Chapter 9 Ryder's Birthday Surprise

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Ryder's birthday was in a few days and Damon and Stefan decided they wanted to throw him a surprise party. Damon told Caroline's mother and she told Caroline who of course told Elena and Bonnie and they were excited. "We can't tell him" Caroline said, "obviously not hint the surprise part" Bonnie said. Just then Ryder was walking up to them and they all went silent, "What are you guys doing this weekend?" Ryder asked them. "Oh I have plans with my family we are super busy" Elena said, "yeah I am out of town as well" Bonnie said. "My mom needs my help this weekend some sort of fundraiser" Caroline said. Ryder seemed a bit sad but he tried not to show it. Everyone he was friends with were busy on his birthday and he was hoping at least one friend would come. The rest of the day went by and Ryder didn't even say goodbye to his friends as he was just not feeling it. He climbed into Damon's car and just sat in silence, "What's wrong bud?" Damon asked, "nothing can we just go home" Ryder said, "Sure but I am here if you need to talk" Damon said, Ryder ran up to his room as soon as they arrived home and lay on his bed.

Chase jumped up and said "Ryder sir are you alright?" "Chase all my friends are busy on my birthday. I thought this year would be fun but no one is free this weekend" Ryder said. "I am free Ryder sir, I will celebrate with you" Chase said as he licked him, "thanks Chase you are such a good pup" Ryder said a he cuddled him. "Ryder sir, I am going to go outside I will be back, please stay here every time you take me out something bad happens to you" Chase said as he ran downstairs to the door. Stefan came in and Chase ran out, "be careful" Stefan called to him as he closed the door leaving it open a bit so Chase can get back in. "Stefan, do you think Katharine would be a threat?" Damon asked, "is she a threat yes, but she is inside the tomb with the others" Stefan said, "what if they were to escape, I need to know everyone who is a threat to Ryder" Damon said. "All vampires are a threat to him Damon, I am sure you are aware of this but he has a smell that draws vampires to him." Stefan said, "I am aware it is what drew me to him in the first place, but I worry about him. He seemed sad today and he won't talk to me" Damon said. "I am sure it is nothing, he is not really one to keep secrets. If something were bothering him he would tell you" Stefan said. "I am not so sure but I will let it be for now" Damon said as he had some party planning to do.

Ryder didn't come out of his bedroom for the rest of the evening he was just really sad, as the week has gone by and tomorrow was his birthday. He didn't even really want to celebrate it he just wanted to shut himself off in his room. The next morning Damon woke him up with a special breakfast, "Morning Ryder happy birthday!" he said. "What is so happy about it? none of my friends could come over. It is going to suck!" Ryder said as she covered himself back up. "No none of this moping your uncle is waiting for you downstairs he has a special surprise for you" Damon said  as he gently pulled Ryder out of bed. "Fine" Ryder said as he dressed he wasn't looking forward to going anywhere with Stefan. "Ready bud?" Stefan said as they drove for a little bit to get to their destination. "Where are we going?" Ryder asked, "It is a surprise" Stefan said as he stopped the car. "Ryder there is a saying that when a boy turns 10 in my family he needs to learn to shoot and arrow. I have a bow and arrow here and I want you to try and hit the target" Stefan said. Ryder grabbed the bow and Stefan showed him how to aim and shoot, Ryder tried several times and he wasn't very good. After an hour or so he was able to hit the target, "I did it!" Ryder said excitedly, "Awesome you think you can hit the apple?" Stefan said placing an apple on top of the target. Ryder concentrated and he was able to hit it as it fell off the target, "Ryder you have now become a man in the Salvatore house" Stefan said. "Cool, thanks uncle Stefan this was fun" Ryder said. Just then Stefan sensed vampires coming, "Ryder get to the car" Stefan said. "Why?" Ryder said not sensing the danger, "Go quickly" Stefan said. Ryder ran towards the car but before he could get there they were surrounded by several vampires.

"Going somewhere?" James one of the bigger vampires said as he stepped in front of the car door. Stefan was being held up by a few vampires so Ryder was on his own, "I am not afraid of you" Ryder said. "No you should be, you smell amazing" James said as he grabbed Ryder and exposed his neck to drink, James immediately jumped back when he felt a searing pain. "Why does your blood burn" James said Ryder took advantage and pushed him as he climbed into Stefan's car. Stefan was having a hard time fighting off the vampires as he doesn't drink human blood. Ryder called his dad, "Hello Stefan what is wrong?" Damon said, "Dad its me we are being attacked by vampires, uncle Stefan is losing. One vampire tried to bite me but my blood burned him" Ryder said before he could finish the line went dead and Damon was there. Damon was easily able to kill the vampires, "How are you able to walk in the sunlight?" Damon asked him, "You are not the only one with witch friends" James said as he was still trying to get at Ryder. "Back off my son!" Damon said as he staked James through the heart. Even though he drank Ryder's blood James died quicker then he was meant to. Ryder was horrified as he watched his dad kill all the vampires, he knew they were bad but still it was not cool watching his dad do it. Damon rushed back home as Stefan climbed into the car, "well sorry about that" he said as he drove them back. Ryder was a bit shaken still but when he walked into the house everyone in the living room shouted "Surprise Happy Birthday Ryder!" "wow umm I don't know what to say" Ryder said as his friends gathered around him. Stefan was dealing with the dead vampires as Damon watched Ryder have fun with his friends. 

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