Chapter 21 Bad Choice!

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It was the last week of school before Christmas break and Ryder was excited for Christmas. His new family would make it an exciting end to the year. Ryder dressed for school and he said goodbye to Chase as he climbed into Damon's car. "You think I will get the job" Damon asked his son, "of course you are human now and you know a lot about alcohol they have to hire you" Ryder said as he climbed out of the car. Damon drove to the Mystic Grill as they were hiring a bartender and he thought he would give it a try. Ryder was walking up to the school and he bumped into Tyler. "Watch it punk" Tyler said, "sorry" Ryder said, "Yeah I bet you are" Tyler said giving him a shove. "Look I said I was sorry, I slipped on the ice give me a break" Ryder said. "I will give you a break how about a broken nose" Tyler said. "Lay off Tyler he didn't mean to" Matt said. Tyler let Ryder walk away this time but he still hated him, Ryder knew it wasn't over and he hated that Tyler was such a bully. "You okay?" Bonnie asked, "yeah fine, just ran into Tyler" Ryder said. "Ugh that is so frustrating we obviously didn't get through to him the first time, we need something more" Elena said. "No its fine we aren't kids anymore, I can deal with it" Ryder said as he grabbed his books and walked away. "I'll talk to Caroline" Elena said as she hoped she would be able to help. 

"Hey Care" Elena said sitting next to her friend in English, "hey" Caroline said back, "Can you do something about Tyler?" Elena said. "What do you mean?" Caroline asked, "he is bullying Ryder again" Elena said. "I can't prevent that, Tyler is having issues and he is taking his frustration out on everyone else. I will talk to him but I can't change him" Caroline said as class started and everyone took their seats. The morning went by fairly quickly and Ryder was at his locker when Tyler walked passed him, Ryder turned around at the wrong second and bumped him again. "Dude what the hell is your problem?" Tyler said, "nothing it was an accident I'm sorry" Ryder said. "This is beginning to be a habit with you, you think because you are nerd and have everyone wrapped around your finger, you could just do whatever you want." Tyler said angerly, "No I don't" Ryder said, "you are dead, you hear me after school" Tyler said shoving him. "I am not going to fight you" Ryder said, "you will have no choice" Tyler said as he walked away. Ryder was just going to avoid Tyler for the rest of the day, Tyler had is buddies ready to grab Ryder after school. History Class was the last class of the day and Mr. Saltzman sprang a pop quiz on them and everyone moaned except for Ryder, he was probably the only one to ace it. The bell rang and Bonnie waited for Ryder but he didn't come and she said to Elena, "where is Ryder?" "He went out the backdoor I think he is avoiding Tyler" Elena said. "Yeah I know but I thought he would walk with us" Bonnie said as they heard, "Tyler is going to fight him right now lets go" from several people. "No he wouldn't" Bonnie and Elena said together as they ran out of the school. There were a lot of people gathered in the courtyard as Elena and Bonnie tried to get closer.

Tyler's buddies threw Ryder at Tyler and Tyler said "I bet you aced that little pop quiz didn't you?" "Who cares what I did, I am not fighting you" Ryder said as he tried to walk away but Tyler's friends wouldn't let him. "You will fight me and you know why? because I am sick of looking at you" Tyler said as he punched Ryder. Tyler realized Ryder wasn't fighting back and this was making the fight unfair, "you scared or are you just a pussy? you probably fight like a girl" Tyler said causing everyone to laugh. Ryder was getting annoyed he just wanted to leave Tyler shoved him again. This time Ryder reacted he wasn't going to let Tyler win as he shoved him back, "there you go, a bit girly but at least we have something" Tyler said as he let Ryder try and punch him. "You missed and it probably wouldn't have even hurt you punch like a girl" Tyler said as he punched Ryder again. Ryder felt his eye swell as he tried to regain his balance after that blow. The principal of the school finally came out as someone told him what was going on, they were both taken to the office. Damon was there as well as Tyler's mom who did not look happy. The principal heard both sides of the story and said "Look fighting is a zero tolerance at this school and since the semester is over in a week, you are both suspended." The principal said as Tyler and Ryder left with their parent.

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