Chapter 25 Ryder's Choice!

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Stefan arrived shortly after Damon texted him and he looked around but didn't see anyone, "You think someone is following you?" Stefan asked. "I know someone is I can feel it, they have to be a vampire because they are fast" Ryder said. "I am wondering if it could be Elijah" Stefan said, "No it is someone I have never met before, it feels different. Like this vampire is experienced in hunting" Ryder said. "You think he is hunting you?" Stefan asked as they drove back to the mansion. "I am not sure but I feel threatened, like they have a purpose. I feel this is someone who either needs something from me and they are making sure I am the person, or they want me dead" Ryder said. "Well let's hope it is not dead, I will try and figure out who it is maybe we can ask the only vampire we know now who needs a favor from you" Stefan said. "You mean Elijah?" Ryder said. "Yes" Stefan said, "the only problem I have with all of this is that if he keeps doing me favors, I am going to have to do what he wants and I haven't decided yet" Ryder said. "If you want my advice Ryder, it is a bad idea, Klaus enjoys being a vampire if he loses that he will become angry" Stefan said. "I know but not having vampires at all would be nice" Ryder said. "Well it is something to really know for sure" Stefan said as they pulled into the driveway. 

Chase was relieved to see Ryder was okay, as he licked him. "Hi Chase how was your day?" Ryder asked him, "I worried about you Ryder sir, that feeling someone was watching you made me worry. I really like Skye she is a lot of fun" Chase said. "I am okay Chase we are going to try and figure it out, I am glad you have a playmate" Ryder said. "Skye says she likes me too" Chase said with some excitement. Ryder laughed as he went and had a shower, "Rebekah, do you think you can ask Elijah who is following my nephew? Or if he can sense anyone?" Stefan asked. "I have texted him haven't heard back yet" Rebekah said. "Do you think that means he is trying to figure it out?" Stefan asked. "Maybe but Elijah is unpredictable he really doesn't care about anyone but his family and it is hard to get him to open up" Rebekah said. "Well knowing Damon he won't want Ryder to leave the house until we figure out who this vampire is" Stefan said, "are you sure it is a vampire?" Lexi asked, "Yes Ryder says he is fast and that there is a darkness to him" Stefan said. "I can reach out to some of my contacts see if they would know of anyone" Lexi said. "The more info we have the better, see if you can get someone you really trust to offer us protection" Stefan said. "Okay I will ask" Lexi said  as she left to try and get a hold of some of her old contacts. There was a knock at the door and Rebekah looked at Stefan and he shrugged as he wasn't expecting anyone.

Rebekah opened the door to a very disgruntled looking Elena, "are you okay?" Rebekah asked, "Yes I just need to talk to Ryder" Elena said, he is upstairs, let me go get him. Stefan said as ran upstairs Rebekah told Elena she could come in and she hesitated but came inside. "Ryder, Elena is here and she looks really upset about something says she needs to talk to you" Stefan said. "Okay I will be down in one sec" Ryder said as he had just finished his shower. Stefan came back down and said "He will be down in a minute" Elena nodded as she waited for Ryder she looked around the house and it felt different to her, not as cold and eerie. Ryder came down and Elena said, "Ryder we need to talk about something, is there somewhere we can go that is private?" Elena asked noticing all the adults in the room. "Yes we can go to my room" Ryder said as Elena followed him upstairs, "Is everything okay?" Ryder asked her, "No, Ryder everything is messed up" Elena said as she started to cry. "What is going on?" Ryder asked her as she sat on his bed, "Ever since my parents died I felt this hole, and now I am pretty sure my uncle is dead too, but my aunt Jenna just told me I was adopted. So my parents weren't even my real parents" Elena said. "Elena I am sorry, but I am adopted too remember, and if you want I can help you find your parents" Ryder said. "I am not even really sure I want to know who they are, I mean I am literally just so upset they never told me. This whole doppleganger thing also makes me nervous, what if Katherine is what Klaus needs. I could be killed all because of this stupid hybrid curse, I mean was a created just for this stupid purpose." Elena said. "First how do you know all about this? I didn't know you knew so much about Klaus and stuff" Ryder said. "Some guy named Elijah came to be and told me everything said that there was a possibility that Katherine's blood wouldn't be enough, Ryder I am scared I don't want to die" Elena said. "I won't let anything bad happen to you Elena, I promise even if it means that I have to get rid of Klaus myself" Ryder said. "You would do that? How though?" Elena said, "I would cure him just like I did with my family, of course it would make a target forever as his wolf side would be more deadly then his vampire side. I would do it for you though just to keep you safe" Ryder said.

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