3:14 Theo Fucking Raeken

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Warning: injuries, needles, hospitals, anxiety, angst, small sprinkles of fluff if you look closely, swearing (obviously), violence. I firmly believe that the song above is the theme song for 5b

Mason and Vic helped Scott into the back of Melissa's car when Mason got a text. Scott laid with his back against the far car door, his legs splayed across the cushions. Mason pulled out his phone and showed Vic the screen.

Stiles: if yuo know where vic is, can you tell her to get to the hospital?

"Should probably get there anyway," she said. Her head throbbed. Her shoulder had stopped bleeding since she pulled her knife out but she knew she'd need stitches. She didn't trust herself to do so.

"I'll give you a ride," Mason said.

"You sure?" she asked. "I might get blood on your seats."

He shrugged. "I'll just pour some water on it. Let's go."

Vic patted Scott's foot with her good arm. "Heal up, Scotty."

He didn't say anything.


Mason pulled up to the emergency room doors. It had taken longer then usual. He had taken the long way to let her heal. As much as she could with what the Dread Doctors did to her. He was still a little confused on that part. "You gonna be okay?" he asked.

She nodded. "He's here."

"How do you know?" he asked.

She tapped her head. "I can still hear them. It's faint but it's there."

He nodded. "I'm gonna try and find Liam."

Vic felt her face go blank. It was something she did when she was trying not to let the hurt show. For her, she either showed everything or nothing at all. It was something he noticed when she told him about the Dealers. "Okay," she said. "I'll keep you posted."

"I'll do the same," he told her.

She walked out without another word. She watched as Mason pulled away and out of the parking lot. She put a hand to her shoulder. She'd need to stitch up her jacket again. She didn't mind, if it kept the thing together. She walked into the Emergency Room. She left blood stains on the glass doors.

They should really get a different kind of door, she thought as the red stood out on the clear surface.

"Stilinski, right?" she heard someone say. She looked over to see a nurse behind the desk on a computer. In front of the desk was Stiles. "You said his insurance was with the county? He's a deputy?"

"No, he's the sheriff," Stiles protested. "He's the county, sheriff, okay? He's covered. I mean he should be covered."

"Stiles," she called.

He looked over and his eyes widened. "Vic," he said. He ran over to her but stopped as he saw the blood. "Wh-what happened?"

"A lot," she told him. "I need to get a few stitches though."

Melissa walked towards them, still in her normal clothes. "Come on, sweetie. I'll do it." Vic nodded and followed Melissa to the nurse's station. "I'll deal with it," she told the other nurse. She grabbed the clipboard from behind the desk.

"Is there anyone else we need to notify?" the nurse behind the desk called. "A next of kin?"

"It's us," Stiles said, pointing to his sister. He paused, let his words sink in. "It's just us."

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