunghoon's sight.

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