Chapter 33 Katsyia Vs Klaus

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Katsyia heard the car pull up and said "Here we go" as she prepared for what was about to come. Ryder was scared he knew Katsyia was dangerous as she didn't want to drink his blood she physically wanted him dead. She also wanted everyone he loved dead, this worried him as Katsyia cut his ropes and grabbed him. Klaus entered with Freya and Katsyia said, "before we start this little party, I want you all to remember Ryder as he will not be joining us." Katsyia said as she shoved him. Ryder hadn't realized he was standing over a trap door as it opened and he fell, he grabbed onto the ledge and tried to hang on. Klaus ran towards him but Katsyia stopped him, "No this makes it more interesting, there are several ways this can go, you stop him from falling and he dies slowly. Or you let him fall and he dies quickly" Katsyia said. "I would rather he not die at all" Klaus said as he tried to grab him. Katsyia stepped in causing Ryder to lose his grip as she stepped on his hand. Klaus was unable to save him but another figure appeared out of no where and was able to catch Ryder and fling him up as he fell into the pit instead. Freya took advantage of this and but a barrier around Ryder so Katsyia couldn't touch him. "Go Ryder run" Freya said and he didn't hesitate as he ran outside and saw Damon waiting. 

Klaus took advantage of Katsyia distracted and bit her causing her to lash out and fight Klaus. The figure jumped out of the pit and said "My family will not be harmed" "Elijah, nice of you to drop in" Klaus said as he bit Katsyia again. Freya was able to weaken her as well causing her to collapse. "Now this is going to go 2 ways, you can either die a slow painful death with my werewolf venom in your system. Or I can stake you and kill you that way decide" Klaus said. "Or I can kill you" Katsyia said as she pulled out the white oak stake and tried to stab Klaus, but he was quicker then her. "Did you really think that was going to work?" Klaus asked, "No but now you are the one distracted" Katsyia said as her army of vampires joined her. Klaus, Freya and Elijah were outnumbered by a lot. "Well this isn't going well, I can't control them all" Freya said. "You don't have to" Bonnie said as she joined the battle along with her grams and a few other witches. At this point the vampires were all falling one by one and Katsyia grew angry. She was still weak from the werewolf bite but she was able to jump down the pit. She knew the way out and she wasn't going to let a werewolf bite stop her. Bonnie and her grams lit the building on fire and all the vampires inside were killed as they were created for evil. "I hate that they all have to die, some of them are young" Bonnie said, "yes I know but it is better this way" her grams said. "For who? they are someone's child or brother or sister" Bonnie said, "Bonnie they made the choice to become evil, not all vampires are good" Grams said, "you don't know that they couldn't be good" Bonnie said, "yes darling I could feel their energy and their aura it was all negative in the room" her grams said. "I could feel it to Bonnie and as you get older your witch senses will be able to tell as well" Sabrina said. Bonnie still didn't like it but she wasn't going to argue with the elders.

Damon drove Ryder home and he was again frustrated to be under a protection spell as Katsyia was still out there. "She should die though soon if my brother bit her" Rebekah said, "or she finds  a way to cure herself" Ryder said, "they only cure from a werewolf bite is Klaus's blood and I don't see him curing her" Rebekah said. "Oh and Ryder maybe stay away from Elena for a little bit please" Damon said. "What why?" Ryder said, "well she has gotten you kidnapped twice now and I am not about to lose you again" Damon said. "Neither of those times were her fault" Ryder said. "Listen it is just until Katsyia is dead then you can do whatever you please with her" Damon said. "We are just friends dad" Ryder said, "mmmhmm and I will pretend I don't know you may or may not have feelings for her" Damon said as he left Ryder in his room. "This is stupid" Ryder said, "What is stupid?" Chase said, "nothing Chase" Ryder said. Chase knew something was bugging Ryder but he didn't want to say anything as he didn't want to be kicked out again. Ryder closed his laptop and went into the bathroom and locked the door, he needed to think and showers helped him do that. Chase took the time to leave the room and go outside as he couldn't wait any longer. 

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