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Laughter filled the room. The group of friends were hanging out in Heeseung's house. Problems have left them after Morris had been fired on his job. Their policy was changed and they got to have less paper works and errands to finish. Especially Heeseung. Since he worked with Morris and is the same position as him.

One time, Heeseung had to go overseas for an international meeting, all because Morris was too lazy to wake up in time and catch his flight, which Heeseung booked the ticket too. As usual, he was the one making documentaries and delivers invoice to the higher-ups.

Yes, Jake suffers Morris' cruelty but it can't really top Heeseung's. Both of them do not talk openly about it though so no one really knows; still, he never complained about it. Really sucks for him, huh.

On the good side, a friend of his has been promoted and is replacing Morris. This time, Heeseung is assured that they would be splitting the duties and he doesn't have to attend international meetings.

"That's unfair! Why do I have to go to jail?!" Ni-ki protests, waving his hands around in frustration of Jay's judgement.

"You gotta pay up, you shithead. Karma is real." Jay responds. A while ago, the younger insisted about him going to jail and it sparked up a silly argument between them.

Ni-ki grunts as he moved his piece to the spot on the board meant for Jail. Sunoo whispers something to him and Ni-ki's face glows up. "How much do you want it for?" The younger asks.

Sunoo, without speaking, hands Ni-ki his 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. "I'll give if to you for free." Sunoo smiles and offer him the card. On the other hand, Jay has his lips curled down after seeing the transaction. "Now, this is discrimination." He mutters after seeing Ni-ki's mischievous smile when placing the card back to the deck and moving his piece.

Time quickly passed by, unnoticed by the jolly group. They were eating snacks while playing Monopoly, a game that would surely take them hours to finish, especially with most of them cheating their way through and breaking the rules.

After the game, they all agreed to watch a movie and let the night go by. Heeseung takes note of how Sunghoon looked at Jake when he was fast asleep on the couch and how he places a soft peck on his forehead when he draped a blanket over him.

How Jay's head lay on Jungwon's shoulder. He smirks at that; Heeseung knows something is going on between them, of course there had got to be. He knows about when they would set up dates to 'hangout' and when he caught them holding each other's hand then they reasoned with the cold. Yeah, sure. Pretty cold during the month of July in Arizona.

Then, his gaze averts to Sunoo. Heeseung's smirk falls, he catches him stealing a glance to Ni-ki. Somehow, Sunoo notices him staring and as a sign, Heeseung nods.

Sunoo tilts his head to this. 'What', he mouths. He points his head towards Ni-ki, who was too immersed with the Sci-Fi movie they were watching. 'You got this.' Heeseung whispers.

. . .

Everyone's pretty much asleep. Except for Ni-ki and Sunoo. They weren't tired since they got a day-off a while ago. Feeling conscience for their older friends, they silently agreed to clean up after them. Sunoo picked up soda cans and assembled the board games while Ni-ki washed the plates they used for the snacks and got blankets for the others who didn't have one.

When done, Ni-ki is the first one to struck a conversation between them. "How was your day going?"

"Eh, pretty average. I just slept in and waited for them to call. How about you?"

"We went out to a carnival. Pretty exhausting but she enjoyed it." Ni-ki answers and the mention of her made Sunoo think back to what he was supposed and been planning to say. Sunoo went quiet for a while until Ni-ki noticed of the silence.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

Sunoo tenses. Breathing out heavily, he looks up. "Can we talk outside?"


"Heeseung's terrace is alright. I just have something to tell you about." Sunoo stands up and leads the way to the said place as Ni-ki followed behind him.

The night breeze made Sunoo's skin crawl, shucks, as if the confession he was about to say was not frightening enough. Ni-ki pulled out a chair for him and he muttered a 'thanks'.

"What is it?" Ni-ki asks after pulling out a chair for him to sit at.

"Okay, I'll be straightforward." Sunoo thinks about it for a second. He looks at Ni-ki. The guy he's been friends with for almost 5 years and have spent most of the time together, mainly at work. Sunoo valued him very dearly and always treated him as perfect as he could. From trainees to where they are now.

At someone's terrace, facing each other and staring at each other's eyes. Shit. Why does he have to have such beautiful, mesmerizing and captivating eyes... At that moment, Sunoo has been captured by them.

Out of all the people he met, why does it have to be Ni-ki?

"I like you." Sunoo muttered, still dazed.

"What?" Ni-ki's confused and shocked voice woke his soul up. Oh my gosh.


"Sunoo, I-"

"Don't worry! I have no ill intentions, whatsoever. I do not plan on ruining your relationship. It just felt like, the more I keep it in, this feeling might grow more. So, I think telling you how I feel would be better. After this, I will distance myself. I respect you and your girlfriend, she's a great girl." Sunoo unconsciously says too much. He stops then sees that Ni-ki seemed to still be processing that 3 words.

Out of panic, Sunoo stands up from the chair. "I'll give you space to think." He says before opening the sliding door and proceeding to the house's main door.

"Wait, Sunoo." Ni-ki manages to tell him. He is standing by the sliding door; he was about to say something when-

"You're in a relationship and I know it was a terrible time to tell you this. Rest assured I would not bother you anymore, Ni-ki. Thank you for listening." The door closed shut.

For some reason, Ni-ki remained there standing. That is something he did not expect. But then, "Ahh!" He pulls his hair and groans. "How could I be so fucking dumb?" He tells himself.

It was obvious. When Sunoo always insisted on helping with every single thing he did from the first time they met until yesterday, when he suggested and provided information for the carnival he and his girlfriend went to. When he failed a test during their trainee days, Sunoo gave his own supposed position up so they could find another agency that he could pass, together.

Sunoo has always been with him through his failures and wins. Every risk Ni-ki took, he was always there to support him. Sunoo always helped him and yet Ni-ki had not remembered one time that he asked for something back. His friend was selfless.

And what frustrates Ni-ki the most, other than realizing it too late, was that he was a coward to admit it.

To admit that he once had feelings for Sunoo. Thing is, Ni-ki did liked him for a long time but thought Sunoo always saw them as friends. Ni-ki kept it hidden until he met a girl, and then those feelings faded away.

He liked him in the wrong time, hadn't he?

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