Chapter 15 New Discovery

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Damon was talking with Lexi in the living room, "he said I need to give him more freedom" Damon said. "Well maybe you do, he is 14 and he has been really good with keeping other vampires out. He has a witch for a girlfriend who will literally do anything to save him. I feel like he should be allowed to have a bit more freedom" Lexi said. "I want to Lexi I really do but what if more vampires come into town, he is literally a vampire magnet" Damon said. "Yes but remember his blood kills vampires" Lexi said. "So we think, I mean I have never seen it and there could be something else to it" Damon said. "I think you are just afraid to lose the little boy, he is not a little boy anymore. Ryder is growing up and you can't accept that" Lexi said. "I guess you are right, I am being paranoid for no reason." Damon said, as he headed up for bed while Lexi waited for Stefan. 

The next morning Ryder was up and getting dressed for school as he ate breakfast and said goodbye to Chase. Lexi drove him today as her knew daylight ring totally worked and she was interviewing for a job at the school as a teacher. Ryder was excited to have Lexi around as she was like a big sister to him, and she was way more understanding then Damon. All the guys thought the new teacher was hot as she received the job. "Dude did you see the new history teacher she is smoking hot" Tyler said. "She is way out of your league" Ryder said as he walked by, "Oh yeah what makes you so sure?" Tyler said. "I know her and she has more class plus she is to old for you" Ryder said, "You are asking for me to punch you right now. You little punk you have no idea what I can do" Tyler said. "Go for it Tyler I am not afraid of you anymore, and you don't have the guts" Ryder said. Tyler was about to punch Ryder when Lexi noticed and said "Tyler Lockwood, detention" Lexi said. Tyler glared at Ryder and walked away he would get him back later. "Did you really have to provoke him?" Bonnie asked, "yes he needs to understand that I won't stand for it, he promised he wouldn't be a bully anymore. He is still a bully and I knew Lexi was listening" Ryder said. "Still you could have been hurt" Bonnie said, "I knew you wouldn't let him hurt me. You would have used some witchy magic on him." Ryder said, "Ryder my magic only works on the supernatural Tyler is human" Bonnie said. "Oh well I didn't know that. It is fine though crisis averted" Ryder said. "Yeah until after school" Bonnie said, "Where Tyler will be in detention" Ryder said with a smirk. Bonnie rolled her eyes as she gave up talking to boys was impossible.

History class started and Lexi introduced herself "Hello students, I am miss Branson, I expect good things from you this year. I will expect full attention and no talking, I know all you gentlemen over there are talking about how what is it smoking hot I am? Well I just want you to know it ain't going to happen. Now if we could please turn in our books to page 50." Lexi said. Ryder smirked at the guys trying to check her out as the class opened their books. Lexi knew everything they were doing before they even did it. Ryder enjoyed having her as a teacher as she didn't put up with bullshit and actually cared what the students were learning. She was honest with them which made the class more enjoyable and as she lived through most of the history in the book she could relate and provide facts. 

The school day ended and Lexi drove Ryder home as she was already there and Damon was busy with the council. John Gilbert was not to happy that Damon wasn't inside the warehouse but he never said anything to the others. Carol Lockwood was clearly upset as her husband was caught and she didn't even know he was a vampire. Even though he was a werewolf that never triggered his curse but still the device affected him either way. Ryder was doing his homework in the living room and there was a knock on the door. Stefan opened it and he was shocked at who he saw. "No way!" Stefan said, "I know you are surprised to see me, I was just a shocked when I woke up in a grave of all things" Katherine said. "How are you alive? I saw you and I buried you" Stefan said. "Thanks for that by the way" Katherine said as she gradually walked into the house without being invited. "Wait how did you get in?" Stefan said, "Weirdest thing I can suddenly enter houses!" Katherine said with excitement. Ryder looked at her and he wasn't sure if he should be afraid or not he knew she died from his blood he was there. "I am going to have a shower do you mind?" Katherine said a she went upstairs. "How is this possible?" Lexi asked, "I don't know but we need answers" Stefan said as he called his brother. Damon looked at his phone and stepped out of the meeting and said "Stefan what is it John is really putting on the vampire emphasis here" "You need to come home now. We have a situation" Stefan said, "Can it wait?" Damon asked. "No there is someone here that should not be as in they were dead" Stefan said. Damon hung up and told Liz he had a family emergency and left as he drove home rather quickly.

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