Chapter 2 Life with Damon

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Ryder was very excited as he woke up the next morning for school, he noticed his closet was filled with clothes. "Where did these come from?" he said out loud, "I bought them for you, I saw you didn't have many and since you are representing me I needed you to dress the part" Damon said. "Wow thank you" Ryder said as he dressed, he went straight for the leather jacket and Damon smiled as he knew his new son had taste. Damon was about to drop him off and school and said "Ryder when people ask you about your last name, you tell them that you are related but are not part of the founding family" Damon said. "Okay why?" Ryder asked, "it is a little complicated our history and I can explain later if you want but for now just tell people you don't know much" Damon said. "Okay" Ryder said as he hopped out of the car and walked into the school, he was only eight but he was already super excited to start school. Damon had already enrolled him so he was all set, as he walked into the building he immediately stood out. "Woah who is that?" Caroline asked. "I don't know but who cares we are eight" Bonnie said, "Doesn't hurt to start early" Caroline said as Elena was talking to Matt and didn't even notice. 

Ryder already felt out of place as everyone was talking about him, he was getting picked on by the football team. "Hey where did you get the jacket? did you rip someone off to get it" Tyler said. "My dad bought it for me" Ryder said, "My dad bought it for me" Tyler mocked him, Elena saw he was being picked on and said "Tyler grow up" as she grabbed Ryder's arm and walked away. "My name is Elena Gilbert, don't let Tyler Lockwood get to you he is a bully" Elena said, "Thanks I am Ryder Salvatore" Ryder said, "Salvatore? as in the founding families?" Elena said. "I am not sure, I don't really know I just moved here" Ryder said. "Oh sorry I am from the founding families as well, I just didn't know the Salvatore's were still around. It is good though and it is nice to meet you" Elena said. Damon was watching Ryder on his first day from a distance and their was something about Elena that was drawing him to her he just couldn't figure it out. As the school day ended Ryder found Damon waiting for him in his car as he climbed in. "Hi how was your first day?" Damon asked. "It was alright, I met a really nice girl her name is Elena Gilbert, she said something about being in the founding families." Ryder said. "Oh and what else did Elena tell you?" Damon asked. "Nothing I said I just moved here and knew nothing about the founding families" Ryder said. "That's my boy" Damon said as he drove them home, Ryder was greeted by Chase as he walked in the door.

Damon gave Ryder some of his history books and he let Ryder read and he was around for questions if he had any. "So the founding families hunt vampires?" Ryder asked, "Yes, they don't really like them" Damon said. "Aren't you a vampire? How can you walk in the sun?" Ryder asked, "I am yes but we don't tell people that, and I have this ring" Damon said pointing to his ring. "Oh, can I be a vampire?" Ryder asked, "You are to young," Damon said. "How do you become a vampire?" Ryder asked, "You need to die with vampire blood in your system" Damon said. "Are there other things out there?" Ryder asked, "Yes there are witches and werewolves as well but they are not that common" Damon said. Chase was feeling nervous and he said to Ryder, "I am not comfortable with this" Ryder looked at Chase and said "My pup is afraid of you, is there anything you can do to help him?" "You can talk to your dog?" Damon said, "Yes I can understand him" Ryder said. "Hmm that is interesting, I assure you that I will keep both you and your pup safe. I am not going to harm you ever" Damon said. Ryder smiled and looked at Chase he felt slightly better but needed a bit more convincing. "Do you have any questions about the founding families?" Damon asked, "Not really, do the kids know about vampires or is just the adults?" Ryder asked. "Just the adults I believe the kids are not really in the council yet" Damon said. "Are you the only Salvatore left?" Ryder asked, "I have a brother Stefan he is out there somewhere. One day you might get to meet him" Damon said. "Is he a vampire too?" Ryder asked. "Yes, but he is younger than me so only 17" Ryder said. "He is a vampire at 17? stuck at that age forever?" Ryder said. "Yup and I am 23 forever, it really isn't as bad as it sounds" Damon said. "I am not sure how I would feel about being trapped in a certain age" Ryder said, "well you don't have to worry about it as you are only 8, now go do your homework while I make you dinner" Damon said. 

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