Chapter 5 Revenge plan

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Ryder finished dinner and played a game of chess with Stefan and Stefan was surprised how strategic Ryder played. "Check" Ryder said after 7 turns, "what how are you so good at this?" Stefan said. "I am not you just aren't very good" Ryder said with a sly smile, Stefan laughed he was actually really good at chess he was just shocked at how much better Ryder was. Stefan made his next move and 2 turns later Ryder said "checkmate" Stefan said "alright fine you win, but be warned next time I won't play so nice" "we will see" Ryder said he was enjoying living in this big house. "Time for bed Ryder" Damon said as he watched from the couch, "aw do I have too?" Ryder said, "yes it is already past your bedtime, go wash up and I will come tuck you in" Damon said. Ryder ran upstairs to get ready for bed as Chase followed him, "you know I am surprised this kid really has an affect on you like I feel happier when I am around him." Stefan said. "Yes he does, and he does it is weird right 2 vampires turned good over a child" Damon said. "Well I was always good, what is with the weird things in the basement?" Stefan asked. "Oh Ryder is going to get revenge on the Lockwood boy, his girlfriends have a plan. I am just letting them use the dungeon." Damon said, "Be careful Damon his dad is the mayor of this town, if he finds out we might not be able to stay." Stefan warned. "Chill Stefan, it is all just fun" Damon said as he went upstairs to check on Ryder. Damon went into his room and Ryder was already in bed with Chase by his side curled up. Damon kissed his forehead and pulled the blanket up a bit and watched him sleep. "Ryder you really have changed my life, sleep well my boy" Damon said as he closed his door and went back downstairs.

"You think he will be okay tonight?" Stefan asked, "I don't know I am hoping he won't have nightmares again, if he does I might consider torturing the Lockwood boy myself." Damon said. "I have to go do something tonight you going to be okay here?" Stefan asked, "Stefan I have been on my own for a long time now I am fine" Damon said. "Okay I will be back soon" Stefan said as he left, Damon was curious as to what he was doing but he is main focus was on Ryder. Damon poured himself some bourbon and sat down on the couch just thinking about how much better his life is. Chase had woken up as Ryder was thrashing around a lot and he fell off the bed, he sensed something was wrong and he started barking hoping it would wake Ryder up. Damon heard Chase and he was up to his room quickly as Ryder said "No let me out please! I don't like this let me out!" he screamed. Damon grabbed him and said "Ryder you are okay, you are home wake up" Ryder opened his eyes and started to cry. Damon hugged him and said "It is okay, I promise nothing can hurt you here, it is only a dream" "It feels so real, I can feel the coffin it is hard to breathe, I just want to get out" Ryder said. "You are out and safe, I know it is hard but you have to realize it is just a dream. Tyler will never hurt you again Ryder I will make sure of it" Damon said. "What are you going to do?" Ryder said, "well I can't do anything but I just mean I will always protect you always" Damon said. Ryder nodded as he lay back down, he noticed Chase was missing, "Chase!" Ryder said Chase jumped back onto the bed and he cuddled his pup. "Come get me if you need me okay, I am just down the hall. That goes for you too Chase" Damon said. Ryder rolled over and went back to sleep, Damon stayed close by just in case Ryder needed him again. Ryder was able to sleep through the rest of the night and Stefan still hadn't returned from whatever it was that he was doing. Damon slept a little bit as he kept his ears perked just in case Ryder needed him. 

The next morning Ryder was eating breakfast as he heard a knock on the door, Damon went and answered it. "Hello how can I help you?" Damon said, "Hi I am a social worker, and I have some unfortunate news" the young lady said. Damon closed the door so Ryder was not able to hear, "I am not sure what you would need to tell me for?" Damon said. "Oh um well I am looking for a young boy actually his name is Ryder Jackson" the lady said. "There is no Ryder Jackson here, just my brother and I with my son" Damon said. "Oh well may I speak to the boy?" the social worker said, "I don't see why you have too but I will get him wait in the living room" Damon said. Ryder had gone upstairs and Damon had to think fast on his feet as he went up to his room, "Ryder there is a social worker here, she is going to try and take you from me. I need you to lie to her and don't tell her anything." Damon said. "Why do I need to lie? What does she need to tell me?" Ryder said. "I don't know anyways just go downstairs and see her" Damon said he wasn't going to feel comfortable he needed Ryder to stay. Ryder walked into the living room and the social worker said, "Hi are you Ryder Jackson?" "No I am Ryder Salvatore" Ryder said, "Oh sorry, um do you know this man?" the young woman showed him a picture. Ryder looked at it and said "Nope who is he?" Ryder said. "Well I thought he was your father, there was a note found with him saying his son was taken from him. You are the only Ryder I could find in the area I assumed it was you" the social worker said. "My dad is alive, I live with him. I am not sure who that is but you have the wrong house sorry. I do hope you find his son though" Ryder said Damon felt relief his compulsion had worked and Ryder really did have no memory of his past. The social worker left and Stefan walked in the door. "Who was that?" Stefan asked, "some lady who thought I was this Jackson kid, had a picture of a man said I was his son, weird right" Ryder said as he went back upstairs. "I told you something like this would happen" Stefan said, "Don't worry I didn't do anything I let Ryder handle it and he did better than I thought. He has no memory of his past and the lady was convinced, hell he had a solid performance" Damon said. "Yeah let's hope that is the only time this happens" Stefan said. "Where were you?" Damon asked, "I had to track down a realtor, I want to put the house in Ryder's name, this way vampires won't be able to enter" Stefan said. "Hmm good plan, how do we make it official?" Damon said. "Ryder just needs to sign these papers then our house will be in his name." Stefan said. Damon at this point was glad he had Ryder's name legally changed as it would actually make it official. "Ryder come downstairs please" Damon said.

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