Yuna & Zayn

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Sana's face was covered with sweat and the veins on her neck is visible every time she screamed to push the first baby out of her womb. Tzuyu was just right beside her while his hand are being squeezed every time Sana do the pushing and tried his best not to faint as he feel nauseating from the blood coming out from Sana's vagina.

"One heavy push Maam" The doctor informs when the head of a baby already crowning from Sana's birth canal. Sana did as the doctor said and the first baby successfully got out.

The baby made the first cry. "It's the She" the doctor said and cut the cord before she give it to the nurse to clean her up. "Your baby girl is healthy...Hold on Maam, the baby number two is coming, only push when I said so okay?"

Sana nodded obediently.

The doctor commanded again so Sana use her remaining strength to push out the baby, and she did. "There you go! A healthy baby boy!" she cut the cord and the baby boy has the loudest cry in the room.

"You made it Baby! Thank yo~" Tzuyu was unable to continue his sentence when Sana slap his face.

"Fuck yourself, Tzu! You deserve it! This is so fucking painful!" she blurted out.

Tzuyu was so surprised that he wasn't able to respond and was embarrassed when the doctor and the nurse looked at him.

"Ooops... it's the anesthesia effect sir" the doctor said. "Come here sir you can hold your baby girl" she added.

The nurse told him to put his arms together and guide the head. The nurse gently passes the baby to Tzuyu, he's a bit nervous since it's his first time holding that small human being in his entire life. He was almost teary-eyed when he holds it in his arm, he holds the baby like some kind of fragile glass. He's very gentle.

She's the little Sana they wish not long ago, he just stared at her for a moment before Sana speak again. "Is that a she?" She calmly said. "Yes, baby" without taking off his smile.

Tzuyu put the baby on her side, "What is her name?" He asked.

"You name her this time. I already named our firstborn, now it's your turn"

"I've been thinking of this name for so long baby...we gonna call her Yuna"

"Hm? That's a beautiful name. How do you make it?"

"The last syllable of my name and your name." Tzuyu smiled sweetly. He know that was perfect and his wife will like it.

"Genius name baby, as expected from you." she paused and look at the baby.

"Hello there, Chou Yuna" she added.

The nurse came with the baby boy in her arms, "Sir, this is your baby boy. He's so handsome and no doubt why" The nurse giggled and give the baby boy to Tzuyu.

"Ow! You already know how to hold a baby huh?" Sana said. "Hm. Am I?" Tzuyu replied with his heart flutter. Sana just nodded keenly.

"He's so handsome baby, look at that nose" Sana added while scrutinizing the little boy.

"Yeah. They are so cute. I can't imagine how they fit inside your stomach"

Sana giggled before she asked for naming the little boy.

"What about Zayn love?" Sana comes up with the name with the letters found on their names same as Tan and Yuna.

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