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"So, do you need to say something?" Jake nudges Sunghoon's shoulder, looking up at him with a questioning eyebrow.

"Oh, not really." Sunghoon admits. He chuckles awkwardly looking at the direction Jake isn't walking, as if avoiding the other's stare. Jake, meanwhile, notes on this.

"You seem to be a bit nervous about something." He observes.

"Nervous? I never have been nervous in my entire life, Mr. Sim." Sunghoon asserts.

"Even in the entrance exams?" Jake asks and Sunghoon scoffs.

"Of course. I reviewed every page in the books."

"Well then, what score did you get?" Jake struggles to go down the slope when Sunghoon offers his hand. He holds it with his own tightly as he jumped down. More trees greeted him and they go deeper into the woods.

Sunghoon thinks, remembering the score he got for him to be admitted as an astronaut. "Let's say about 85 percent." His answer made Jake stop on his tracks. "What?" He asks him, also stopping.

"I don't believe you." Jake says, crossing his arms.

"Why not? Is it so not believable that I study?" Sunghoon answers back. "Let's go." He adds. They continued walking down the hill, it is quiet except for the crickets chirping, hidden in the forest. Both have walked far enough that they don't hear the people anymore.

"I only got 73." Jake then says.

"And? The important thing is you passed. Besides, you're a Flight Manager now. You've come a long way and is lucky enough to meet me." Sunghoon remarks making his friend laugh.

"Well, I thank the stars for that."

At last, Sunghoon moves a couple of vines aside and reveals a spot free of trees and bushes, and a white cloth placed in the middle of the clear space, along with food in a basket. Also, the view of the sky is wide enough for both of them to see the meteor shower.

"Wow." Jake amuses, approaching the middle. "When did you prepare this?" He laughs in amusement, not thinking that Sunghoon would do something like this.

"I checked the place out earlier so I could find this particular spot. Good thing I did." Sunghoon confesses in a voice like he's shy admitting to it. He purposefully stays back waiting for Jake's reaction, whether if he liked it or not.

"Ahh, maybe I should have added candles, no not that, it's too romantic, I don't want him thinking it's a date. Lamps or LED lights, but it would be too bright for the meteor showers." Sunghoon mumbles to himself, touching his forehead.

"What are you doing there? Come sit with me!" Jake eagerly calls for him as he looked at what's inside the basket.

Hesitant, Sunghoon walks over. He sat beside Jake who is now opening a bar of chocolate. "How did you know that this is my favorite brand?"

"I saw wrappers of it back at your office. Three of those everyday? I'm surprised you haven't got diabetes."

"I drank water every bite, don't worry."

Jake took another bite as Sunghoon anxiously looked at his wristwatch. He pat his front pocket to check if he still has it. After checking, Sunghoon inhaled deeply, and he looked back up. "So-"

"Why?" Sunghoon fell silent. Jake had cut him off and was already looking at him directly into his eyes.

Moments of silence engulfed them. Sunghoon got worried. Is Jake disappointed? Did he not like it? He should have listened to his other voice and stayed with the others. "I'm sorry if you didn't like it. I thought it-"

"No. I like it." Relief washed over Sunghoon's body. But now, what does he mean by 'why'?

"Then, what do you mean?"

"Why did you took time searching for a spot like this and setting up?" Relief slowly drifts away and worry comes back. Okay, Sunghoon you got this.

"I just thought it will be nice you know?" Okay, you do not got this, Shit.

Jake raises his eyebrows. "Is there a particular reason that it is just the two of us and away from the others?"

This is it.

"Alright, buckle up because this is gonna be a long speech." Sunghoon adjusts his way of seating to face Jake. He looks at him in the eye, making sure to not break eye contact. "I know we just met for not that long ago but before this day ends, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you something I have been wanting to since I don't know for how long."

"So here it is. Jake, every moment we have spent together up to now, I appreciate all of them. You do not know how much it means to me that I have experienced such moments with you. It's like my life wouldn't be complete without you in it. Remember when we went camping with our friends? When we ate at this fancy restaurant and we both forgot our wallets and didn't know what to do? When we went to a carnival together and got chased by someone's dog?"

Jake laughs, reminiscing at the times they've spent with each other. Now thinking about it, every free time they can get, Jake and him have spent doing something and visiting places side by side.

"When we got too philosophical arguing whether being a dragon or a gargoyle is better?" Suddenly, Jake doesn't even listen to Sunghoon's speech anymore. Like the whole world has stopped, Jake thought of all the memories they got to made together. It's as if they couldn't live a day without having to see one's faces.

As if they're linked. Destined. Tied for life, even. Jake recalls when Sunghoon came rushing to his apartment after realizing that he wasn't in the office, and then taking care of him when he discovered that he's ill. When Jake stayed in the office 5 hours later and Sunghoon patiently waited for him to drive instead.

Unknowingly, Jake smiled and blinked to what was now the last part of Sunghoon's speech. "Every time our eyes meet, something inside me just turns, and in an instant you just give me butterflies in my stomach."

That explains why, Jake realizes. Every single time, Sunghoon just stares at him for a whole while. It was common that Jake just got used to it, also staring back. Without touching each other, they just hug each other's soul.

"Before the hour ends, Jake. Before I just get lost again in those eyes. Hap-" Sunghoon stops. His lips is pressed against Jake's

Before he get to finish his long speech, Jake has reached forward. He tugged Sunghoon's shirt towards him to meet his lips in the middle.

And just like that, more butterflies filled Sunghoon's stomach. Another memory has been made. Together.

That is also when the kisser realizes, that this guy he just kissed- He is the home that he thought he already found.

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