Chapter 41 Damon's Rage!

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Luke was really feeling the ecstasy he didn't know how to explain it but for some reason the drugs were affecting him weird. Ryder who was not used to drugs his body was having a hard time handling it all. Damon and Rebekah had gone to bed, as Tyler, Matt and Caroline left. Luke as Ryder was with Elena and he snuck upstairs and grabbed some bourbon and something else he didn't know. Caroline left a few more pills of the ecstasy and he drank it along with some bourbon. "Ryder maybe you should stop" Elena said growing concerned for him, she never took the ecstasy as she didn't like drugs. "Dance with me Elena" Ryder said as he tried to dance but he was drunk and high and he was tripping over everything. "Why is everything spinning?" Ryder said, "because you are drunk and high, and seriously so stupid!" Elena said. "Shh don't tell anyone" Ryder said as he laughed and fell over. Elena was worried and she didn't know if she should tell his dad, she went to get Chase. Chase woke up and looked at her "I am not sure if you understand but Ryder needs help" Chase was up and went over to his owner. "A dog! why is there so many of you?" Ryder asked him. "Ryder sir are you alright?" Chase asked, "I am just fine, wow you are so soft" Ryder said as he grabbed Chase's fur. Chase looked at Elena and she said "I don't want him in trouble but he might have took some ecstasy and had some bourbon" Chase was furious had Ryder not learned from the first time. He ran upstairs and woke up Damon, "I think your dog is telling on you" Elena told Ryder, "My dog?" Ryder said as he drank more, Elena pulled it away from him as Damon walked downstairs. "Elena go home, there is a cab waiting for you" Damon said to her. "I am sorry" Elena said as she ran upstairs, Chase had recorded what Elena said as he played it for Damon. He knew something was up and this was the only way he could tell him. Ryder was still not sure what was going on as he was watching his hand float in front of him. Ryder was half aware of what was going on as Luke was in control of his body.

Damon was beyond angry and Ryder did the exact same thing as he did last time and he assumed Tyler was the one to blame. This time though Ryder did it as Luke and after everything his family just did for him Damon was furious. Rebekah called Freya and she was on her way to help as Lexi was busy giving birth. Damon was packing up everything they just set up for Ryder, all the video games and he even disconnected the cable. Ryder was laying on the floor he was completely oblivious to everything the ecstasy was really taking its toll. Freya arrived and she took Ryder into the bathroom and gave him something, "Ryder drink this" Freya said, he did as he was told because he thought it was something good. As soon as he drank it he immediately felt sick and puked he was in the bathroom and Freya was ready as she had him by the toilet. Ryder puked a few more times and he finally came back to reality as whatever Freya gave him knocked the drugs out of his system. "You okay?" Freya asked, "I am in a lot of trouble" Ryder said, " I would say so, your dad just packed up everything in that room" Freya said. Ryder sighed even though he was Luke he as trying to act as if he was afraid. "Drink more of this please" Freya said, Luke only did it to not blow his cover. Ryder puked again, and now he was completely sober she walked out of the bathroom. "Thank you Freya" Damon said as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom, "Go easy on him Damon, he is a teenager and well they are rebellious" Freya said as she left. Damon honestly didn't even know where to start, "I am not sure I can even say anything right now, I was just beginning to think you learnt your lesson. I honestly have no idea what you were even thinking and don't tell me Tyler had nothing to do with it this time. Ryder after everything that happened a month ago I thought you would have learnt something. This room we all made for you and I am so close to tearing it all down and locking you in the dungeon. I am so angry at you, I don't know if I will ever be able to trust you again. If you thought your punishment before was bad this one will be 10 times worse. Ryder go to bed we will talk more tomorrow" Damon said as he left. Ryder just stared at the floor of his bathroom and didn't move for several minutes.

After he regained his composure Ryder stood up and brushed his teeth, he looked at the game room and wasn't surprised everything was gone. He crawled into bed and knew that this was going to be much worse. Chase was certain Ryder was angry with him this time so he slept in the game room on the floor. He knew he did the right thing but Chase felt horrible because Ryder was in a lot more trouble this time. Although Ryder didn't know he actually had a traveler inside him as it was pulling on the strings at the moment. He might be aware of everything but the traveler was making all the decisions. Damon and Rebekah woke up the next morning and went to the hospital, as Lexi and Stefan had their baby at 4 am. "Are we just leaving Ryder alone?" Rebekah said, "Honestly Rebekah I can't even look at him right now. Ryder is in so much trouble after last night he is lucky I didn't destroy his whole bedroom" Damon said. Rebekah didn't push the subject further as she didn't want Damon angrier, they arrived at the hospital. Stefan greeted them and they walked into Lexi's room, "Damon meet your nephew, Mylo Oliver Salvatore." Stefan said as he handed him over, it was a good thing that the baby calmed Damon a bit. "Where is Ryder?" Lexi asked Rebekah, "he is at home, there was a little incident last night and Damon is not happy" Rebekah said. "Little incident Rebekah, it was more than just little" Damon said. "Okay care to explain?" Stefan said, "Ryder decided to take some ecstasy and drank half of my bourbon" Damon said. Lexi was shocked, "are you serious? is he alright?" Lexi asked, "he is fine Freya gave him something and he puked his guts out. I am just I don't even know I can't believe him" Damon said. "I am shocked, why? did he not learn from his first mistake?" Lexi said. "This one he took purposely the first time I am not sure it was willingly but I am not surprised that Tyler was involved both times" Damon said. "Damon don't be to hard on him" Stefan said as he took back his son. "Congrats he is beautiful" Rebekah said as she took Damon home, she wasn't comfortable leaving Ryder alone for to long.

Ryder woke up to his phone ringing and he answered, "hello?" "Luke?" the voice said, "yes" Luke said, "everything working out?" the voice said. "Yeah I may have gotten the kid in a lot of trouble," Luke said, "Honestly whatever, be ready soon" the voice said "Okay" Luke said. Luke dressed and went upstairs as Damon and Rebekah walked back inside, "Morning" Rebekah said hoping Damon wouldn't be to hard on him. " Your uncle Stefan and aunt Lexi had a baby boy, his name is Mylo" Damon said. "Oh" Luke said as he really didn't care. "Oh? is that what you are going to say?" Damon said he was still angry and Ryder's lake of communication was making him angrier. "Cool" Luke said, "Ryder I am so flipping angry and you are just making it worse. Do you even realize how stupid you were last night? Did you not learn anything from the first time that drugs are bad?" Damon said. "I did" Luke said. "You did what?" Damon said angry, "I did learn, and I am just trying to have a little fun" Luke said. "Fun? you think doing drugs is fun?" Damon said now raising his voice, "Everyone else was doing it and I had fun yes" Luke said, "I could honestly just slap you right now, I can't even believe what you are saying. Do you hear yourself?" Damon said really angry now. "I do and I don't care anymore, you are not my father and I am not staying here" Luke said as he grabbed the keys to Ryder's car and ran out the door. If Damon wasn't mad before he was about to be over the top. Luke took off in the car and he realized that he was supposed to act like Ryder and what he just did was definitely not Ryder. Luke drove over to the Lockwood cellar as he knew that was were Dylan would be. 

"Damon before you go all ballistic, I think something is wrong" Rebekah said, "What?" Damon said still angry. "I don't think that was Ryder, I mean I am not sure but I just don't hear him saying those things or doing the drugs again" Rebekah said, "How was that not Ryder?" Damon asked her. "I don't know but just let me call Freya" Rebekah said. Damon was so pissed off with Ryder right now and he was a bit hurt by his words. He took his keys and went to go and find him as even though he was mad he still cared for him. Rebekah explained everything to Freya and her and Klaus agreed to come and check it out even though she didn't think anything was wrong. Damon looked everywhere for Ryder but he wasn't able to find him and he went home even angrier.

"Luke what are you doing here?" Dylan asked, "His dad was pissed I might have said something that might have blown my cover" Luke said. "Go back and fix it, this plan needs to work and we need Klaus for it. So go fix it!" Dylan said and Luke even though he was worried he drove Ryder's car back home. He tried to sneak back in but Damon was waiting for him, "What the hell was that?" Damon asked. "Sorry, I just didn't want to talk" Luke said, "Ryder I am not sure what has gotten into you lately but you are in so much trouble you will not see the outside again for a long time. Go downstairs and stay there till I come get you" Damon said. Luke listened and ran downstairs he laughed when he reached the bottom. Chase knew something was up as Damon was angry and Ryder was laughing about it he was worried.

Will they figure out about the traveler? Will Ryder ever be able to have his dad trust him again? Or will it all blow over? Find out soon

Will they figure out about the traveler? Will Ryder ever be able to have his dad trust him again? Or will it all blow over? Find out soon

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