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The eight astronauts entered the center with Heeseung infront of them, they followed to where he was going to. While doing so they can't help but also notice everyone working on their desks, doing very hard with their work on papers. This wasn't the only thing the center employees are doing though, in fact they are just the staff with the lowest position on the MCC.

There are other floors where higher ranked staff are working and handle harder jobs on monitoring every action of crafts currently on space, gathering data from space probes and receiving telegrams from astronauts outside the earth's surface. Unlike the staff with lower ranks who takes shifts in working, they don't usually get enough rest because they have to be always on the look out for problems if there ever are any and handle it properly thus giving them only 3 hours per day to perhaps take a nap or get off from the computer screen.

Still if emergencies happen, they have to make a big request to any worker present who knows the job they do and ask them to take over while they're out. It is hard to hire people to take upon the work of a higher ranked staff because it takes years to prove yourself worthy of a job such as that explains why a higher position only has a person or two working on it.

They halt as Heeseung also does, searching for his ringing phone on his pockets. Finding where it is and who it was he instantly swipes to the call button. "Yes?" He speaks. The whole phone call was just stuffed with Heeseung nodding and telling short answers while the person on the other line kept talking. "The flight director told me to wait for half an hour since he had to deal with some problems on the communications with the other directors from other stations. Is it okay with all of you if you wait for a while?" Heeseung questions looking at the astronauts who look like lost puppies gazing upon the crowd of employees walking around and talking very loudly.

"Ok, no problem. We could definitely wait." Haruto replies.

Heeseung nods and looks around, trying to find something that can keep them occupied as they wait. He dials someone's contact number and asks them to accompany the astronauts since he also have something to do as of now. The person agrees and Heeseung speaks up, "I would have to leave you for now. Please don't just roam around. Don't worry someone would come soon and bring you to a room with no one around." The latter walks out, leaving the stray astronauts to walk around not hearing what he just said.

"Hey, where's Heeseung?" Lia asks the group.

"Didn't you heard what he said?" Huening Kai returns a question back.


"He told us to roam around and find a room with no one around." Sunghoon answers, ignoring the fact that he told the exact opposite of what Heeseung just said.

"Why would he leave us to a place we are not even familiar with?" Jungkook replies, raising one of his eyebrows.

"I got this. I once served here with the SC1 as the pilot so I might still remember where certain rooms are located at." Jackson speaks up, straight away going up the stairs that leads them to even more floors and rooms but this time, it was more silent than downstairs.

"Okay, as I remember, the second floor is where offices of the flight director and more higher ups are located. Definitely not where the rooms Heeseung told us." He again speaks, acting like a pro at room locating.

"Then third floor we go." Karina utters, now leading the group to upstairs. "So Jackson-oppa what rooms are in here?" She asks the older.

"Oh yes! You would not want to enter any of these rooms. Let's go upstairs to the fourth floor."

"Huh? Why?"

"These are where the most 'hard-working' staff works. Everyone even the higher ups says so because they are the ones who works 24/7 and don't get the rest they need. So when you enter, they would definitely look at you with a scowl especially when you aren't one of the employees working with them."

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