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They both got out of the car, parked just beside the road infront of the hotel Jake chose. With the words 'Hotel Fleix' posted in big capital letters on top of the building, they entered.

Sunoo was awestruck with how fancy the hotel was, marble floor boards with brown and white lines designed all over it. Chairs and tables were also made fancy as the chairs were clothed with fine silk bisque- colored fabric and tables were covered with a dark brown table runner in comparison of the light tinted tables and chairs.

In the middle of the room was a thick large rectangular woolen carpet with patterns of red, black and white and a large chandelier hanging just on top of it, being the complete source of light in the hotel despite the sunlight coming from outside through the open doors and windows.

Massive curtains taking the color of coffee were the highlights of the window, pushed aside to allow sunlight seeping through the white clean windows. Walls were also painted white with expensive paintings ranging from ancient to modern styles were hanging on them. And on the farthest side was a large piano with no one sitting, it was so well kept and cleaned that you can see it shine from the door even with the dark black tint of it. Beside the piano are four tall, cylinder-shaped, green marble supports for the hotel's aesthetic.

"Isn't this too fancy for the astronauts?" Sunoo asks after taking in the hotel's interior. His mouth dropping to the floor and his eyebrows shot through the ceiling.

"They deserve it. Remember that they would be the ones sacrificing themselves for the world's knowledge about space."

"Sacrificing? You told that like they were about to die, hyung."

"Chances of that happening is not rare but hopefully they would go back safely after the mission."

"How do they even wash curtains this big?" Sunoo changes his question, seeing the massive curtains.

"Good afternoon sir, what may I help you with?" The hotel receptionist greeted after seeing the two boys walk to the reception desk.

"Ahh yes, do you accept reservations?" Jake answers with Sunoo behind him, timidly listening to the conversation.

"Of course, how many rooms would you like to reserve and what time would you be coming back? Take note that we only accept reservations within the last 24 hours after you actually reserved a room or more." The lady informs, keeping the smile on her face.

"Well, it's not for us actually but for other seven people who would be arriving at 5 am in the morning, tomorrow."

"Certainly, we accept that. May we know what rooms would they like to stay in?"

"Can I reserve seven single hotel rooms? If you still have that many unoccupied?"

"We surely have, sir. What kind of single rooms would you want. The low-class ones, middle ones or the high-class rooms?" The receptionist inquires, without looking at Jake but at the computer– typing to search how many rooms they can serve for them.

"The high-class ones. Seven of those, please." Jake answers, putting both of his arms at the slightly high counter top of the reception.

"Okay, you got it sir. But before that, do you mind signing a waiver so we can actually identify which of the guests tomorrow we would be serving for these seven high-class rooms?" The lady, indicates bringing out a paper that is probably not a waiver like what she told so and a black ballpoint pen with gold linings drawn to it, much for the classiness of a pen.

Jake takes the paper and flips it so he can see what's written on it; of course he'd be reading it before actually filling it up to avoid any trouble the next day. He mumbles every word on the A4 sized bond paper, making sure he got all the details right. He stops midway aftet encountering a word he can't quite pinpoiny the meaning of it, Jake turns to Sunoo who's now beside him, reading alongside with him. "What's concede?"

"What?" Sunoo asks after getting off-guard with the sudden question.

"Oh, nevermind." Jake says before going back to reading the waiver.

He then proceeded to sign it after confirming everything on the paper. "Here, I've filled the lines already and wrote my signature." Jake then hands it back to the receptionist.

They watch her scan through Jake's information and type it back on the computer, to affirm the rooms he reserved. "What type of payment, sir?"

Jake gives her the company's credit card and she then slides it on the card reader, seeing it light up in green, the receptionist gives it back. "Your payment have been approved, sir. We hope to welcome and see you again tomorrow." She greets them goodbye and both boys went on their ways, going inside the car and to the center.

(A/N: I don't know how hotels work✊ as I've never been into one😬)

"Where did y'all go?" Ni-ki wonders, noticing Jake and Sunoo arriving back at the mission center.

"To the city." Jake bluntly answers, going back up stairs to his office, leaving Sunoo and Ni-ki alone by the staircase.

"So, where?" Ni-ki turns to Sunoo who was a bit flustered when the younger looked at him.

"He just told where, to the city."

"Wha-" "I meant where in the city did you go to?"

"To a hotel." Sunoo answers meekly, his voice as thin as a string, the other completely towering over him with his height being smaller than Ni-ki.


"For the arriving astronauts."

"Wasn't that Jay-hyung's job?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe he forgot to do it."

"Hmm, okay." Ni-ki answers, awkwardness starting to fill both boys' atmosphere. No one dares to talk as they have nothing to tell, only waiting for someone to break the silence.

As the time started to pass, Sunoo feels his cheeks heat up and realized that if he stays longer, a blush would start to appear and it would make things more awkward, so with a final decision he quickly tells the younger that he had some work to do and was demanded to be finished within the current time.

Sunoo tried to run but trips on a wire strip that was connected to a computer on a desk nearby. He dramatically fell and landed face first, his nose instanly making contact with the ground. Sunoo lets out a groan that alerts Ni-ki he was deeply hurt from the fall.

Ni-ki who watches everything unfold, also runs his way to the latter who was holding onto his nose. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?!" Sunoo exclaims, eyebrows knitting and his cheeks flushing red, his face was a total description of agony.

"Umm, is your nose bleeding, does something beside your nose hurts? Do you need assistance in walking?" Ni-ki questions but after receiving groans and cries as an answer he knelt down and tried to carry Sunoo.

"What are you doing?"

"Carrying you? From your reaction, it seemed like you can't walk."

"I can't walk? I fucking landed on my face." Sunoo answers standing up and backing from Ni-ki's hands.

"You sure you don't need me to carry you?"

"I am pretty sure I don't. I am standing very well so no." Sunoo responds, hand still on his nose.

"Okay then." Ni-ki nods still checking if the other's really okay with walking. Sunoo on the other hand who realizes the situation he was in, has his eyes growing big and his cheeks redder, quickly runs past Ni-ki to somewhere so he can avoid further clumsiness with the younger around.

Ni-ki, who was suddenly left behind, raises his eyebrows and looks at the direction Sunoo ran to, the bathroom. "What's wrong with that guy?" He asks himself and went back to his own affair.

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