Chapter 27 The truth about Elena

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It didn't take long for Elena to get to Ryder, as she knocked on the door, Ryder took a deep breath and opened it stepping outside. "Oh are we not going inside?" Elena asked, "No to many adults in there, Elena I found somethings out" Ryder said, Elena took a deep breath and sat on the porch not sure if she was ready to hear this. "Okay just give it to me straight" Elena said, "Elena your real dad was your uncle John, and the only thing I could find about your mom was that her name was Isobel" Ryder said. Elena didn't say anything she was just trying to process what was said, "wait my uncle is my father?" Elena said, "according to this yes" Ryder said giving her the info he had printed off. Elena read the information and said "all this was sealed, how did you get it?" "You told me to do what it took, so I might have hacked the adoption agency database, but I did it in good faith" Ryder said. "Ryder if John really was my father why did he never tell me? Why did he have his brother raise me?" Elena asked, "I don't know the answers to these questions Elena, maybe your aunt Jenna will know?" Ryder said, "She doesn't but my real father will, I wonder where he is? Why did he just take off?" Elena said. Ryder knew he was dead but he decided that now wasn't the best time to say anything. Elena continued to stare at the paper as she just couldn't believe what she was looking at. Just then a figure ran onto the porch and withing in a second Ryder was gone.

Elena was stunned "What the hell? Ryder where did you go?" she said trying to figure out what just happened. Elena ran inside and said "Ryder is gone!" "What do you mean gone?" Damon said, "We were talking then this flash like someone running fast and I was trying to figure out what happened and poof he was gone. It happened so fast like I don't understand" Elena said, the adults exchanged glances at each other, "Elena, Stefan will take you home" Damon said as he went out to find Ryder. "What does he think he is going to do?" Lexi asked Rebekah as they were the only ones left in the room. "I don't know" Rebekah said as she tried calling Elijah who wasn't answering. She then called Klaus and was surprised he answered, "Hello sister, have you told your boyfriend yet?" "Nik we have bigger problems, Ryder is missing, he was snatched by a vampire" Rebekah said, "Not sure why this is my problem" Klaus said, "Nik you are the only vampire I know that would help, and Elijah is not answering." Rebekah said, "Fine I will come but Rebekah this really is the last time I help understood" Klaus said. "Thank you Nik" Rebekah said, it didn't take long for Klaus to arrive and he was immediately frustrated that he couldn't be invited inside. 

"How am I supposed to help stuck out here?" Klaus said, "Ryder was last outside when he was snatched" Lexi said. Klaus looked around and said "he was definitely taken by a vampire, but I can't figure out who, I will look around but I honestly don't know what you are expecting me to find" Klaus said as he went searching. Meanwhile Ryder didn't have much time to react as he was swooped off the porch and was running through the trees so fast he had to close his eyes. He couldn't recognize his kidnapper as he tried to break free, but this vampire was strong and he was not letting go. They had finally stopped running and Ryder was put down inside a cell, "Where am I? why are doing this? Who are you?" Ryder said. "Wow with the questions, I am Enzo and this is Augustine's and well I am sure you are here because Dr. Whitmore is curious about you" Enzo said. "Who is Dr. Whitmore?" Ryder said, "I am and I have heard all about you, the boy who can cure vampires. An unknown supernatural, I want to know what sort of other abilities you have" Dr. Whitmore said. "What are you talking about? I have no abilities, I am just a normal teenager" Ryder said a bit frightened. "We are going to have to see about that, we will start running tests in the morning, Thank you Enzo" Dr. Whitmore said as he left leaving Ryder scared and confused. Ryder looked around for anything he could use as a means of getting out, then he remembered his watch. Ryder programmed Chase's collar to connect to it so that if he ever needed something he could just call him. Ryder pressed the button on his watch and said "Chase, record this so you can play it for my dad. I am in some sort of prison called Augustine's, a vampire named Enzo brought me here. A Dr. Whitmore wants to run tests on me hurry please!" Ryder said hoping no one heard that and Chase did. 

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