Chapter 49 Ryder's next problem

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Damon came home just before dinner to a sleeping baby and Ryder was downstairs playing games. "Did he do anything today?" Damon asked Rebekah, "yes he played with Orianna for a while and it was nice as it allowed me to get things done" Rebekah said. "How is he doing?" Damon asked, "he seems okay, I mean I think being with Bonnie again is bringing up his spirit a little" Rebekah said. "Good I never liked Elena, Bonnie is useful at least" Damon said as they heard a crash in the study. Both Rebekah and Damon went in there and Rebekah squealed as she hugged her brother. "Wow I never thought I would be alive" Elijah said, "I am so glad you are" Rebekah said as she hugged him tight, Elijah hugged back noticing that Kol was still not awake. "I have a feeling he will not be waking up" Elijah said, "since he took the cure before you and you are awake first I don't think so either" Rebekah said as she cried a little both sad for Kol and happy that Elijah was alive. Elijah called Klaus and he was thrilled to hear that he was alive, as he promised to come soon and deal with Kol. It was getting late and after dinner Elijah decided to head back to new orleans he had a few things he needed to do. Klaus came as promised and took Kol with him after Rebekah said her goodbyes. Damon went downstairs to check on Ryder and he was in the middle of one of his games. "Ryder" Damon said getting his attention, "yeah?" Ryder said as he paused the game. "How are you doing?" Damon asked, "I am good dad I promise" Ryder said giving him a smile. "Okay it is getting late finish up what you are doing and head to bed" Damon said. "Okay" Ryder said as he went back to his game, Chase went upstairs as he went outside getting ready for bed himself.

Ryder finished his game and had a shower before crawling into bed, he smiled at Chase and hugged him tight as he fell asleep. It didn't take long before Ryder woke up from a nightmare he fell off his bed. "Ouch" he said as he stood up, "you okay Ryder sir?" Chase asked, "yeah I am good, not sure what happened there" Ryder said awkwardly as he climbed back into bed. Chase knew he had a nightmare although he didn't know exactly what happened with Silas and Kai he knew his owner was struggling. Chase watched him closely as Ryder tried to go back to sleep, he tossed and turned and finally just gave up. "Man I am never going to get sleep" Ryder said as he went into the bathroom, he opened his medicine cabinet and saw the pain killers he was given when Tyler beat him up almost a year ago. He knew they would help him sleep but they were a drug and he was hesitant, he put them back and went upstairs to get a drink. Lexi was in the kitchen warming up some milk for Mylo, "can't sleep?" she asked him, "No and I know I am tired, is there something that I can take?" Ryder asked. "You mean like a sleeping pill?" Lexi asked, "I don't know anything, I keep waking up and I am having a hard time falling asleep" Ryder said. "Hmm well I don't have anything right now but I could get you sleeping pills when I go to work in the morning" Lexi said. "I found those pain killers from when Tyler beat me up would they work?" Ryder asked. "Pain killers are not a sleeping pill, they will not do you any good if you are not in pain, Ryder please don't take them" Lexi said. "I won't I am just going to go for a drive okay I will be back" Ryder said as he grabbed his keys and left. Lexi was worried for him but she heard her baby screaming upstairs so she went to feed him. 

Ryder drove his car around Mystic Falls and saw who he thought was Elena and he pulled over, "what are you doing?" Ryder asked her, "what do you care?" Elena said, "Elena I do care, I just it is complicated" Ryder said. "Yeah I am sure it is Ryder leave me alone" Elena said. "I can't you are my friend and you look like you need someone" Ryder said, "I don't need you, not only did you take my virginity but you also lost me my best friend, my family and my whole reputation, I don't need you so just fuck off" Elena said. "First off you are the one who seduced me so that was on you, and second Bonnie is still your friend it is you who chooses to not speak to her and third I am not responsible for anything that happened to your family, they are the ones who came after me" Ryder said. "Oh poor you news flash Ryder life doesn't revolve around you, I don't care about you anymore you ruined my life and I for one don't want to be in it anymore" Elena said as she pulled out a gun. "Where did you get that? Elena please don't do something you are going to regret" Ryder said. "The only think I regret Ryder is ever being friends with you" Elena said as she pointed it at him, "okay calm down, I am sorry I never meant to hurt you. I  will leave if you put the gun down" Ryder said. "You want to leave now? we are just getting things going Ryder. I feel like not only should I end my life but yours too, since you are the one who caused me the most pain" Elena said. "Please don't do this" Ryder said now feeling a bit scared as he pressed his watch hoping Chase would send help. "I can do whatever I want Ryder, you see I don't care anymore and I hate you so much at this point shooting you would make me feel better" Elena said. Chase jumped up as soon as he heard shoot and he ran upstairs to get Damon. "Elena think about what you are doing, killing me is murder and I know you don't want to do it otherwise you would have already" Ryder said. "Shut up Ryder! you are making this easier and easier for me" Elena said as she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. Ryder didn't have anytime to react as he felt the bullet hit him, just then Damon and Chase came into view and Chase tackled Elena before she could shoot herself. Damon ran to Ryder and said "hang in there bud help is coming" as he held Ryder in his arms. "Stay awake for me Ryder" Damon said as he noticed Ryder's eyes closing. 

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