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Jake's eyes were starting to feel like it's about to burn anytime due to how focused he is staring at the computer, the radiation on the screen going directly on his face and it's certainly the reason why his eyes were about to be in fire. His fingertips typing away rapidly on the keyboard, straining to write a report he's supposed to send to the headquarters an hour ago.

"Fuck, where's my phone?" He exclaims after hearing his ringtone though he couldn't find where his phone was. He stood up and searched for his pockets then on the table and the drawers below, he rummaged through his office; getting papers scattered all around the already messy table, the cup of coffee almost falling and probably the biggest mistake he almost made- nearly breaking a very important flower vase.

After making his office messier, Jake finally found the phone that he was looking for, it was on his jacket's pocket. Jake sighed for the hundredth time and proceeded to answer the call. The name of an upper person in the headquarters showed on his phone and he immediately knew he was in some serious shit. Since they were supposed to call on his office's telephone, they didn't but instead they called him directly on his phone. Jake was a bit hesitant to press the answer button although he does it anyways.

He clears his throat and shakingly places the phone on his ear, waiting for what they were about to say. Fear instantly floods his body after hearing the voice from the other line "Hello?"

"G-good afternoon, Mr. Williams." Jake cringes at himself for stuttering while on call with a higher up.

"Oh, Mr. Shim, good thing you've answered. Now may I ask about the report you were assigned to send at 11:00 am?" The person on the other line clearly stated that he was getting impatient, based on the tone he was using.

"Yes sir, umm, you see- there were technical problems on the computer so it took me longer than expected. Don't worry, I'll pass it right away when I have polished the details." His answer contradicting the actual truth.

The man sighed, "I'll give you some slack, by 12:30 I expect an email sent to me. You have 30 minutes more and hopefully once I received it, every detail is written on it. Got that?"

"Yes sir. Thank you." He croaks a smile and heard the call had already ended. Jake was thankful that it was Mr. Williams who called not the other one since he was sure the man would eventually allow him to be late for some time, still he swear not to abuse Mr. Williams' kindness.

Everyone was terrified of the higher ups and if ever they do something completely against the center's rules; they are very much aware of the fact they'd instantly lose their job and pack their things. One employee forgot to produce the papers he was assigned and almost immediately got fired. Jake remembered the face on the employee while placing everything on his table on a box the higher ups have given him, everyone was looking at him- some with scared looks and some with sympathy on their faces. He even had to do the walk of shame as the center's staff lined up into two lines left and right to give way to the poor ex-employee; they waited for him to walk out of the door with a tear-strained face and going back to work as if nothing happened.

Jake frowned for a moment and went back to typing, definitely not wishing to have the same fate as that one worker.

He finally did it, he successfully passed the report on time. With an exhausted smile on his face, Jake rubbed his eyes that have been hurting since he woke up a couple of hours ago. He attempted to take a nap but realized that his table was very untidy. He had to fix it before anyone comes in and sees the disarrayed papers on the floor.

A knock interrupts and Jake had to get up to open the door. "Yes?" He asks after seeing who was on the other side of the door. "It's lunch time, what do you mean?" The person states.

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