Chapter 3 Meeting Stefan

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Ryder climbed into Damon's car and Damon said "Hello, how was school?" "It was fine but still to easy" Ryder said as he buckled his seatbelt. "We are going to move in with my brother Stefan, he is living in my old house where I grew up." Damon said. "Like your brother Stefan?" Ryder asked, "Yes he is very curious about you" Damon told him. "Should I be worried?" Ryder asked, "I am not sure it has been a while since I have seen him, I promise I won't let him hurt you. We are just going to grab a few things from our old place." Damon said as he speed packed most of their items. "What is going on Ryder" Chase asked, "We are moving Chase to a bigger place, and in with Stefan apparently he is my uncle" Ryder said. "Hmm, I don't know about this" Chase said as he knew that Damon was not really Ryder's father. Of course he never mentioned his past because he was afraid it would make Ryder unhappy. Chase noticed that Ryder was happier since moving in with Damon and he was making friends. He didn't want to make things worse by bringing up a past that Ryder could not remember. 

Damon drove them to their new home and Ryder's eye's grew "wow this is our new home?" he asked. "Yup what do you think?" Damon asked, "It is massive I can't believe we are going to live here" Ryder said. "Welcome home little buddy" Damon said as he opened the front door and Ryder walked inside and looked around. "Wow" Ryder said as he ran through each room, Stefan was in the living room watching as Ryder took in every detail of the house. "Ryder this is Stefan" Damon said as he grabbed his son's arm, "Hi nice to meet you, dad did you know there is a dungeon in the basement!" Ryder said with excitement. "Oh my well be careful please" Damon said as Ryder looked around some more. "He seems like a good kid, I hope you know what you are doing" Stefan said. "Hey I have been doing this for a year, and plus he asked me to make him forget his past so what he doesn't know won't hurt him." Damon said, "I don't know he seems pretty smart I have a feeling he will figure it out eventually" Stefan said. "He is actually smarter than you think, and If he figures it out we will cross that bridge when we get there" Damon said. "How old is he?" Stefan asked, "he just turned 9 on January 13th." Damon said, "Dad I found my room it is huge!" Ryder said, "It better not be my room" Damon said as he followed Ryder and he chose the smallest of the bedrooms. Damon had his room as he knew that Stefan preferred the library room as he was a nerd. 

There was a knock on the door and Damon looked at Stefan, "I didn't invite anyone" Stefan said. Damon opened the door and Sheriff Forbes was standing there in her uniform. "Hello Sheriff" Damon said, "Hello, I heard that some Salvatore's moved back into town and I came to see for myself" Liz said. "Well yes I am Damon, and this is my brother Stefan and my son Ryder" Damon said pointing at everyone. "Damon and Stefan Salvatore? as in from the founding families" Sheriff said. "Yes we were named after distant relatives from a long time ago, I am not really that familiar with the history" Damon said flashing Liz a smile. "Well if you are planning on staying in town just be careful and if you want to join the council just let me know" Liz said as she walked away. Ryder seemed confused as he said "I thought you were the original Salvatore's from the council a long time ago" "We are Ryder but remember what I told you we don't talk about that. We are not supposed to still be alive that was over 150 years ago." Damon said, "Right it is just so hard to remember" Ryder said. "I need you to remember because we can't let anyone know we are vampires we could be in a lot of trouble" Damon said. "I know dad I promise I won't tell" Ryder said as he smiled and Damon said "go do your homework and I will make you dinner" Damon said. "Okay, but I already did my homework" Ryder said, "okay go un pack your things then" Damon said. Ryder nodded and ran to his room with Chase following behind him. "You really trust that he won't say anything?" Stefan questioned. "Yes he hasn't so far and, if I feel like he might slip I will make him forget but for now I trust him" Damon said. "Okay well just so you know, I have no food or blood in the house. I drink animal blood and well we don't eat food" Stefan said. "I will go get some but don't touch the dog, he is not food" Damon said, "don't worry I won't" Stefan said. "Watch him please, I will be back" Damon said as he left to get food for Ryder and blood for himself.

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