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It has been a month long since the astronauts' training started. They have mastered the schedule and have been doing great in terms of their astronaut works. Every single member are doing just fine cooperating with each other.

In terms of Sunghoon and Jake, things have never been better between them; greeting each other every morning and before leaving work, buying each other food or rather pancakes for breakfast that they have been since sharing and spending every free time they have with each other.

Yesterday, Sunghoon invited Jake to a coffee shop, they enjoyed talking to each other, still Jake was a bit hesitant talking that much about topics that he thought was too deep for them to talk about. He keep on thinking about his answers before telling them making sure he does not open up that much.

"I really enjoyed talking to you yesterday, I hope we get to talk that much more often." Sunghoon admits passing by Jake's office before proceeding to the field for his training.

"I also enjoyed the talk we had, how about we meet at the rooftop during our lunch breaks?" Jake suggests, keeping his eyes on the computer while answering Sunghoon by the door.

From the corner of his eye, he can see how big of a grin the other has upon hearing his suggestion. "Sure. I'll see you later. Bye." Sunghoon tells him before closing the door.

Right after his training, Sunghoon made a bee line to the shower rooms with a new pair of clothes, stripping of the ones he used drenched in sweat and opening the shower faucet. The feeling of warm water sliding through his body made him shiver from comfort. His body tensed down and went through with his usual routine of taking a shower.

Then, remembering what Jake told him; Sunghoon immediately went to the elevator an pressed the button for the highest floor. Tapping his foot while waiting for the door to open and checking notifications from his phone he missed while on training. When he heard the sound indicating that he have arrived, Sunghoon removed his focus on the phone to look at his way and walked around finding for a spot he and Jake could sit on.

He knew the other would be late but would still buy the food they'd be eating while go about their conversation. Sunghoon sat by the large fans and brought his phone out as he waits for Jake to come and bring his meal for the afternoon. A message popped up.


Hey, I can't really come right now. Something from the company came up and I'm needed instantly. Can't message you after this until 5 pm. Maybe tomorrow? Sorry.

Sunghoon understood and didn't reply anymore, instead he stood up and went back down to buy his own preferred food.

Another day, another training and another chance for Sunghoon to be with Jake. For some reason, he just can't keep himself from speaking, meeting or doing anything to get associated with the other.

Sunghoon was disappointed about how he wasn't able to talk to Jake yesterday due to a meeting the other attended to. But this time, he was reassured that no meetings or due dates would interrupt their talks and food sessions.

He finished his training, took a quick shower and went outside to buy food for the both of them. Sunghoon bought Chicken Lettuce Wraps and softdrinks for lunch.

"Where are you?" Jake asked through the phone when Sunghoon answered the call.

"I'm at a store a block away. I bought lunch this time cuz we finished early." Sunghoon responded, placing the phone between his ear and shoulder as he had to pay then held it properly together with a plastic bag with his other hand.

"Oh ok, I'm at the rooftop and will be waiting for you. Make it fast, it's hot here."

"Yeah, I'm on my way out now." Sunghoon answered before dropping the call and walking back to the center.

He skipped his way through the establishment and to the elevator going up to the rooftop.

He hadn't really thought about how the center's elevator reached the rooftop 'til now. When he heard the sound, he excitedly walked a straight line leading to Jake whom sat by the railings, as usual always on his laptop.

"I'm here!" Sunghoon's voice made the other look up and close his laptop. "Hey, what did you buy?"

Sunghoon handed him the plastic to let him see what's inside. Aside from pancakes, lettuce wraps are another favorite of Jake that he remembered from the past days wherein they bought food together outside.

"You really like buying things I like instead of yours."

"Well, I bought it since it's your favorite and from then on your favorites would also be mine. Besides, lettuce wraps taste good too." Sunghoon lets his words slide of, he takes his own wrap and eats them waiting for Jake to rant about his day just like any normal day they would spend.

"So, about the meeting we had." Jake starts, taking a bite of the wrap.


"It's about the center's anniversary." Sunghoon perks his ears and gets agitated.

"It will be next week. They're inviting every single employee here to celebrate together. The coordinators have everything set so I'm really thankful but there is a problem."

"What is it?" Sunghoon raises his eyebrows and stops chewing for a second.

"The venue's a bit far away. They set it out of town so we would have to start travelling 10 hours before the event starts then we wouldn't be late."

"I'm okay with that." Sunghoon continues chewing hearing that the problem wasn't something he really thinks is a big deal.

"How about the others, they might not come if they live too far away." Jake expresses his concern, lifting the right side of his lips and placing his chin on his palm.

"Come on, of course they would come it's basically your anniversary as a team right? Just don't think about that and be more optimistic. Not everything is about worrying. I'm sure the event would be a 'ok'." Sunghoon assures him so that the other wouldn't lost his appetite like what Jake did when he was too worried about not passing the papers on time.

Jake smiles and nods, "Thank you. Though I hope someone doesn't really ruin it for me."



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