Chapter 46 Ryder meets Silas

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The first day back at school went well for everyone and Ryder really felt like for the first time he had nothing to worry about. Well at least that is what he thought but a new enemy to him was currently watching from afar. It was lunchtime and Ryder was sitting with Caroline, Tyler and Elena when he felt a chill. Ryder looked around but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, he looked at noticed Bonnie sitting alone. "I will be back" Ryder said as he got up and went to sit with Bonnie. "I thought they broke up?" Tyler said, "they did" Elena said rather annoyed. "Hey Bonnie" Ryder said as he sat down, "Hey, your new girlfriend won't like you sitting with me" Bonnie said. "Elena is not my girlfriend, I told her the same thing I told you I just want to be friends for now. She just is having a hard time accepting that" Ryder said. "Okay I still don't think I am ready to be your friend" Bonnie said, "I get that but I actually have a favor to ask if you are still willing to help me" Ryder said. "Of course I will always be willing to help as long as it is not illegal" Bonnie said. "It isn't I promise, I just feel a weird sensation like someone is watching me" Ryder said, "I don't feel anything supernatural around except for you as right now you have magic radiating off you" Bonnie said. "Yeah well I have about a dozen protection spells on me, but I just can't help but feel like I am being watched" Ryder said. "Well I will keep my eyes out but you might just be on edge after everything that has happened" Bonnie said. "Yeah you might be right, you know Bonnie I really do care about you. It hurts me that I did this and I am just so confused about my feelings" Ryder said. "Let me ask you this when you look at me do you feel a stronger connection than you do when you look at Elena. If not then she is the one you should be with." Bonnie said, "I feel that I can talk to you about certain things more so than I can her, I feel like you understand what I am going through. I also feel like I may have made a mistake" Ryder said. "Sounds to me like you have a choice to make, and this time maybe do it without a traveler inside you" Bonnie said as the lunch bell rang and she walked away leaving Ryder alone. 

"What happened Ryder? You didn't eat lunch with us" Elena said, "I know I just needed to talk to Bonnie" Ryder said, "but I am your girlfriend now not Bonnie" Elena said. "Elena I told you earlier you are not my girlfriend, I feel like everything is wrong and this wasn't meant to happen" Ryder said as he decided to skip the rest of the day and go home. "Where did he go?" Caroline asked, "I don't know he is in a mood" Elena said as she didn't want to accept Ryder not being her boyfriend. Ryder sped into the driveway shocking everyone as they didn't expect him home so soon. He came into the house and ran downstairs and slammed his door, "what was that about?" Lexi asked. "I don't know, but he is skipping school so something must be up" Rebekah said. "He technically just goes to school for fun he literally is years ahead of everyone else, he already has 2 degrees" Damon said. " Really?" Rebekah said as she grabbed her crying daughter, "yeah, I am going to go see if he wants to talk" Damon said as he headed downstairs, he waited as he could hear Ryder talking to Chase. "Everything is wrong Chase, I screwed up and I am not sure if I can fix it" Ryder said. "What did you do Ryder sir?" Chase asked, "I had sex with Elena that night I died and now she won't leave me alone. I don't know if I even wanted it, I was caught up in everything. I see Bonnie and I miss her and it hurts me so much that I hurt her, I am not sure anymore" Ryder said. Damon knocked, "can I come in?" he asked, "I guess" Ryder said, Damon walked in and said "Ryder what is going on?" "I am assuming you heard some of it?" Ryder said, "I might have" Damon said, "Dad I am just so confused, I care about both Elena and Bonnie but there is something about Bonnie that is pulling me back. I thought I like Elena, but I don't know I just feel like my connection with Bonnie is mor real and I can actually talk to her about certain things" Ryder said. "Sounds to me like you made your choice Ryder, whether it means you never speak to Elena again. As for you having sex well I wish you would have waited but if you are more connected with Bonnie than why did you break up with her?" Damon asked, "I feel like everything that happened over the past few months with Elena got me confused, then the traveler was inside me making choices and I don't know I just didn't feel like myself. Now that I do I wish I could take everything back. I just no I will lose friends in the process and I am not sure I am ready for that" Ryder said. "Well Ryder you don't have to go to school, Alaric told me that you have more than enough credits to graduate and you already have 2 degrees so why even go?" Damon asked. "I don't know I went before to be with my friends, then it was to be with Bonnie now I just don't know" Ryder said, "Well think about it while you are cleaning this room it is disgusting and if you do decide not to go to school I can arrange something with Alaric" Damon said. "Okay" Ryder said as he hugged his dad and lay onto his bed he really didn't feel like cleaning.

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