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Closing the door behind him gently, Jake leaves his spacious apartment to start a brand new day. Still with an emotionless look on his face he speaks to greet the tenant he met along the corridor. "Good Morning, Ms. Gonzales."

The tenant halts as well as Jake to have a short talk before separating ways and meeting each other once again after a whole month. "Good Morning to you too. How's the mission you've been working on?" She asks with a big smile on, wrinkles forming beside here eyes as she does so.

"I'm afraid I can't spoil or tell anything about it." Jake jokingly said, a timid smile now starting to show. His reply made the old lady laugh.

"Okay then, whatever it is I hope it'll be successful." She adds.

"I do hope so. Once we gather the details about our mission, I'll make sure you would be the first one to know before anyone else."

"Really? I'd be more than glad to know about them." It was obvious that she was very delighted, as if her wrinkles are about to turn more wrinkly than it was.

"Yep. I'll be going then, don't want to end up running late to the center. Bye Ms. Gonzales." Jake waves his left hand to the old lady and started walking to the elevator's door.

"Hope to see you more soon. Bye~" She too waves her hand to the latter before going the opposite way.

As he entered the elevator, Jake made sure to press the button that leads him to the first floor; as if his smile wasn't visible enough, he dropped the only tint of happiness from his face and immediately went to professional mode. He patiently waited as the lift slowly descended, feeling it shake a bit made him feel nauseous. Jake always thought about what horrible things could happen on the elevator and have always preferred using the stairs but since he knew he had to arrive to the center soon, he had no choice but to use it and promised to himself that he wouldn't use it again only if it was really needed.

It was one of the days were he'd wake up later than expected and had to rush everything aside. He was supposed to be in his car already when he hadn't met the tenant along the way. The thought of getting late made him heave a heavy sigh, if he could have just met Ms. Gonzales on any other day except today, it would have made things smoother and he didn't have to come rushing to the parking lot right after the elevator opened on the first floor.

Inserting his hand on his right pocket, he hastily took the keys out and shuffled a bit on the car's door. After being successful on opening it he entered and closed the door shut. Instantly inserting the key once again on the ignition and putting the gear stick on neutral he stopped for a second to put the seat belt on and buckle up; he was just following the rules and wasn't trying to disobey them anytime.

Jake pressed the accelerator and the car had moved. Driving his way out of the parking lot and on to the main road. He controls the wheel with his left hand and reaches the radio with his other one, turning to a channel that plays music requested by listeners. It was his favorite channel, listening to different genres of music playing on the background as he focus on the road and try not to break any rules that might put him to jail.

The songs transitioned from a ballad one to a pop one. Jake mumbles the lyrics of the song, completely engulfing his body in an 'I-want-to-dance-so-badly' state. Suddenly, his fingers started tapping the wheel and his head was bopping with the song's beat. "Cuz we don't need permission to dance~" He couldn't help but mutter the words ringing on his mind.

Just as the song was finished, his car came to a stop and realized what he's met with. Jake loudly groans and mutters a curse. He was stuck in traffic and the line of cars seemed to not be moving any further. "Oh, for fuck's sake." He internally screams and checks the time on his phone, 7:38 am.

"Come on, Jake. Don't get mad, don't get mad. You would get there just in time." He tries to calm himself by breathing in and out, slowly and heavily.

"Well, shit." Jake raises his arms up, he was still in the same spot he was in 30 minutes ago. A couple of songs had already been played on the radio and a lot of drivers have already been pressing their hands against the stirring wheel, releasing loud-ass beeps from their cars, much to Jake's dissatisfaction.

Turns out, when Jake decided to get out of his car to see what was causing the traffic, two cars have collided with each other completely blocking the already narrow road and the responders only arrived just a few minutes ago. "Talk about time-management." He talks to himself after finally noticing two tow trucks carrying the cars. Then the cars infront of him started moving, he followed pursuit and sighed in relief, noticing that they have finally cleared the road.

Once he reached the part of the road where it is completely free and no cars were close to him infront, he presses hard on the accelerator and the car moves speedily. It was fast that Jake only sees everything pass beside him blurry and this puts a smirk on his face. Each time he goes to work and enter through this road, he just can't keep it off of his face since there were always no sign of any cars, Jake doesn't hesitate to drive the car beyond the speed limit and still not get arrested because there were also no police cars present. A complete opposite of what he was thinking about breaking no rules.

A rush of adrenaline slithering through his spine, this was the only favorite thing he does when driving to work, everything that comes along was just pure shit, that's what he thinks.

"It's your first time to be this late." A guy approaches Jake after he enters the center. "And it looked like you had a very bad morning. Mr. Shim."

"Oh, don't tell those things to me now. I'm your boss, remember?" Jake answers, dusting some what sort of dust on his clothes.

"Yeah? And I'm your hyung." The guy answers placing his hand on top of the latter's head, fixing a strand of hair. "Anyways, you're lucky we don't have any mission that's ongoing." He adds before sipping his cup of coffee.

"Don't use your hyung power on me. We're in work, you should act like a professional." Jake knits his eyebrows as he looks sternly at the guy infront of him.

"Okay. First of all, it's just rightful to respect people older than you and second you take everything to seriously."

"Even if someone is older than you, that doesn't automatically lead you to respecting them and the way I'm taking things is just about right because I'm acting professionally." Jake lifts his chin up and awaits for his acquaintance's response.

"So you're telling me that I'm not worth of your respect?" The other says, completely offended.

"Heeseung-hyung, look, you should just go back to your table and do your work." Jake insisted pushing Heeseung to the older's office.

"No, Nu-uh. I ain't leaving until you answer my question. Do you NOT respect me?" Heeseung asks putting his free hand on his chest.

"Of course I do. Now go back and finish the email letter I've sent you yesterday." Jake exasperatedly answers, sighing.

"Good. You know working isn't just about acting 'professionally' but also being able to have fun and enjoy the job you got." Heeseung then says before entering a certain door that leads to his office.

Jake shakes his head in disagreement and breathes out, people have always told him this kind of stuff and everytime it happens, all he would do was to sigh and purse his lips. He fills his mouth with air and releases it with a puff, going upstairs to where his office is located at.

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