2:28 Hallelujah

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Warning: mentions of a mental institution, mentions of a lightning storm, PTSD, mentions of kidnapping, injuries, sports, bad writing I'm sorry

She stood at the edge of a cliff. She knew without thinking that it was Lookout Point. Everyone in Beacon Hills knew about this cliff.

Usually, you could see the entire town lit up with a thousand lightbulbs like the sky had flipped around so the stars were on the ground. Usually you could see the preserve wrap around the town like a mother's hug, protecting the town, the highway that cut through the preserve like a sharp knife.

This wasn't one of those nights.

The soft lights were replaced with bright, harsh fires that lit up the night in a hard, terrifying blaze. The flames made the shadows jump and dance, like it was keeping away the darkness. No, that was wrong. The shadows were trying to stop the flames from growing but they were too strong. The preserve was on fire itself, half the trees burned, the others cut down by a force like a ram with knives in its horns. The highway was piled with cars, each one going nowhere and abandoned. Between the vehicles bodies lined the pavement that had turned red.

She knew she wasn't alone. She knew this new presence wasn't hostile. Not to her at least. The presence wasn't human, not entirely. But it wasn't all animal either. It was like it was... parts of both.

"What happened here?" she asked. "What happened to my home?"

A cell phone ringing broke Vic from her dream. She peeled her eyes open. She felt the memories of the dream fade away like sand through her fingertips. But she still remembered the emotions she felt. The horror, the fear, the confusion.

She reached up and grabbed her phone off her nightstand. She squinted to look at the screen. She expected Ethan, or maybe Isaac who would text her at random times in the night, not caring about the time difference.

But the screen read neither Motorcyle Guy or Giant Lahey.

She pressed accept and held the device to her ear. "Hello?" she asked, her voice groggy.

"Hey, did I wake you up?" Liam asked.

"Yes," she said bluntly. "What do you want?"

"I didn't know you would be asleep," he said. He sounded like he was mentally beating himself for even considering calling.

"Well I was, now I'm not. Now explain why you called before I reach through the phone and punch you," she said.

"I-I couldn't sleep," he said quietly. "I just, I felt like I wanted to talk to someone, but I didn't want to talk to Scott. I couldn't talk to Mason and my parents-"

"So that left me," Vic finished. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

There was a pause over the phone before he said, "Can you come over?"

"That bad?" Vic asked.

There was a pause, like he was nodding before he remembered she couldn't see him, before he spoke, "Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing."

Vic sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm on my way over."

"You gonna get your brother gonna drive you?" Liam asked.

"No, I'm calling an Uber," she told him. "I'll be there in a few."


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