Chapter 38 Ryder's consequences

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Dr. Fell came into the room that evening and checked Ryder Lexi was with her, "Lexi you can take him home, he seems to be doing better. Ryder don't do this again" Dr. Fell said, "okay" Ryder said as Lexi finished her shift and she drove Ryder home. They both entered the house and Damon was in the living room, Ryder didn't know what to expect as he looked at his dad. Damon didn't say anything he was still pissed off, Ryder went upstairs and took a shower hoping his dad would calm down some. Chase waited in Ryder's room and Ryder came out, "Ryder sir? is everything okay? Where did you go?" Chase asked, "Chase I did something stupid, if you come downstairs, I am sure you will hear it all. I am in a lot of trouble and well I am afraid to face my dad but I have to" Ryder said as he opened his door and walked downstairs. Chase followed as he was curious but he also wanted to protect Ryder as he didn't know what to expect. "Ryder dinner is on the counter" Rebekah said to him, Ryder ate in silence and it was awkward as he could feel his dad staring at him. "Remember honey he is a teenager, we will leave so you two can talk but be nice" Rebekah said giving him a kiss. Ryder sat on the couch opposite of Damon and waited as he was afraid.

Damon looked at him and said "I am waiting to hear from you first, as I honestly don't know what to say here" Ryder took a deep breath and said "Okay, I was all set to go to bed but after talking to Lexi I don't know. I just wanted to clear my head, so I went for a walk. I ended up back at Tyler's party and to be honest I don't know why that is where I went, I didn't expect anyone to be there it was late. I took the beer he offered and honestly it helped, I didn't expect to keep drinking and I don't even remember taking the drugs. I was really drunk and I know it was stupid" Ryder said he looked at his feet. "Ryder it was more than stupid, first you left the house without telling anyone. Second the amount of crap in your system could have killed you, and third I honestly never expected this from you. I thought I wouldn't have to worry but I don't even know what to say here. I am so angry at you I don't want to say something I will regret" Damon said. Ryder cried he knew he disappointed his dad and he hated that, "I am sorry" Ryder said. "That doesn't even begin to cover it Ryder, you have no idea what you were doing. I guarantee Tyler and his friends didn't either. They are just lucky you didn't die, I will be talking with Tyler's mother and the sheriff about this tomorrow. Ryder you are not to leave this house for anything, I mean anything. I am taking your computer too, and your phone. You will do chores and anything else I need done. You are grounded until I think you learned something understood?" Damon said. "Yes but it wasn't Tyler's fault" Ryder said. "I don't give a shit whose fault it was, it is mostly yours but it was on her property that this happened. How you made it home is a miracle honestly and if Chase didn't find you well you would be dead. Ryder I want you to get your computer and your phone bring it down here and then go to bed" Damon said Ryder nodded and ran upstairs. He did what he was told and ran back upstairs and crawled into bed and cried Chase wanted to comfort him but he was still absorbing the information. 

Skye nudged him to go and comfort his owner and Chase was hesitant but he jumped onto the bed. Ryder grabbed his pup in a tight hug and cried himself to sleep, Chase decided to just leave it for tonight as Ryder had been through enough. Ryder woke up the next morning and he knew it was going to be a rough summer. "Ryder sir?" Chase said, "yeah?" Ryder said, "Why? I had no idea you left. Why did you leave?" Chase asked. "Honestly Chase because I am confused this whole thing with Elena and Bonnie I just don't know. I love Bonnie but there is a part of me that also loves Elena and my head is spinning. I didn't expect what happened to happen and regret it big time but I don't want to talk about it" Ryder said. "Okay" Chase said as he followed Ryder downstairs and went outside. "Morning how you feeling?" Rebekah asked him, "stupid" Ryder said, "well I am sure things will blow over soon, here" Rebekah said handing him some breakfast. "Thanks where is dad?" Ryder said, "he went to work, he is still pretty upset but he will get over it. He left this for you" Rebekah said pointing to the note. "Is he really going to tell the sheriff and Tyler's mom?" Ryder asked her as read the chores list. "Yes Ryder, you could have died. I doubt the mayor even knew what was happening on her property had this turned out differently the mayor would be held responsible for your death" Rebekah said. "I just don't want Tyler in trouble he didn't give me the drugs" Ryder said, "doesn't matter sweetie they were there and he was there. Either way it won't be good for anyone, eat your breakfast you have lots to do" Rebekah said. Ryder sighed as he ate his breakfast so he could start on the chores, they were going to take him all day as their house was huge. 

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