Chapter 7 Christmas with the Salvatore's

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Christmas time in Mystic falls was always happy as everyone gathered together to decorate the town. The Salvatore's were never one for Christmas cheer but since Ryder was still young they were doing it for him. "Does he still believe in Santa?" Stefan asked, "I don't know last year I didn't do Santa and he was happy either way. I think if we just get him what he wants he will be fine." Damon said. " what is it that he wants?" Stefan asked, "he asked for a computer and a cell phone." Damon said. "Sounds easy enough, I will get the cell phone you get the computer." Stefan said. "Well I already bought him both so I guess we can compromise or you could just get him something else" Damon said. Stefan rolled his eyes, "I will figure something out" he said as he left the house to find a gift. Ryder was out with Elena, and Bonnie buying gifts they were just having lunch when Caroline showed up with her mother. "Hello" Caroline said, "Hey Caroline" they all said, "Ryder do you think I could speak to you for a minute" Sheriff Forbes said. "Umm sure" Ryder said as he stood up and followed the Sheriff. "What is that all about?" Bonnie asked, "not sure my mom just said she wanted to come because she needed to talk to him, maybe he will tell us" Caroline said. "I don't know Ryder has his secrets" Elena said, "but we are his friends he will tell us" Bonnie said hoping that he would.

"Ryder I am going to ask you something and I want you to be honest okay" Sheriff said, "Okay" Ryder said a little confused. "Is Damon Salvatore your real father?" Sheriff asked him, "Yes he is why?" Ryder asked. "I have reason to believe that your real parents are dead, Damon may have found you and took you in convincing you he is your father" Sheriff Forbes said. "Why would he do that? I don't know if I believe you" Ryder said. "That is okay I just want you to know that I think your parents were Diane and Trever Jackson, they were both killed by an animal. Ryder I am not saying you need to leave Damon if you truly feel you want to stay with him, I just want you to know there are other options out there." Sheriff said. Ryder looked sad as he tried to process what the Sheriff had just told him. He ran over to the table grabbed his stuff and left, he didn't even say goodbye to anyone. "Mom what the hell did you say to him?" Caroline asked. "Language Caroline, and I may have just changed his perspective a little if he wants to tell you he will. The conversation is between me and him for now" Sheriff Forbes said as she sat down with the girls. 

Ryder ran into the house and up to his room and slammed the door, Damon noticed and he wasn't sure if should go ask him if he was okay. Ryder sat on his bed and cried he was so confused, Chase came up to him and said "Are you okay Ryder sir?" "I am not sure Chase, I just found something out and I think my whole life is a lie" Ryder said. "What do you mean?" Chase asked, "I just need to figure this out hang on Chase" Ryder said as he opened up his make-shift computer and did some research. Ryder googled his parents names Diane and Trevor Jackson, and he googled himself Ryder Jackson. There was a lot of information on the subject and Ryder read through all of it and printed off a few pages. "Chase I think these are my real parents. I don't think Damon is my father" Ryder said. Chase was silent he knew the truth but did he really want Ryder to know he was so happy before. "Ryder sir does it matter who your real parents are? Damon is good to us he cares for us. We life in the amazing house and we are happy" Chase said. "I don't know I guess it doesn't matter but Chase it means that I've been lied to" Ryder said. "Ryder sir I am going to tell you something but please don't be upset about it okay" Chase said. "I can't promise you that but okay" Ryder said. "Damon took us in, he found you when you were 8 years old your real father had almost beaten you to death, you were hurt very badly but Damon saved you. He brought us back to his home and he asked you if you wanted to forget you said yes. Damon used his compulsion on you but only after you said yes, he would not have done it if you didn't agree. I never met your mother so I can't speak for her but from what you told me she died when you were really young. Damon is good to us please don't be upset with him" Chase said. Ryder thought about what Chase just told him and he pet him and said "Okay but I need answers" Ryder said as he went downstairs to find Damon.

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