Chapter 50 Dopplegangers

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Freya and Klaus made it to the police station and noticed all the police were unconscious but they were still alive. Amara was smiling when she saw Klaus, "Hello" she said in a sweet sing song voice. "Amara, it has been a long time" Klaus said, "take me away Klaus" Amara said, Freya rolled her eyes as she could tell Amara was flirting with her brother as she used her witch power to put Amara to sleep. Klaus picked her up and carried her and asked "are they all going to be okay?" indicating to the police. "Yes they will be fine" Freya said as they left with Amara. Freya trapped Amara in a hotel room with a barrier spell for now until they could figure out what to do. "She is the last doppleganger other then Elena right?" Freya asked, "Yes Tatia, was killed by my mother, Katherine I killed and Amara was missing for many years I assume Silas found her, and Elena is the last" Klaus said. "How do we kill Amara?" Freya asked knowing she was immortal, "we cure her" Klaus said. "Ryder cures vampirism though she is not a vampire" Freya said, "Ryder cures immortality Silas was also not a vampire. Ryder truly is a fascinating human if I do say so myself" Klaus said. Freya felt dumb she forgot Silas was not a vampire, "well we need to wait until he recovers he was just shot" Freya said. "I am curious though, Amara how did you convince Ryder you were Elena?" Klaus asked. "I look exactly like her it wasn't hard" Amara said, "yes but you knew things how?" Klaus asked, "Well Klaus I have been watching Ryder for a long time, I had a little help for Silas and I was able to tap into Elena's mind and get a few ideas from her" Amara said. "I see well hang tight here will we get you the cure" Klaus said. "I don't think I want to be cured, I enjoy my life now that I am so strong" Amara said. "Sorry love you don't have a choice" Klaus said as he left leaving Freya to deal with her. 

Ryder was having a hard time falling asleep he was uncomfortable, "you alright?" Damon asked him. "No I can't get comfortable, my side hurts a lot" Ryder said, Damon called a nurse and told her Ryder was in pain. Dr. Fell came a few minutes later said "I heard you are in pain, we already have you on pain killers. Ryder I am not sure I can give you anything stronger as your body reacts to it differently." Dr Fell said. "What do you mean?" Damon asked confused, "Ryder's past even though the drugs may not have been his fault, the stronger the pain med, the more it absorbs into his blood stream the bigger his reaction. Ryder's tolerance is very low which means that he absorbs the medicine a lot quicker giving him a stronger high which in turn makes it a lot more dangerous for him. I am not comfortable giving him stronger pain meds as I fear it might kill him" Dr Fell said. "It is fine I can deal with it" Ryder said even though he clearly looked uncomfortable. Ryder closed his eyes trying not to think about his pain but it was hard as it was impossible to get comfortable. Damon was concerned he knew his son was struggling, "Ryder are you sure I can't do anything?" Damon asked. "I am sure, it just feels like my whole side is being squeezed in a vice and there is no getting out" Ryder said trying to describe the pain. "I will be back hang tight" Damon said as he went to find Dr. Fell she needed to do something he couldn't watch his kid suffer. "You need to do something he is in pain, I can tell he is holding back trying to be brave" Damon said. "I can give him over the counter pain meds for now and a sedative it will help him sleep" Dr. Fell said as she gathered the meds and followed Damon into Ryder's room. When they came back he was gone, "Where did he go?" Dr. Fell asked confused. "I have no idea" Damon said. Dr Fell noticed that Ryder took out his IV as well and now he was in a lot of trouble as he was not getting any pain meds at all.

Ryder was confused how he left the hospital it all happened so fast as he was now in a hotel room. "I am sorry I did that Ryder, I can see you are in pain I will have Freya help, but we can't delay the inevitable Amara must be stopped." Klaus said, "I need to cure her" Ryder said, "yes you do but first we need to deal with your pain you can barely stand" Klaus said as Freya came in and tried to help. Meanwhile Amara was doing her mind tricks as she channeled Elena and called her to her. Elena was confused but she was able to enter the hotel room Amara was in and Amara hid knowing they would cure her. She had no idea that Elena had already taken the cure and it would have zero affect on her. Ryde felt slightly better as Damon called Freya, "Ryder is missing" Damon said, Freya rolled her eyes at her brother, "Damon Ryder is fine he is with us, Klaus took him. I am sorry my brother can be very insensitive but I assure you Ryder is fine and we will have him with you soon" Freya said. Damon was furious Klaus could have at least said something as he would have been willing to help. Once Ryder was feeling better they took him to see Amara. "Why are you doing this?" Elena asked, "Stop it Amara, and lets just get this over with" Klaus said forcing Ryder into the room. "Stay away from me Ryder, you ruined my life once already" Elena said, "like you haven't ruined mine, and I know you are not Elena so stop talking" Ryder said. "What do you mean I am Elena, why am I even here?" Elena asked, Ryder looked at Klaus confused. "Amara love come out, we all know your little game is not going to work" Klaus said. Amara came out even though she knew what was going to happen, "Freya if you will drop the barrier" Klaus said as he entered the room and grabbed Amara so she couldn't react, "Ryder if you will" Freya said as he walked up to Amara and being so close to her she couldn't resist. Amara drank his blood and Klaus pulled her away and she turned grey and collapsed to the floor. "Elena darling you will go home and forget you were here, and cut Ryder some slack he has been through a lot" Klaus said as Elena left. "Thanks" Ryder said as Klaus took him back to the hospital and convinced the nurses and doctors that Ryder had been there the whole time. Dr. Fell gave Ryder the sedative and he slept through the night with Damon by his side.

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