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"Park, hey!" Jake pats and shakes Sunghoon's shoulder forcing him to wake up.

"Huh? What?" Eyes half closed, he responds trying to look at Jake without closing them back again.

"We're here, wake up!" Sunghoon looked outside the car, the sun is about to set as the morning wind blows on his face through the open window. "Oh." He sits straight up and rubs his eyes. "What do we do then?"

"We should probably wait until Heeseung hyung arrives then we can go inside together." Jake mumbles to not wake up the resting Sunoo behind them.

"Why did we arrive earlier than them, wasn't his car the first to move?"

"The car's gas tank ran out, he had to look for a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Texted me 2 hours ago while both of you were asleep." Jake leans his head on the steering wheel, visibly tired from driving. Sunghoon nodded and went out of the car. "Where are you going?" Jake asks as Sunghoon stretches his legs from sitting too long. "I'm going to Jay, be back in 5 minutes. "

"Sure." Jake sighs, since he arrived almost an hour ago, he kept on thinking of taking a quick nap but cant because of something particular. "I just hope I don't meet him later." He mumbles to himself. "Tsk. Just because of a stupid file I forgot to send him. Beside, why am I even afraid of him? He is just a position higher than me doesnt change anything right?" He kept talking to himself as if no one was with him.

"But then the higher ups clearly favors him more than me, he might actually report me for not doing my job properly. Ahhh, why did I forgot that!" Jake pulls his hair out of frustration.

"Not sure how I should react about that." Jake jumps from his seat, as he places his hand over his chest, breathing heavily. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Still laying down, Sunoo yawns and grabs his phone out of his pocket to look at the time.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to hear you talking to yourself. Hyung, you're really weird". He lips moved to one side out of amusement. "No, I'm not." Jake retorts, his breathing steadies.

Sunoo shrugs. "I suppose other people do that to, definitely not me."

"Come on, you havent talked to yourself even once?" Jake twists his body to face Sunoo, not believing him.

"Not really, more of talking inside my mind. Fear envelopes me if I try to tell someone how I feel or think so keeping everything in my brain is a better option for me." Sunoo talks, not realizing the stare Jake has on him.

"Really?" Jakes tone was visible therefore making Sunoo look at him. "Hyung, stop pitying me, really." Sunoo turns his phone off, sits down and also exits the vehicle. "I'll look for a restroom."

"I got snacks." Just as Sunoo left, Sunghoon comes back from the other car with 3 packs of chips on his arms. He goes inside and gives one to Jake. "Where's Sunoo?" He asks after seeing that no one is at the back.

"Went to find a restroom." He answers, still thinking about what the other latter said. "What do you think about Sunoo?"

"Hmm?" Sunghoon raised his left eyebrow, confusion stringed from Jakes question. "What do you mean?"

"I mean his attitude."

"He's really kind and is a literal angel. Sunoo's the only person with a precious soul I know, why?" Sunghoon responds, still chewing chips inside his mouth.

"Any other features from him?" Jake tries to ask for a further and more elaborate answer from the other.

"Oh yeah, I know hes mad in love with Ni-ki."

"What?" Jake asks and Sunghoon returns the same question.

"You think so?" Jake dismissed his same response. "Mhm, and Im surprised Ni-Ki's not taking notice of it. Most likely because hes taken y'know?"

Jake only nods. "But what if he does?"

The place is full of chatter, here and there. People with elegant suits and formal dresses each of them talking to one person and another. Circular tables set all over the venue and a buffet table for both ends of the place for employees and guests to get food anytime. Seven friends with a girlfriend entered the room and went to separate ways to talk with particular people.

"Park, I'll go talk to another director. Would you be okay alone?" Jake asks him after everyone left them by the entrance.

"I'm fine, I'll go with Jackson hyung and the rest."

"Okay, I'll see you again later then."

Jake walks to one of the only people hes close with to discuss about certain things. He had his chin up as he greets and offers small talks to people in his way, but seeing the person he despised in the crowd, Jake remembered to try his best and avoid that person.

Sneaking his way through without getting caught, he finally spotted the Director of Suborbital Research Program, Director Jung Hoseok. Their eyes met and immediately the Director greeted Jake. "Jake! How are you? Havent met you in a while."

"I'm doing well, sir. How about you? How's the business doing?" Jake smiles, he finally meets the person he has been looking up on, for the fifth time actually. First was when he was promoted as the Flight Director, they shared handshakes and Jake received advice from him; The other four happened outside their offices and in the directors publishing company. He would never get sick of meeting him.

"Business is doing well thankfully. You single still?" Jake looks for a hint that the other was joking but he seemed serious so he rubbed his neck and awkwardly answered, "Yeah, haha."

"Oh." Hoseok is taken aback, his lips formed an o and his eyes forgot to blink for a second; he actually thought Jake is seeing someone so he jested about him being single. "I assumed you have someone, Im truly sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Oh thats okay. Though I wonder what made you assume that?" Jake tried his best to not sound like he's demanding for the answer and kept his tone low as possible.

"The guy you are always around with? The astronaut?"


"Yeah, that one!" Hoseok viewed around to find for him and pointed at Sunghoon who was busy talking with his friends. Jake followed the direction he was looking out then his face instantly turned to a worried one, someone actually thinks they're dating?

"Um, we"re we that close for you to think that were together?" The latter's a bit hesitant to question that more further as it might get uncomfortable for Sunghoon too if he learns about it.

"Too close, but dont worry! I understand that youre nothing more than friends. I also should get going, see you later!" Hoseok doesnt even wait for him to answer and left. Jake pondered and eventually went back to Sunghoon but made sure they dont look too close for the rest of the day.

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