Chapter 42 Traveler's Plan

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Chase stayed upstairs he was afraid of this Ryder he was super worried he knew something was wrong. Freya and Klaus arrived and Chase listened to the adults talk as he cuddled with Skye. "I didn't notice anything off last night, but then again he never spoke" Freya said. "I just feel like he has changed like he doesn't care, there is something really off" Rebekah said, "Damon how do you feel?" Klaus asked. "I feel like my son is an idiot" Damon said, "alright then where is he?" Klaus asked, "downstairs" Rebekah said, Freya and Klaus walked downstairs and noticed Ryder was drinking what looked like bourbon. "Well I am going to assume that you are not allowed to have that" Klaus said as he took it from him, "Why I mean I am already in trouble why not make it more fun for myself" Luke said. "Do you want to give your dad a heart attack, he is already angry" Klaus said. "Who care he isn't my dad, he killed my real dad or did you not know that" Luke said. "Okay Freya what do you think?" Klaus said, "I think Rebekah is right" Freya said as she said a spell and Ryder fell to the floor. Luke was still in control but now he couldn't move as Ryder's body was frozen. Klaus carried him upstairs and lay him on the couch, "what is wrong with him?" Damon asked, "Nothing I just froze him, he is aware of everything he just can't move. Like he is paralyzed, I think Rebekah is right, I don't think Ryder is alone" Freya said. "What do you mean?" Damon asked. "I mean I think he has a passenger inside him, a traveler that is controlling him." Freya said, "where did he get this traveler?" Damon asked, "well did he leave the house before his party?" Freya asked, "yes I took him fishing" Damon said, "and you didn't notice anything off?" Freya asked, "No I mean he was only alone for 2 minutes when he went to the bathroom" Damon said, "that could be when the traveler entered his body, I am not sure when he was brought forth. I do feel like Ryder took the drugs but he didn't do it willingly the traveler was the one on control" Freya said. "Can you get this traveler out?" Damon asked. "Yes but Klaus needs to go find a specific blade first as it is the only way to kill it." Freya said Klaus was already gone and looking for the blade. 

"I thought you put a protection spell on him?" Damon said, "I did but if the traveler's have info from outside sources they can still find him. I didn't make the spell strong enough to prevent the traveler from entering. I will work on that as we wait for Klaus" Freya said. Luke was pissed he tried so hard to move but he was stuck in place. Ryder who was not even in control had no idea what was going on. "Are you still angry at him?" Rebekah asked, "yes he knew he was taking the drugs, he invited Tyler over knowing he would bring drugs. I know he is not Ryder right now but until I get an explanation I am still angry" Damon said. "Fair enough but you don't know it was Tyler" Rebekah said as she went to make lunch. Klaus had no idea where to look but he went to this Lockwood cellar as he felt it was a good place to start. "Klaus Mikaleson" Dylan said, "As interesting as I feel your conversation might be I am looking for something" Klaus said, "I know you are looking for this" Dylan said holding up the blade. "Yes as a matter of fact, what is it I can do for you?" Klaus asked, "Do you know what I am?" Dylan asked, "I can smell the werewolf so yes I am aware" Klaus said. "Good I want you to make me a hybrid like you" Dylan said, "I haven't been very successful in that yet as you all keep dying" Klaus said. "I think I have the solution" Dylan said holding up some blood. "I see and why do you supposed that will work?" Klaus asked, "This is the blood of the doppleganger which you used to break the curse, I believe if I drink her blood after you turn me I will be a hybrid" Dylan said. "What the heck lets give it a try, let me have the blade first" Klaus said. "No I don't trust you" Dylan said, "No, well let us change that" Klaus said as he bit himself and forced Dylan to drink and then snapped his neck. Dylan fell to the ground and Klaus grabbed the blade and ran back to Damon's leaving Dylan lying on the ground with his pathetic plan.

Klaus returned with the knife and Freya was ready with a different protection spell that would prevent traveler's from entering his body again. "This is the tricky part I am going to unfreeze him but then I will have to kill the passenger" Freya said. "Okay" Damon said, "I have to stab him Damon, but I will heal him after alright" Freya said. "Okay" Damon said, Freya said her spell and unfroze the passenger and before he could do anything Freya stabbed him. Ryder coughed and felt a odd sensation as the passenger inside him was expelled and gone. Freya began her healing spell as she was able to fix the wound. Ryder sat up "how do you feel?" Freya asked, "confused" Ryder said, "you had a passenger inside you, a traveler, when did you start to feel different?" Freya asked. "At the lake, I felt colder like something was inside me" Ryder said. "That was the passenger, Ryder he is gone now do you know what he wanted?" Freya asked, "Klaus" Ryder said, Klaus felt awkward all of a sudden, "I will deal with this" he said as he fled the room. "Why did he want my brother?" Freya asked, "Not sure he did but his friend Dylan did" Ryder said, "the same Dylan that gave you drugs before?" Damon asked. "Yes" Ryder said, "Ryder what is the last thing you remember?" Freya asked, "I remember talking to Bonnie and Elena and then my phone rang, then nothing" Ryder said. "So do you remember taking the ecstasy?" Freya asked. "No, I had no idea I swear Ryder said. "Go downstairs Ryder we will talk later" Damon said, "Okay, did Aunt Lexi have the baby?" Ryder asked, "yes a boy Mylo" Rebekah said, "Awesome" Ryder said as he went downstairs, Chase followed an Ryder said "Chase?" "I am sorry Ryder sir" Chase said, "Why are you sorry it wasn't your fault this happened. I am in a lot of trouble Chase. I took drugs again and seeing as the video games and such are gone I feel like dad is very mad" Ryder said. "It is not your fault Ryder sir you had this passenger thing inside you" Chase said, "not sure if that will matter, I am really certain I will be grounded forever" Ryder said as he was really sad. Chase hugged and and said "I should not have been asleep, I could have stopped you" Chase said, "no I am not sure you could have, even though I wasn't myself I take full responsibility for my actions Chase. I am never going to see the light of day again, and I probably won't ever get to do anything again. My dad said he doesn't trust me and I don't even trust myself anymore. I am supposed to be smart, I could I not know there was someone inside me, I feel like I am not myself. I am not sure it makes a difference but ever since Freya put the protection spell on me I haven't felt like myself. I am doing stupid things and I can't explain why" Ryder said. "You think she did something?" Chase asked, "I am not sure Chase Ryder said "I want to do the spell and you sent him away" Freya said, "oh right Ryder come back up here" Damon said, Ryder heard his name and ran back upstairs and Freya said, "Ryder I am going to put a stronger protection charm on you. This one is going to be different, it will make it so no one can control you anymore, no one will be able to enter your body." "Okay" Ryder said, "I am not going to lie this one is going to hurt a little" Freya said. "Okay" Ryder said as he lay in the circle on the floor again. Freya said her spell and brought a lot of power into the room. Ryder felt like something was stabbing him, he closed his eyes and took a breath. The stabbing pain only seemed to increase as Freya kept chanting her spell and Ryder didn't know if he could take it anymore. "AHHHH" Ryder screamed out and Freya placed her palm on his chest and it was like a glow of light went inside him. "It is done" Freya said, Ryder opened his eyes, "you okay?" Damon asked, "yeah" Ryder said. "Good" Damon said. Ryder went back downstairs as he hoped him and his dad could work this out.

"Try and keep him out of trouble this time, I am dealing with enough problems in New Orleans and don't want to come back here again" Freya said. "Not even to meet your niece or nephew?" Rebekah said, "okay maybe for that" Freya said as she left, "Damon you can't still be upset with him?" Rebekah said, "I don't know anymore, I need to think about things before I talk to him, even though he had a passenger he was still aware. He knew he was talking drugs, he is strong and I don't feel like he tried very hard" Damon said. "Damon, Ryder is a good kid he is sorry I know it give him a chance" Rebekah said. Damon sighed he knew she was right he needed to go talk to his son as he walked downstairs. Ryder was sitting on the big couch staring at the TV even though it was turned off. "Ryder are you alright?" Damon asked him, "yeah just thinking" Ryder said as Damon sat on the couch as well. "What are you thinking?" Damon said, "I am thinking that I disappointed you again, and as much as I want to say it was the traveler that was doing it I can't. There was a small part of me that was doing it as well. I know I could have said no I could feel myself in my body,  then when Caroline gave us the ecstasy I didn't stop myself from taking it. I let this passenger just take over me and I knew if I fought a little I could break through. I was sad I just broke up with Bonnie and and part of me didn't want to fight it. I knew the drugs were bad and I knew the alcohol was making it worse, then the drugs weakened me and the passenger was stronger. If Elena didn't wake Chase and Chase didn't get you he would have kept drinking. Dad I knew something was wrong but I couldn't say anything because the wrong part took over. I am not sure what happened after I puked my guts out but I am sorry" Ryder said. Damon listened there was a part of him that felt bad as Ryder was being super honest even though he knew he was still in trouble. "Ryder I am glad that you were honest, I am not going to be harsh on you as much as I want to kick your ass. I feel like the traveler was doing most of the work here and I can't be mad over that. No more friends over until school starts, and you are still grounded until summer is over. You can go outside but you can't leave the yard, and I am taking your keys until school starts as well. Ryder I want to be able to trust you again but you are going to have to earn that." Damon said, "okay" Ryder said, Damon hugged him and said "Ryder go get changed, I will take you to see your nephew" Ryder smiled and ran to his room. 

Damon unpacked all the video games and set them back up, he didn't think Ryder needed to spend the summer super bored. Ryder noticed his dad setting them back up and said "thanks dad" "Don't make me regret it" Damon said as they both went to see Stefan and Lexi. Once they arrived Lexi was pretty shocked as she didn't expect it, she thought Ryder was in a lot of trouble. "Hey sweetie, meet Mylo" Lexi said as she handed him over, Ryder sat in the corner and looked at his nephew. Damon explained everything to Stefan and Lexi and she said "I knew something was up" "well hopefully this protection spell works, I am not sure I can take anymore" Damon said. Mylo started crying and Stefan brought him back to his mom as he was probably hungry, "Ryder lets go let the parents have their time" Damon said as he drove them back home and Rebekah had dinner ready. They sat down to eat and spent the rest of the evening in silence as a newborn was going to be added to the mix. Soon to be 2 newborns as Rebekah was due with her baby in just a few short weeks.

What will happen now that Lexi had her baby? Will the spell Freya use work? Is Ryder finally out of danger? Damon will finally propose as well!

What will happen now that Lexi had her baby? Will the spell Freya use work? Is Ryder finally out of danger? Damon will finally propose as well!

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