Chapter 31 Breaking The Barrier or.....

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Everyone was afraid for Ryder and they were making him feel on edge, not because he was being controlled but that they wouldn't leave him alone. "You are all making me annoyed, like I get it you are worried but I don't need to be watched by everyone" Ryder said. "Sorry it is just we don't know what she will do" Damon said. "I hate to say it but Ryder I do have to go home, I have school in the morning I assume you aren't coming but I love you. There is enough herbs here for a few days I will swing by soon and bring more" Bonnie said giving him a kiss. Ryder kissed her back and said "Do I really not get to go to school?" "Ryder the barrier is for the house only, so no you have to stay here until we have dealt with her" Rebekah said. "Well that is just great" Ryder said angerly as he ran upstairs and slammed the door. "Was that him or her?" Damon asked, "Let us just assume it was him for now, Chase you are on Ryder duty" Stefan said. Chase whimpered a little but went upstairs, Chase barked and Ryder opened the door. "What are you working on Ryder sir?" Chase asked. "I just think you need a little pup door, so I don't have to keep opening my door for you" Ryder said as he continued building. "Cool" Chase said as he watched, "did they send you up here to spy on me?" Ryder asked. "No I came up here to be with you but yes they are concerned" Chase said. Ryder rolled his eyes he was hoping they would get rid of Katsyia soon. 

Ryder finished building the door and he cut a small hole in his door and installed it. "Chase you can use this door to get in and out just simply touch it with your nose and it will open. If it is locked well I am busy" Ryder said. "Understood Ryder sir, can Skye use it too?" Chase asked. Ryder laughed "yes I guess so" he said as he looked at the time. "Jeez it is almost midnight guess it is bedtime Chase" Ryder said as he changed and crawled into bed. Chase jumped onto the bed as well and they were both asleep fairly quickly. It was 3 am when Ryder woke up his head was hurting and he could barely see. "You okay Ryder sir?" Chase asked, "Fine Chase just have a headache going to go get some water" Ryder said as he climbed out of bed. All of a sudden Ryder's vision changed and Katsyia was looking through his eyes, "Good now I can see your house" Katsyia said as she moved Ryder around. It was dark and he kept bumping into things and Stefan woke up to him moving around.

"Ryder everything okay?" Stefan asked, "what yeah I was just getting water and I tripped" Ryder said. Stefan was unaware that Katsyia was currently controlling Ryder as she tried to figure out a way to kill him. Stefan watched as Ryder was headed to the basement, "where are you going?" Stefan asked. "Oh I just need to get something" Ryder said, Stefan at this point knew something was up and as Ryder went downstairs he grabbed the herbs Bonnie made and poured a glass. He followed Ryder downstairs, and he was worried when he couldn't find him, he looked around everywhere. Finally after a few minutes he found him in one of the cells staring at the chains, "Ryder what are you doing?" Stefan asked, "Sorry I am busy" Ryder said as he walked up to the chains and tried to wrap them around his neck but Stefan was fast he grabbed Ryder. "Sorry buddy" Stefan said as he tackled him and forced his mouth open and poured the herbs down his throat. Ryder coughed for a second but then sat up and looked at Stefan, "what the hell? where am I?" Ryder said. "You don't remember?" Stefan said. "I was asleep upstairs, why am I down here? and what is going on uncle Stefan?" Ryder said a bit scared. "What is going is is that Katsyia can literally get inside your head this is going to get worse, come on lets go" Stefan said as he brought Ryder upstairs and plopped him on the couch. Stefan woke up his brother and explained what was going on. Damon was up and sitting with Ryder, "sorry man, until this situation is resolved someone will be with you at all times." Damon said. Rebekah was on the phone with Freya hoping she had any news.

It was a long night as Damon kept waking Ryder up to give him herbs as he didn't want to chance it. Katsyia was frustrated she was going to have to act quicker this time and she might have to do it through someone else. Katsyia went to the high school and observed anyone that could help her she knew Bonnie was out of the question as she was a witch. Then Katsyia spotted Elena and said to herself, "ah the doppleganger now this I can work with" Katsyia said a spell allowing herself to channel the doppleganger blood line. "Elena are you okay" Bonnie asked as her friend nearly fell over. "Yeah tripped I guess, did you hear from Ryder?" Elena asked, "Yeah he is going to be out for a couple of days he is sick" Bonnie said not sure if she could tell her what was going on. "Sick with what?" Elena asked, "not sure they are still trying to figure it out his whole house is on lockdown" Bonnie said. "Oh are they all sick?" Elena asked, "maybe they don't want to chance it" Bonnie said. Katsyia had planted the seed in Elena's mind that she needed to visit Ryder and then the details would commence. Katsyia was still unable to get into Ryder's head as the herbs were working she was frustrated as she waited for Elena.

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