Chapter 19 John's Revenge

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John Gilbert woke up after being changed into a vampire and right away he was struggling as he was inside a house that he wasn't invited into. Grayson Gilbert said "hurts doesn't it, you can come in John" John growled at Grayson who laughed and he said "No brother since you are transitioning I am going to run a few tests just to be safe. I am actually going to try and get you interested in vampire blood rather than human blood. This way you will only kill vampires instead of humans doesn't this sound better" "No it will never work, and I can easily kill you right now" John said. "Aw yes but you won't" Grayson said as he received a text from his wife indicating they needed to leave. "I will be back soon" Miranda said "Hi Elena needs us to come pick her up she is not having any fun at the party" As Grayson and Miranda left John was able to free himself from the ropes binding him and he left the house and found the first human. He drank all of their blood and now was a full fledged vampire and his first target was Ryder Salvatore as he ran to the Salvatore house. 

Grayson and Miranda decided to take wickery bridge home as Elena complained in the backseat how she couldn't find a decent boyfriend. When Grayson saw someone dart in the middle of the road as he swerved trying to avoid them and he crashed into the railing and the car went into the water. He told his family not to panic as he tried to escape, the car filled up with water quickly. Everyone started to lose consciousness as the water took over the car then Rebekah pulled Elena out of the car. She went back for Elena's parents and she had everyone out as the ambulance arrived. Only Elena survived as they drove her to the hospital, Elena's aunt Jenna was there to meet her as she cried praying her niece was okay. Bonnie and Caroline also went to the hospital to see their best friend and make sure she was alright. Ryder was about to leave but he was stopped at the door but a one John Gilbert.

"Hello Ryder just the boy I wanted to see, Now you are going to give me what I want or I will snap this girls neck" John said brining a young girl into view. Ryder didn't know who she was but he also didn't think she deserved to die either, Damon came to the door and said "Ryder go upstairs now" "If Ryder leaves this girl dies" John said as he needed Ryder for his plan, Ryder didn't leave he really didn't want the girl to die. He texted Bonnie as she would probably know a way to help,

Ryder: Bonnie stuck at home John Gilbert is a vampire holding girl hostage, send help

"Ryder I need you to give me your blood" John said not knowing that it only worked if it was drunk straight from the vein. "It won't do you any good" Ryder said, "Oh it will, I will be able to cure vampires everywhere I can sell it for money" John said as he tried to enter the home. Since he wasn't invited in he wasn't able to get passed the door. Bonnie arrived shortly after being texted and she used some sort of witch spell making John grab his head in pain. Thus releasing the girl as she ran into the house and was safe from John, Bonnie was also able to enter the house and Rebekah came up behind John and took him away. She had some revenge plans of her own. "Elena is okay Ryder she says not to worry" Bonnie said, Damon looked at the girl and said "you are going to run home and not remember any of this, you were simply out taking a walk" The girl nodded as she ran back to her house and thankfully the compulsion worked and she didn't remember the events that just happened.

"Thank you Bonnie for helping" Ryder said, "no problem, where do you think Rebekah took him?" Bonnie asked. "I don't know but it was her promise to keep Ryder safe so I hope she kills him" Damon said. "Dad that is not a nice thing to say, I mean yes he is a bad person but he doesn't deserve to die" Ryder said. "You are right no one deserves to die but John literally wants to kill you so in my opinion he should die." Damon said, Bonnie agreed with Damon as she wanted Ryder to live as well and having vampires constantly wanting to kill him sort of made it a problem for her. "Have you decided if you are going to take Ryder's blood?" Bonnie asked Damon, "I have a lot of hesitancy towards it yes I want to but also in  way I don't. One I can't protect him if I am human and two I will die eventually thus again being unable to protect him" Damon said. "Yes but will get to age like a normal dad, and still be there for me no matter what, plus you would not have to drink blood anymore" Ryder said. "Yeah that part never bothered me I don't mind drinking blood" Damon said, "Okay but you will be an actual member of the council and help find and hunt vampires rather then be hunted" Bonnie said. "True but I enjoy the freedom of being a vampire, humans are weak. I just really don't know what to do" Damon said. "Dad no matter what you decide to do I will always love you, I am so thankful to you for saving my life that day and I know how hard it was for you. I may not be the easiest to raise but you are always there for me. I won't be made with whatever you decide to do as it is your choice" Ryder said. Damon hugged him and decided to drive Bonnie home as it was late and he didn't want her walking in the dark alone.

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