Chapter 22 Ryder's horrible night...

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Once they arrived home Ryder just went up to his room and cried he was just so frustrated. He was worried about what his friends were going to think, also he hurt everywhere mostly when he took a breath. Chase followed him upstairs but didn't say anything as he jumped onto the bed hoping that Ryder was okay and would talk when he was ready. Ryder sensed Chase and scratched behind his ears as he lay there wondering how to get through this. Given that it was late and Ryder was tired he fell asleep. Damon came to check on him and woke him up, Ryder groaned as he tried to roll over. "Hey bud just making sure you are okay?" Damon asked, "No" Ryder said, "Okay I get that your angry but are you okay physically?" Damon asked, "My head hurts a bit but I am fine" Ryder said. "I brought some water and a bit of your pain meds if you want it" Damon said. Ryder took the pill and drank water as he tried to get comfortable, "I am also concerned about your face it is very swollen, Rebekah and Lexi insist you put some ice on it" Damon said. "Ugh I just want to sleep" Ryder said, "I know bud tonight is going to suck, but we are all here to make sure you are alright" Damon said. Ryder sighed and took the ice pack from him and put it on his face. "Chase in 20 min make sure that ice pack comes off okay" Damon said, Chase barked indicating he understood as Damon went back downstairs.

Damon set the timer and Rebekah handed him some bourbon as he sat in the living room with Lexi and Stefan. There was a knock on the door and Damon was annoyed someone would be calling this late. He went to the door and was a bit shocked, "Is there something you need?" Damon said, "Yes I want to help" Elijah said, Rebekah hearing her brothers voice came to the door. "Elijah what are you doing here?" Rebekah asked, "Niklaus is just so angry and I needed to get away. Rebekah he is not pleased that your sire line is dead, there were certain people he needed for his little experiment" Elijah said, "Well that is to bad, Elijah I am finally happy why can't he see that" Rebekah said. "I don't know, he was under the impression we would be together always and forever" Elijah said. "We still will be I will just be human, I never said he couldn't be my brother. I still love him always and forever I just have a new life without him" Rebekah said. "I think it is just he hates that you are going to die, it would be easier if I could come inside" Elijah said. "I know but the only one who can invite you in is Ryder and he just went through a horrible ordeal. So tonight is not a good night for this, can we talk tomorrow" Rebekah said. "Sure I will come back" Elijah said as he walked away, "I am not allowing Ryder to let him in this house" Damon said. "I know I will try and figure out what he is really up to, don't worry I wouldn't ask Ryder to do that" Rebekah said. They both went back to the living room and Lexi had made snacks as they sat and talked about Christmas.

Chase bit the ice pack and pulled it off Ryder as he watched his owner sleep, he was very worried about him. Chase knew he wasn't going too sleep at all as he knew Ryder was in danger since he had a concussion, so Chase just watched as Ryder snored a bit. It was hard for Ryder to breath as his nose was broken so he was breathing through his mouth. The timer went off downstairs and Lexi came upstairs to check on him, she was a nurse and is now studying to be one again. Lexi gently shook Ryder and said "Hey sweetie, I need to know you are okay" Ryder moved but didn't wake up, "Ryder please say something to me" Lexi said. He still hadn't woken up and Lexi shook him a bit harder and this caused him to scream, "AHHHHHH" Ryder said, as he opened his eyes. "I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Lexi said, Damon ran upstairs after hearing the scream, "No you didn't I was having a dream, this every 3 hours things is going to be a pain" Ryder said as he rolled back over and closed his eyes. "You sure you are okay?" Damon asked. "Yes dad" Ryder said trying to get back to sleep. Damon and Lexi left and she said "I am pretty sure he is going to have nightmares but he seems okay just really tired. I feel bad that we have to keep waking him up. The meds are making it harder to wake him as well, I think we should just use Advil tonight if he needs it" Lexi said. "Okay sounds good" Damon said as he set another timer. 

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