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"I can't believe you did that. You nearly got ourselves in trouble." Jake says, worried as he leaned over Sunghoon.

"Shouldn't you be thankful it was only me who got in trouble?" Sunghoon answers, hissing from the sudden feeling of coldness on his black eye.

"Well, I am but at what cost when you're literally beaten up. You have a black eye and a broken nose." A little while ago, after what happened, as Sunghoon went back to the other's office, Jake had already been inside and was startled to see Sunghoon in that condition. He gave him a long lecture until Sunghoon's nose started to bleed.

Now, they're at a convenience store nearby to buy a cold pack for Sunghoon's eye. They both sat on chairs by the window as Jake tended on Sunghoon, slowly dapping the cold pack to prevent it to swell more. "I'm fine." Sunghoon exhales.

"Why and how did it even started, and from all those people you really chose Morris?" Jake asks, sending Sunghoon at the edge.

"Umm, just because." Sunghoon sluggishly grins and shrugs his shoulder. He was planning to delete the email but Jake's already in there, he just hopes the other don't see it.

Jake sighs, he presses hard on the other's eye with the cold pack and sends Sunghoon screaming. "Ouch!"

Still he does not pull back. "If you don't tell me the truth, I'll press on it even harder that this cold pack would be your eye soon." Sunghoon does not answer and so Jake does his promise, pushing the cold pack even harder to his eye.

Sunghoon shrieks and Jake couldn't help but laugh. "Keep your mouth shut. They might hear you." Jake warns and Sunghoon bites on his lower lip, holding back the pain. "Please, just remove it." He pleads.

"Not until you tell me why you got into a fucking fight with Morris." Jake insists, grinning and moving the ice pack in a circular motion. Until, a hand tightly wraps itself on Jake wrist. He flinches and his eyes widened as he trailed his sight to the hand gripping on his, then to Sunghoon's.

Instantly, he was pulled closer towards Sunghoon. Their faces only inches apart and any form of movement could, no doubt, lead them closer to kissing. "You are supposed to make it better not worse." Sunghoon whispers.

Meanwhile, Jake's heartbeat is abnormally high. He does not know what to do and Sunghoon staring right at his soul is definitely not helping in anyway. He felt like he could not move at all.

"Hey guys, their hotdogs here are delicious. I'm already at my third on- Umm, seriously!? Of all places you chose to flirt, you chose here and in front of me? Oh my gosh, just kiss already." Heeseung interrupts, holding a foot long on his hand. He is in the middle of the two, his lips curled in a way you're disgusted at a couple simply because you're single.

Sunghoon let go if Jake's hand, turning his attention to Heeseung. "Hotdogs? Where is it? You better pay mine." He asks, dismissing what happened.

"Of course, you just like everything for free. Follow me." Heeseung replies, rolling his eyes. He walked to where the said hotdogs are in as Sunghoon stood up and trailed behind.

On the other hand, Jake is still failing to comprehend everything that happened during and after that. He stares at the cold pack as he breathes in and out. Water. That's what he needs to flush the lump on his throat. He proceeded to the refrigerators and got one cold bottle of water. The store is relatively small and tight, that's why it was easy for him to see Sunghoon within just a quick glance.

The shithead is smirking.

"I'm going to kill you if I had the chance." Jake states, knowing damn well he can't just attack the other right after what happened back in the convenience store.

Sunghoon only chuckles in reply. He clenches his fist under his pockets due to the tingling sensation he felt from the cold night. They are making their way to the hospital, to visit Ms. Gonzales. "Do you think she would be alright?" Sunghoon asks.

"Of course she would be. She's a strong woman, that I know." Jake answers, making Sunghoon and himself believe that she would recover from her coma.

Arriving on her room, they both saw the doctor talking to Diana. Feeling their presence, the doctor turns her back and smiles at them. "Are you the guardian of Ms. Gonzales?"

"Yes. I am." Jake answers immediately, earning a suspecting frown from Sunghoon and Diana.

"Okay, I would need to talk to you about something. Would it be okay to do that outside?" The doctor says, silently nodding her head to the small girl.

"Sounds good." Jake motions Sunghoon to stay with Diana and proceeds outside alongside with the doctor.

"What would they be talking about?" Diana asks Sunghoon right after the door closes.

"Hmm. They're talking about Ms. Gonzales' worsening sickness, of course." Wrong move, Sunghoon. Wrong move.

"Is she going to die? What do you mean?" The girl turned worried as she looked across Ms. Gonzales, still unconscious on the same white hospital bed.

"No! I mean, they are talking about curing her. She is doing fine." Sunghoon redeems himself, seating beside Diana.

"Really? When is she going to wake up, then?"

Sunghoon sighs, thinking about more excuses to tell this little girl. "Grandma is just tired, she needs to rest well enough so she can talk and move again."

"Do everyone do that? Would I sleep too and have that big needle on my skin? It's scary."

"Ehh, well. Not everyone does that, just some. People who sleep that long is because they have to, hmm, let's say, get more sleep than us since their sleeping time needs to be longer." He answers, sprinkling more lies.

On the other side of the door, Jake frowns as the doctor explains to him the situation his landlord is in. "She experienced a stroke that eventually led to this. A blood vessel on her cerebrum has ruptured, therefore preventing oxygen-rich blood from entering and spreading through her brain. Eventually, the tear allows the blood to flood other parts of the brain. A coma."

"Can it be cured?" Jake asks, hopeful of Ms. Gonzales' recovery.

"It can if consulted earlier but with her in a coma meant that it was too late. She mostly would have suffered temporary black-outs or constantly experiencing being out of balance when she was conscious . From the CT scans we have made, it seems that blood have already flooded most of her right skull." The doctor gloomily reports, looking at Jake with pity in her eyes.

Jake felt the stare and knew that it's too late, they did not have a chance. He nods. "Okay, I'll ask her son about this."

"Wait, I thought you were the- Nevermind." The doctor sighs. "Maybe we should let her stay for another week and check if there are any signs that her stroke might be cured. If not, I'm afraid you would have to make a choice. Goodbye for now." The doctor leaves Jake to ponder.

He goes back inside the hospital room and shares a worried glance to Sunghoon. That moment, he knew that Jake's landlord is definitely not going to be well.

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