Chapter 35 A Familiar face

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The sheriff agreed to come out there right away and asked that both Bonnie and Ryder stayed as well. Ryder was a bit nervous to be honest as he actually knew what happened to John but he was hoping it wasn't going to be asked. The sheriff along with some of her deputies arrived not to long after and they were able to get the body up the ravine. "What are you two doing up here?" sheriff Forbes asked. "We were just having a picnic, and I saw what I thought was a body" Bonnie said. "I hope you two didn't climb down there to look, that ravine is high" Sheriff Forbes told them, "no Chase went down to look and he confirmed it was a body, and well we called you" Bonnie said. "I see and how exactly did you get this info from a dog?" Sheriff Forbes asked, "He barked" Ryder said not wanting to tell her he spoke with him, he didn't think the council needed to be aware of his cure or special abilities. "Okay, how did you know it was John gilbert? You said on the phone Bonnie that you found his body?" Sheriff Forbes asked, "I um don't know I recognized him a little" Bonnie said now feeling nervous. "Right I feel like you are both hiding something but since I don't think either of you killed him you may go" sheriff Forbes said and Bonnie and Ryder ran down the mountain. Chase was not far behind and he said "Ryder sir, why didn't you tell her I told you it was John?" "Chase she is a police officer and part of the council that hunts supernatural things. Don't you think it would be weird for me to say oh I can talk to my dog?" Ryder said. "I guess everyone else knows though" Chase said, "just people that are close to me know" Ryder told him. 

Once they were at the bottom, Bonnie turned to Ryder and said, "do you really think you are supernatural?" "You don't? I mean I can talk to my dog, I can cure vampires, and I can bring dead witches back to life" Ryder said. "I mean I never thought of you as supernatural, I guess I figured you were unique. I will ask my grams see what she thinks but I don't think you are as weird as you think" Bonnie said as she received a text from Caroline.

Caroline: OH MY GOD!!! Tyler is back in town he just surprised me! I am so excited and he is having a party tonight! you should come

Bonnie: Caroline as I am happy for you, I don't much like Tyler and I am not sure I am with Ryder.

Caroline: Tyler told me he invited Ryder to his party after he apologized he wants you both to come. Think about it at least

Bonnie didn't reply as she climbed into Ryder's car and said "So you never told me that Tyler is back and he invited you to a party" "Oh um well it was weird and I don't even know if I am going to said party" Ryder said. "Oh Caroline wants us to come" Bonnie, "last time I did something I thought Caroline wanted I ended up getting my ass kicked. I am not exactly sure I really trust that Tyler has changed much" Ryder said. "I am too but this time you have me as back up and I won't let Tyler touch you" Bonnie said. "Sounds to me like you want to go" Ryder said, "well we have nothing better to do and I don't know a bonfire party sounds like fun" Bonnie said. "I don't like it Ryder sir" Chase said, "Okay but if things get weird I am leaving, let me drop off Chase first" Ryder said. "No Ryder sir I am not letting you go to this party alone" Chase protested, "I am not alone Chase I am with Bonnie" Ryder said. "Ryder sir please take me with you, I can protect you" Chase said. "Chase no I don't want you to get hurt" Ryder said, "What if you get hurt?" Chase said. Bonnie thought it was funny Ryder arguing with his pup or course she could only hear Ryder's side of the story but it was cute. Ryder drove into the driveway and managed to get a squirmy Chase into the house. "What is with him?" Damon asked, "he doesn't want to leave me, I am going to a party be back later" Ryder said. "Tyler's party? I thought I said you couldn't go to that" Damon said. "Bonnie is with me and she wants to go, I promise if things get weird I will leave. I will be fine please" Ryder said. "Last time you said that you jumped off a bridge and nearly died" Damon said. "That was different and I promise no bridge jumping" Ryder said, "Fine but you be home by 11" Damon said, "Dad" Ryder said, "Okay 12 but no later!" Damon said. Ryder nodded and ran back to his car Damon held back a very angry Chase. 

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