Chapter 47 Silas and Kai plus Ryder

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Ryder tossed and turned all night he was angry at himself as he tried to understand why he kept going to Tyler for help. Ryder gave up on sleep as he went and sat in the game room, Chase followed him and said "Ryder sir are you okay?" "I guess so Chase, I just can't sleep I am trying to figure out when I became friends with Tyler. I mean last year he beat me up and now I am going to him for advice. I just don't know what I am doing anymore" Ryder said as he lowered his head. "I was going to ask you the same question Ryder sir, I mean every time you leave the house and end up with Tyler you come back either drunk or on drugs. I am not sure he is a good influence on you" Chase said. "The thing is Chase I am not sure what even happened today, my dad said I was home for dinner but I don't remember coming back. I don't remember leaving the Lockwood cellar." Ryder said. "You were home Ryder sir I saw you and you ate then went out again, you seemed okay then" Chase said. "I don't know Chase I am not sure it was me, I just am so confused." Ryder said, "It couldn't have been a traveler as they are all dead, is there something else out there that can turn into you or get inside you without you noticing?" Chase asked. "I have no clue, but I can't sleep I am good Chase if you want to sleep" Ryder said, "Nope I am not letting you out of my sight, every time I do something bad happens to you" Chase said. Ryder didn't press the subject further and seeing as it was just after 2 am he didn't think texting anyone would be a good idea. 

It was just after 4 when Ryder fell asleep on the couch, and Damon was shaking him awake after he felt like he slept for 5 minutes. "Did you not go to bed after we talked?" Damon asked, Ryder groaned, "I tried but I just couldn't sleep" Ryder said, "well you have school in about 30 minutes" Damon said. Ryder pulled a pillow over his face and Damon laughed, "Ryder you don't have to go, I am just saying if you are 30 minutes" Damon said as he went back upstairs. Ryder debated with himself as he rolled off the couch, he walked into his room and saw his bed and collapsed onto it. Damon knew that Ryder probably wasn't going to school, and he was going to let him sleep as he really did look tired. Orianna cried as she was frustrated with no one paying attention to her. "My girl daddy would take you out but your brother is sleeping and well I can't leave him today, something is bothering him" Damon said to her as he picked her up. Rebekah was also currently still sleeping as she dealt with Orianna all night and Damon was giving her a break. Damon fed his daughter as he rocked her in the chair they had placed in the living room, Ryder came upstairs shortly after and Damon was surprised. "I thought you would stay home" he said. "I thought about it but I need to deal with something, see you after school" Ryder said as he grabbed his keys and took off in his car. "Well now I guess I can take you out" Damon said to Orianna as he burped her. 

Ryder arrived at school just on time as he ran inside to history class, Mr. Saltzman had already begun and he didn't seem to care Ryder was late. Ryder passed Tyler a note asking him what happened last night he needed answers. Tyler read it he was confused as he wrote something and passed it back, "Not sure what you mean I was not at the cellar last night, I was with Caroline at the grill" the note said. Ryder passed it back "never mind I am not sure what is going on" he wrote. Mr. Saltzman said "Tyler and Ryder if you aren't going to pay attention you can do it in detention after school" Ryder apologized to Tyler for getting him into trouble after class and he said "whatever he finds a reason to put me in detention everyday anyways" Tyler said. Elena came up to Ryder and tried to kiss him but Ryder pushed her away, "Elena look I am sorry I can't do this. I know something happened between us but I just don't have the same feelings for you that you do for me. I am sorry I don't want it to ruin our friendship but I can't change how I feel" Ryder said. "Screw you" Elena said as she ran off, "Don't sweat it bro, girls are high maintenance, guess I will see you in detention" Tyler said as he walked off. Ryder walked up to Bonnie and said "I need help" "Why? what is wrong?" Bonnie asked, "I am not sure I thought I was with Tyler last night but he said he was with Caroline, whoever I was with definitely made me drunk. I can't remember anything and I swear it was Tyler" Ryder said. "As far as I know there is only one Tyler, I am not sure how I can help" Bonnie said. "I am so sick of this I can't stop feeling like someone is coming after me. I just want to be a normal teenager like I am so angry and I hate it" Ryder said. Mr. Saltzman overheard and said "Bonnie do you mind if I borrow Ryder for a moment?" "No not at all" Bonnie said. Ryder followed Mr. Saltzman he didn't know what he was going to do but he listened. "Ryder I am sorry I overheard your conversation with Bonnie, I think you had an encounter with Silas" Alaric said. "Silas? who is he?" Ryder asked, "he was the first immortal being, he can change his face so as to appear as whoever he wants to be. Ryder he is very dangerous as you don't know who he is and he is not a vampire either so I am not sure your blood can cure him. I suspect he is curious about it though, I am going to suggest that you go home and stay there. I will let your dad know what is going on if Silas does have a plan with you it will not be good" Alaric said. "I would rather face this then run from it if he wants me so bad he can have me" Ryder said as he was just frustrated. "Ryder that is not wise, please go home I feel you are in danger" Alaric said as he called Damon to explain. 

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