Chapter 32 Katsyia Vs Ryder

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The next morning everyone was up pretty early as they all had a really good nights sleep, Ryder rolled over and Chase fell off the bed. "Sorry Chase" Ryder said, "No problem Ryder sir, how are you feeling?" Chase asked, "better I can't wait to leave the house" Ryder said. Ryder showered and went downstairs to the house decorated and his favorite breakfast of french toast. "Happy birthday!" everyone said as he walked into the room. "Wow I totally forgot today is my birthday, thanks this looks awesome." Ryder said as he ate, "what are you doing today?" Damon asked, "Not sure I was planning on seeing Bonnie, maybe some of my other friends" Ryder said, "Awesome I work today at the grill I can drive you if you want to go" Damon said, "yes thanks" Ryder said as he cleared his plate and put it in the sink. "Damon we are ready" Stefan said as he walked back outside. "Ryder turning 16 is a huge deal and well we thought we would get you a little something so close your eyes" Damon said. Ryder was excited, he closed his eyes and Damon lead him to the driveway and everyone else followed. "Okay Ryder open them" Damon said. Ryder opened his eyes to see a blue Bugatti Veyron and he couldn't believe it, "are you for real? This is mine?" Ryder said. "Yup Happy Birthday Ryder, now all you need is your license and you can drive it" Damon said. "This is not a joke?" Ryder said. "No why would this be a joke?" Damon asked. "This is car is sick! I mean holy crap it is freaking amazing! Thank you I love you all!" Ryder said. Ryder was checking out his car and he couldn't believe the details and he couldn't wait to drive it.

"I need to go to work you ready to head to the grill?" Damon asked, "Yes I am ready" Ryder said as he got into Damon's car sad to leave his behind. Damon laughed and said "You can drive it as soon as you get your license I promise" Damon said. "Can I get it today?" Ryder said, "Sure" Damon said as they arrived at the grill. Bonnie was already there and said "Happy Birthday!" as she kissed him and handed him a small box. "Thanks you didn't have to get me anything" Ryder said. "I know but I did" Bonnie said as Ryder opened it to find a really nice watch, "it is to replace the one you lost" Bonnie said. "Thank you Bonnie this is amazing" Ryder said as he put it on, "It even has the vervain inside just in case" Bonnie said. "Thank you now all it needs is my device so I can talk to Chase" Ryder said. "So cool how you can talk to your dog, I have always wondered what they are thinking" Bonnie said. "It was weird I went to sleep and wished it and then the next morning he was talking" Ryder said. "You truly are a rare incredible human" Bonnie said, "thanks I think" Ryder said. The rest of Ryder's friends also came to the grill and Ryder was showing them pics of his new car. "Wow you are so lucky dude, that car is sick" Matt said, "yeah wow your dad must be loaded if he can afford that, why is he working here?" Jeremy said. "He likes it and they didn't get it brand new my uncle is just really good with fixing cars up." Ryder said. "Super cool" Caroline said even though she really had no idea what kind of car it was. "Where is Elena?" Matt asked, "Yeah weird she isn't here" Caroline agreed. "I am sort of glad she isn't, I mean I love her she is best friend but ever since she told me she was in love with you. I can't look at her the same" Bonnie said. "She is in love with me?" Ryder said, "you sound surprised" Bonnie said. "Well I am I mean I know she was but I didn't think she still was she is with Matt" Ryder said. "Nope she broke up with me a few days ago said she liked someone else. Didn't think it was you though" Matt said. Ryder felt awkward as he didn't know if he had feelings for her as well. 

"Ryder you okay?" Bonnie asked, "what yeah I am fine, I just thought I saw someone" Ryder said as he just lied to his girlfriend. "Okay we will be back" Bonnie said as her and Caroline went to the bathroom. "He was acting strange when you told him about Elena" Caroline said, "I know and it worries me a lot" Bonnie said. "Do you think it is a coincidence she didn't show up?" Caroline said. "I don't know but she is not going to win him that easy" Bonnie said. "She shouldn't have to, he chose to be with you remember" Caroline said. "Caroline we are only in high school he doesn't have to be with me forever and to be honest, if he wants to be with her I can't stop him" Bonnie said. "Are you going to break up with him" Caroline said, "no I love him and it would break me if he left me for her. I don't know if I could ever face them again" Bonnie said. Caroline felt bad for her friend she gave her a hug and said, "I will always be here for you" and they left the bathroom and the conversation behind. They didn't know that there was someone listening the whole time. Katsyia was hiding behind a door, she might not be able to control Ryder anymore thanks to Freya but she could still get to Elena. She had almost died but thankfully she had some vampire blood in her system and well she was now a full blown vampire. Katsyia never felt better and killing the only cure for it was her only goal, as she wanted to turn the entire town into vampires. Her first victim was going to be poor little Elena as she felt it was her best bet to get Ryder.

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