Chapter 4 The dare

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Ryder was so happy when the school day ended as it was the weekend, "hey Ryder a bunch of us are hanging out tonight you want to come?" Matt asked. "Yeah sure" Ryder said as Matt gave him the details and Ryder climbed into Damon's car. "Hey dad there is a bunch of people hanging out tonight can I go?" Ryder asked. "Where are you going?" Damon asked, "I think Tyler's house" Ryder said. "I thought you didn't like Tyler?" Damon questioned, "I don't but I like the others please can I go?" Ryder asked as he pleaded with his brown eyes. "Okay but please be careful, the Lockwood's are vampire hunters so they can't know about me understand" Damon said. "I promise no one will ever know" Ryder said as he ran into the house to change. Damon dropped him off at Tyler's even though he was very worried something bad was going to happen. Damon decided not to linger as he needed to get more blood so he had to hit up other hospitals. 

Tyler opened his door when Ryder knocked, "Oh good I have been expecting you" Tyler said as he let Ryder in. Ryder all of a sudden felt super uncomfortable as Tyler and his friends gathered around him, "we are just playing truth or dare and it is your turn" Tyler said as he looked at Ryder. "I am not sure I want to play" Ryder said, "That is to bad you either play or you leave" Tyler said, "Come on man leave him alone" Matt said trying to stick up for him, "Listen Donovan this is my house my rules, no Ryder truth or dare?" Tyler asked. "Dare" Ryder said he knew that no matter what it was going to be bad and he didn't feel like answering questions. "I dare you to come into the cemetery and lay in an empty coffin" Tyler said. "He is not going to do that Tyler man come in it is getting dark" Matt said. "He has to do it, it is a dare" Tyler said. Ryder was scared but he wasn't going to show it as they walked to the cemetery. Ryder didn't know how there was an open coffin but he felt like this was planned, he took a breathe as he lay down and Tyler slammed it shut. Ryder who was not expecting that said "Okay not funny let me out" Tyler laughed and said "Nope sorry, you have to stay in there for a few minutes" as him and his friends laughed louder. "Let him out Tyler you are taking this to far" Matt said, Tyler laughed and said "Lighten up Donavan unless you want to go in there with him" Matt didn't want to but he knew Tyler was being an ass. They heard Ryder screaming from inside he was starting to panic now and Tyler and his friends lowered the coffin into an open grave. Ryder screamed as the coffin thudded to the ground. Tyler and his friends took off as there was a loud crash and they saw flashlights coming, Matt was not able to get Ryder out of the grave and he was angry at Tyler for doing this. The coffin seemed to be sealed shut and Ryder could not open it as he started to panic and was having a hard time breathing. 

Stefan who was close by heard the faint screams as he investigated not seeing anything he thought it was strange. Then he heard the screams again and some banging as he looked down he saw the coffin and jumped into the hole, he opened the lid and saw Ryder who was super white and he was crying. "Are you okay?" Stefan asked him, Ryder couldn't move he was in shock as he tried to breath in air. Stefan grabbed him and took him to the hospital as he didn't know what else to do. Stefan had called Damon who was at the hospital so fast as the doctor examined Ryder. "He is okay just frightened, I am not sure what happened he won't talk to me but he is asking for you" the doctor said. Damon walked into his son's room and Ryder hugged him tight and cried he was happy to see him. "Ryder are you alright?" Damon asked, "No you were right I should have never gone, Tyler is a bully and I will never be friends with him" Ryder said as he hugged his dad more. Sheriff Forbes came into the room and said "I am sorry to interrupt, Ryder Matt told me what happened are you alright?" "I think so" Ryder said rather weakly, "I am here to ask you if you want to press charges, nothing major will happen as Tyler is young but he will get punished I assure you" Sheriff said. "No its fine, I don't want to give him more reason to hate me" Ryder said. "Are you sure?" Sheriff asked, "Yes" Ryder said as the doctor came back in and said "alright I am discharging you, as there is no medical reason for you to stay" Damon took Ryder home and he so badly wanted to rip Tyler's throat out. 

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