Chapter 23 Another Salvatore Christmas

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Ryder was released from the hospital the next day and he was shocked when he was home as to how Lexi and Rebekah decorated. "This reminds me of our first Christmas together in this house, when I was 10" Ryder said. "Yes it does doesn't it" Damon said giving a wink to Lexi, she put it together as a reminder they were family always. Now that Ryder was feeling better and was out of the woods for now Lexi and Stefan decided to share their news, "Everyone I just want to say we are very happy to be spending Christmas with everyone, and that we hope we can create Christmas's like this for our baby" Lexi said. No one really understood the meaning behind Lexi's message. Stefan laughed and said "Guys did you hear what Lexi said?" "Yeah she said to create memories like this with your baby, what are you pregnant?" Damon said. "We are, baby is due this summer" Lexi said. Everyone hugged and cheered, Damon drank an extra glass for Lexi, Damon even gave Ryder some bourbon. Ryder was excited he never had it before he took one sip and spit it out, "blech that is gross" Ryder said. Damon laughed, "pity now I can't drink that as you spit in the cup" Damon said. "Sorry, I will just stick with coke" Ryder said as he grabbed a glass and poured his soda into a cup. 

Rebekah went into the kitchen and said "Ryder I haven't told Damon this yet but I wanted to see how you felt about it first. Elijah is in town and he wants to speak with you, he promised not to hurt you and said I can be there too" "What about?" Ryder said, "I don't know he won't tell me until he can talk to you first" Rebekah said. "Dad isn't going to like me talking to him he doesn't trust him" Ryder said. "I know but I do trust him, and Elijah is not angry he appears to be after something but he won't tell me what" Rebekah said. "Okay I trust you Rebekah and this better not be a trick" Ryder said. "Thank you and I don't think it is, Elijah said he would call me when he is ready to talk" Rebekah said. Ryder nodded and went back to the living room he received a text from Bonnie.

Bonnie: hey babe, how you feeling? So wish I didn't have to be away for Christmas

Ryder: I am okay, I am still a bit sore but nothing I can't handle. Me too I miss you

Bonnie: I miss you to my dad's family is so boring I am dying

Ryder: Wish you could see this place it is incredible

Bonnie: me too, k have to go talk soon <3 you

Ryder: bye <3 you too

Rebekah received a text from Elijah that he was outside and Rebekah indicated to Damon who was honestly a bit drunk so he didn't notice. Chase however did and he followed Ryder just be sure he was okay. Rebekah and Ryder stepped outside and Elijah said "Ryder thank you for agreeing to meet me, I am sorry that you were hurt" Chase growled and Ryder said "Chase stop it" Chase stopped but he was ready to jump into action if needed. "Ryder I have something to ask of you and I know it is going to be asking a lot as you could get hurt. I would like for you to cure Niklaus" Elijah said, "What!" Rebekah said, "Rebekah he is a hybrid so it will only kill the vampire side of him therefore killing his sire line, I then will ask you Ryder to give me the cure ending the vampire race all together." Elijah said, "Wow, I don't know if I trust that Klaus won't kill me or if you won't for that matter" Ryder said. "I understand and I will allow you time to think about it and spend Christmas with your family. I assure you that Niklaus will not kill you as he is unaware that I want this done" Elijah said. "Elijah you might die, and Nik as a werewolf only he would transform every full moon" Rebekah said. "Yes Rebekah but we should never have been allowed to live this long and if I die I die, I will take the risk like you. I don't believe that vampires should exist and we honestly do more harm then good" Elijah said. "This smells like trouble Ryder sir" Chase said. Ryder didn't say anything to Chase but he looked at Rebekah and then to Elijah and said "I will think about it" as he went back inside having Chase follow behind him. "Elijah are you crazy this will never work Nik will not agree to it" Rebekah said, "that is why we must force him to do it Rebekah, it needs to be done" Elijah said. "He will know something is up when he is drinking blood from Ryder as you know the cure can only be drunk from his vein" Rebekah said. "I am aware that is why I will use vervain to sedate him then have him drink it without him knowing and only by a little bit as to not kill him" Elijah said. "I hope you know what you are getting yourself into" Rebekah said as she went back inside as well, she noticed Ryder was not downstairs in the living room and she hoped he was okay. Damon was dancing and Stefan was laughing at him as he really wasn't that good. "Rebekah welcome back Damon is all yours we are going to bed" Stefan said as he pulled his girl upstairs. 

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