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Suitcases being dragged on the floor, wheels' rolling over to the direction it was being dragged at. The sound of footsteps also invaded the place, faces of people looking astonished at the extravagant design of the hotel. "This place as fancy as hell." One of the guys whispered to the person beside him.

"Hey, Jay?" Another one walks alongside with Jay who was talking to the receptionist about the reservation Jake made yesterday.

"Yeah." Jay answers as he waits for the lady to check them in.

"You sure this is the right hotel? It looks too..." The person trails off, trying to find the right words to describe the hotel they just entered.


"Sophisticated. We would have preferred a single apartment that we could just share rather than a hotel this much." The person replies, a tint of uncertainty laced in his voice.

"Come on, you deserve this, said Jake." Jay mumbles the last two words but was still loud enough for the person beside him to hear it.

"Jake? Is he the flight director? Is he really that rich to provide us a shelter on a five-star hotel?"

"Sunghoon just shut the hell up. Yes he is the flight director and no, he used the center's credit card of course and don't act like you don't have a lot of money. You're a fucking astronaut who makes atleast a hundred thousand dollars a year." Jay scoffs at the now named Sunghoon.

"Tsk, I only make eighty thousand for your information."

"I said atleast, idiot. And that's a large salary for an astronaut already. Like I only earn fifty thousand bucks a year." Jay looks over his shoulder to look at Sunghoon.

"Isn't that enough. How much do you want your salary to be?"

"Hmm." Jay thinks for a second before answering. "Twice as much."

"Haha, it's like you're asking nickels on the dime. If you are not satisfied with how much they pay, why not quit?" Sunghoon retorts.

"Okay you're asking too much shit already. I love my job and the friends I made there okay?" Jay answers after turning his head back to the receptionist.

"Friends? The only friend you have is me and I know that for a fact." Sunghoon mumbles teasing the older who was unaware of what he was saying.

The seven guys patiently waiting for the hotel staff to assist them to their room saw the receptionist calling on for a bellboy to carry their bags and luggages to their assigned rooms. Almost instantly, a young boy arrives to their service, asking them very kindly to place their bags and suitcases on the baggage cart then tells them to follow him.

All of them entered the very spacious lift that elevated them up to the designated floor there rooms are located at. They all watch silently as the small device on top indicates what floor they were currently in. Until Sunghoon breaks the silence, "You seemed to be very young to be a worker in this hotel, kid." He comments looking at the bellboy.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm 19 years old actually. I applied for the job so I can provide money for my sibling's tuition fee. Life is really hard right now."

"Did you drop out of school?" Someone from the other six questions.

"Yeah, I only finished highschool and had to work a couple of jobs. Now that I'm legal I got to work for a more bigger facility."

Silence stiltedly lingered around the whole ride up to the eleventh floor, when the doors opened, the bellboy immediately led them to separate rooms for each one of them, dropping their bags off inside and greeting them a good morning. Now that the only people left where Sunghoon, Jay and the young bellboy, both boys continued asking about how his life was and how hard it is for him to actually consider going to school.

Upon arriving to the assigned room for Sunghoon, the bellboy went inside first to drop his luggage off and bowed to them. "Hope you have a good day ahead and I apologize if I ever talked too much while on the way. Sorry if I was a bother." He said shyly, embarassed of how how he maundered infront of two strangers.

"Oh no, it's okay. It's better to have someone listen to your problems right? So here." Jay speaks and hands the bellboy a 50 dollar bill as a tip.

"This is too large for a tip sir. You can just keep it." The boy urges.

"It's all fine, you earned it."

"Oh my gosh, thank you very much sir. I would never forget you." The young boy again bows 90 degrees and makes his exit with the large baggage cart.

"Poor kid." Jay shakes his head as he sighs, comfortably laying down at the bed.

"Yah! That bed is mine." Sunghoon complains pushing Jay off the bed.

"I thought you actually preferred an apartment and now you're shooing me off of this fluffy bed?"

"I just didn't want the sheets to be ruined by you. Since the room is mine, I should be the first one to lay on it so deal with it." Sunghoon grumbles fixing the soft white blanket draped over the white bed.

Jay goes on to study the room. The color of the walls was the same as the bed and sheets. Magazines and other kinds of books were placed on the table just beside the cozy velvet couch, also colored white. A cabinet with hangers hanged on the steel bar inside and a white robe with the hotel's initials imprinted could be found inside. The toilet was just as the bedroom, white tiles and walls, the mirror was flawlessly clear and other bathroom essentials were neatly setted up on their assigned positions.

"Why is it too white?" Jay comes out of the bathroom and approaches Sunghoon who was carefully putting his clothes on the cabinet and other items he bought.

"Yeah, just like you." Sunghoon mumbles, folding socks and under garments.



It took Jay a minute or two to understand what the other has just said, hence making him stand up from the couch and confront Sunghoon about it. "Hey, I have lived in this country for almost my whole life and for your information I don't act like white guy."

"Yeah?" Sunghoon responds also standing up. "Remember when you went back to Korea and I treated you to Starbucks? Instead of taking just minutes, it took us a whole ass hour because the cashier can not understand that complicacted order of yours." The latter retaliates, crossing his arms infront of his chest.

"I just asked for 5 pumps of vanilla and-" Sunghoon didn't even let him finish his sentence, cutting him off.

"Then when you clapped after watching at the theater? Everyone else was literally looking at you that time and for a hundredth time I wondered why was I even friends with you."

"I just appreciated the movie!"

"Then I saw you wearing socks while you walk around with the sandals on. Socks and sandals?"

"Okay, I just did that one time and realized how it was so wrong. Forgive me."

"And when you finally got your license? You told me that you'd make sure to stay off the road? How the heck does that make sense?!" Sunghoon almost shouts from the ridiculous things he remembered his friend was doing.

"Okay okay you win." Jay looks at his watch and says, "It's almost 8:30 am, have to go to work now. See you tomorrow. Would be expecting the six of you to arrive at 10 in the morning so you better rest for the next day. Bye!" Jay doesn't even let the other say good bye back and closes the door behind him.

The door opens once again and Jay's head pops out. "I heard what you said a while ago, I made and have a lot of friends ok? And you know what? Fuck you!"

"No, Fuck YOU." Sunghoon retorts before the door closes for another time.

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